inżynier budowlany, ładunek użyteczny, pojazdy dźwigowe, zapasy, dostawy, prefabrykowany wbijany pal betonowy, poruszać się, wznosić się, uruchomić, inżynier, projektant, stacja ruchoma, stalowy,pokryty stalą, zawiesina z gliny, system hamulcowy, dryf, znoszenie, bezzałogowy, gleba zwięzła, opór tarcia, wiercony na miejscu pal betonowy, strukturalnie zbędny, podstawowe zastosowanie, średnica, łożysko uszczelnione, przesyłać energię elektryczną bezprzewodowo, człowiek za burtą, kawałki szczątków/odpadów ze stacji, inercja, bezwład, pas napędowy, specjalne satelity, elektromagnetyczny, energia słoneczna, zyżucie energii, sprzężony z , podłoże skalne
wykres słupkowy, pozostać, wykres kołowy, znaczny, znaczący, skakać, wzrosnąć o, osiągnąć szczyt, zmniejszać się, lekko, mało, systematycznie, dramatycznie, szybki/gwałtowny, stabilnie, bez zmian, w górę, spadać, stopniowo, nagły, wzrastać, spadek o, nagły, spadek o, gwałtownie, stały, ostro, znaczący, pozostać stałym, wyrównać do poziomu, trend wzrostowy, tabelka
puesto de la once, coges, jueves, mejor, el paseo, deber, domingo, seguir, cruzar, una exposición, la esquina, bayar, la rotonda, el ayuenteamiento, bicicleta, en dirección, el detergente, viernes, grande almancene, para llegar, tomas subir, el martés, todo recto, sábado, cierra, ya estas, esta a unos, el sello, abre, el miercolés, girar, horario
a triangle, an ellipse, external/reflex angle, a cylinder, derivative, multiplication, a prism, a pyramid, vertex, substraction, bisect, a cuboid (a rectangular prism), hexagon, factorial, right angle, division, heptagon, a sphere, a plane, a sphere, rhombus, acute angle, a circle, isosceles, a cone, a hemi-sphere, a point, a straight line, nonagon, octagon, addition, diagonal
thorhy path, harsh, alongside, recruitment, set aside, jobseeker, trickled, caste, violation, hiring, ridiculous, rid, mandatory, fringe benefits, unethical, visual-spatial, harshly, harassing conduct, issue, proof, glass ceiling, diminishing, plight, indeed, vehmently, reprisals, impairments, prominently, circumstance, boost employment, unlawful, poverty-stricken
unit 2
outerjacket, Blade , sort, Coated, Drivebelt, obstacle, Hammerhead, Exploitation, Bronze, Joiner'shammer, Composition, Post-usephase , meltdown, Environmentalaudit, rust, Efficiencygain, Chrominium, thermalstability, pine, steeltiewire, planeoff, thermalabsorption, Friction, Regenerativebraking , Water-resistant , Submarine-gradesteel , Appliance , Fine, Chassis, puncture, weld, Fragility
ultimately, permeability, auditory, abandon, regardless, indeed, features, enhance, significant, erase, don, adjustment, purchase, survey, vital, embody, essential, predict, self-absorbed, come into, design, profound, sensibility, sustainbility, temper, identifable, brand, grab, surface treatment, appropriate, blissfuly, aesthetics
free movement floor, rough sketch, design brief, deck, elevation , high bay warehouse, inherently imprecise, finish, superflat lane, floodlight, hollow, beam, inter-team communication, contractor, wall-mounted, reinforcing bar, compact(surface), sprinkler, vertical reach, approximate dimensions, note, clash, discrepancy, hydraulic hose, conflicting dimensions, hard copy, ordinary(slabs), black bolt, preliminary drawing, branch, automated guided vehicle, floor specifications
retain, handful, low end, proximity, urgently, assembly , loopholes, repeatedly, contender, sophisticated, anecdotal, entrepreneurial, overwhelming, obstacle, viable, emerged, impediments, strugge, bias, fraction, pattern, nullifying, prior, plot, justification, full-blown, tackle, household, expeditiously, consistent, competitivness, stringent
high-frequency movement, wear and tear, plug, anomaly, loose connection, exceed, pushrod, gauge, imbalance, oil pressure, faulty, quarry, right-hand engine, alignment, abrasion, sealed, within acceptable parameters, torque, shaft, access panel, wing support, minor fault, reliability, shocks, slight anomaly, nut, air filter, tanker truck, replace, top out, short-circuiting, quantity
convector, domestic electricity supply system, exert, precaution, the gap between two values, all steps in a process, from start to finish, man-made lake for storing water, automatic control of a system, device or process, pinpoint, closed tank which can hold a pressure greater than the atmospheric pressure outside it, conveyor belt, electricity generated using water pressure, stored electricity (potential), how often something happens, alternating current, the amount of supplies used, radiation, company which generates electricity at power stations, used in engineering to describe industrial processes and the flow of liquid/air in the pipe networks (opposite = upstream), process of cooling to temperatures below atmospheric temperature, the best/most efficient, when device is ready to operate immediately, chemical reaction which produces heat (opposite = endothermic reaction, which absorbes heat), a total quantity so far, controlled by a person, the entry value, for example at the start of the process, a specified period, the exit value, at the end of the process, occurring, movement of a substance, a value often expressed with per, like units per hour, computer aided system - computer software for producing engineering drawings
unit 9 - kartkowka
souftware which calculates and analyse problems that involve fluid flows, trials to compare two different solutions in the same conditions, prove theoretical concepts by testing them in reality, proven to be reliable through real use/trials, outdoors, in a real situation, a crucial trial to prove whether or not something works, be convincend, data gathering, mack-up, comprises, describes something simulated by software, not physical, a practical test of something new or unknown to discover its effectiveness, validate