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  • 0
    He's dexterous WITH a musical instrument/ AT drawning , thumbsucker, remains unclear, in all likelihood , She talks on about her opinions and ideas , He drives very inconsiderately of other drivers , She's only interested in leaving work and going home, For your enlightenment , couriously, decline, Respond to our enviroment- , unlike , budget deficit, She crosses the road without bothering to look at trafffic , potentialy, this could help slow down the physiological ageing of the brain , He keeps count of every penny he has and only spends money if he must , gapping, solitary activiti, to commit, indeed, invading, She drops rubbish abywhere abd never puts it in the bin , tribe, He's a bit wild, always getting into fights and other trouble , He is all thumbs , She avoids paying when she travels on public transport , likelihood, There's little likelyhood thet she'll agree , bulling, spatial awerness, they want to bully him into cheating during the competition, dran, lobuz; nekanie
  • 0
    spodnie sa za szerokie, r Spiegel, e Kurzhose, e Bluse-n, Chętniej, r Handschuh-e, e Vinkleidekabine, Der Anorak ist zu klein, e Buher, r Anzung-''e, was hat der mann an, Die Hose ist zu eng, Wie kann ich Ihnem HElfen, e Jacke, Ich habe 2 Hosen, e Armbanduh, Der Mantel sitz gut, Der Anorak ist (mir) zu teuer, Der Mann hat ein Hemd, einem Mantel und Stiefel, e Toilettenartikel, tragen, weit="eng, e Badehose, Eine Frau sucht etwas zum Anziehen, fast immer, r Pullover, s Hemd-en, steht dir gut, e Sportschuche-e, an-haben, r Trainingsanzung-e, Ich möchte diese Bluse anpobieren - projektowanie graficzne, uslugi programistyczne
Wszelkie prawa zastrzezone 2008-2024