Słówka z Matura Masters poziom upper-intermediate unit 8
housing market, troops, break even, collateral damage, unemployment benefit, overdraft, join the armed forces, rifle, equivalent, go to war, pay through the nose, conscientious objector, drop bombs, uprising, hostage, stock market, declare war, live on a shoestring, terrorist cell, expenditure, live beyond your means, there are no two ways about it, call a ceasefire, secondary income, treaty, laurel leaf, war veteran, overthrow, make ends meet, pricey, warfare, shop around
un orage, septembre, novembre, juin, il fait beau, il fai mouvais, a'l ouest, decembre, l'hiver, il grêle, il neige, il y a des nuages, l'été, il gèle, une eclaircie, il pleut, il y a de l'orage, janvier, avril, il y a du brouillard, l'automne, il fait froid, juillet, mars, octobre, il y a du vent, août, au sud, il fait chaud, il fait bon, a'l est, mai
unit 9
be in the same boat, travel light, come to standstill, tram, to die for, apprehensive, drive someone mad, gather, nick, overtake, response, ruin, open up to sth, ground staff, lane, season ticket, flag down, last someone a lifetime, air ambulance, all along, be starting to take off, the other day, rescheldule, go missing, baggage reclaim, truck, clear up, boot, prior to, aisle, goodwill, small talk
Unit 10
highly recommended, mesmerize, fatigue, masterpiece, forensic medicine, bookworm, classic, juggler, make a clean sweep, remain true to, let alone, atmospheric, ringmaster, chorus, sketch, wary, pilot, tamper with sth, subconsciously, go down well, highlight, endless, for the second year running, by far, be at it, wade through, timeless, relieve, right up your street, pull out all the stops, star-studded, keep you on the edge of your seat
pay over the odds, make an informed decision, frauder, no-claims discount, forthcoming release, give the hard sell, verr, endorse, blatant, launch campaign, cover, jingle, catch you out with, hip, slogan, scam, gimmick, put your foot down, interest rates, valid, thought provoking, promote, balance, claim damages, fall for, pouvr, emerge, follow blindly, viendr, insecurity, exposure, sign of the times
La boite a outfits
des ballerines, un pantalon, un bonnet, un soutien-gorge, un collier, un costume , une montre, un tee-shirt, une culotte, une écharpe, un jean, une minijupe, des gants, une ceinture, une bague, un pull, un maillot de bain, un anorak, une robe, un manteau, un jogging en tissu synthéthique, un débardeur, un bracelet, des chaussures