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Pakiety użytkownika izasolis
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    autor: izasolis
    Unit 1 słówka z podręcznika
    interior , curly, sense of humour, deadline, up-to-date, pity , work out , superior , tired, insecurity , relaxed, rambling , complexion, fun-loving , bait , a shadow of one's former self, predictable , spiky , weak, harmless , shoulder-length, attack, directly , plain, rough , mediation, complaint , stumble , hold your tongue , appreciate , modest , netiquette
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    Filozofia różne pojęcia
    rozkosz jest najwyższym dobrem, celem życia, styl życia polegający na dążeniu przede wszystkim do przyjemności., wszechstronna znajomość wielu dziedzin nauki, cnota, teoria poznania, w budowie świata wyróżniamy wiele elementów, stanowisko w teorii bytu i filozofii przyrody, według którego każdy byt jest uformowany przez materię i formę, postawa etyczna, charakteryzująca się nieuznawaniem wartości i norm obowiązujących w danym środowisku., nauka o bycie, nauka o kosmosie, wiedza wynika z doświadczenia, pogląd według którego człowiek stanowi centrum i cel wszechświata, dziedzina filozofii, zajmująca się pięknem i innymi wartościami estetycznymi, nie ma prawdy absolutnej, wiedza zależy od zbyt wielu czynników, wszystko jest zbudowane z 2 elementów (dusza i ciało), dusza i ciało, Miał łączyć piękno i prawdę z trwałymi wartościami akceptowanymi przez rozum. Uważał, iż świat jest uporządkowany - pełen harmonii i ładu, pogląd, że istnieje wiele systemów wartości i żaden z nich nie jest systemem absolutnie najlepszym, więc różne kultury są uprawnione do stosowania różnych systemów, świat jest zbudowany z jednolitej substancji, metoda rozmowy stosowana przez Sokratesa wobec tych, od których nie spodziewał się żadnego pouczenia; służyła do usuwania pozorów prawdy, metafora występująca w Państwie Platona, przedstawiająca uwięzionych w jaskini ludzi, przykutych do skał łańcuchami, którzy oglądają jedynie cienie (zjawiska) prawdziwej rzeczywistości; , nauka reguł sprawnego, logicznego i pięknego wysławiania się, przepis określający właściwy sposób zachowania, oparty jest na istnieniu dwóch światów czyli na świecie idei –doskonałym i świecie odbijającym te idee, który jest niedoskonały, dział filozofii, zajmujący się badaniem moralności i tworzeniem systemów myślowych, z których można wyprowadzać zasady moralne, empiryzm epistemologiczny, doktryna filozoficzna zajmująca się etyką i uznająca cnotę za najwyższe i jedyne dobro; warunkiem pełnego szczęścia oraz wolności człowieka jest zasada umiarkowania , największym dobrem jest przyjemność, uzyskana przez uwolnienie się od wszelkich trosk, nauka o człowieku, nauka o bogu, sceptycyzm, prawdziwym dobrem i celem życia jest sama cnota, a wszystko inne powinno być dla człowieka całkowicie obojętne., zasada uznająca popadanie w skrajności za zło, i w związku z tym zalecająca umiar
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    Ich in der Welt
    wahrscheinlich, zu Ende gehen, ehrlich, waschen sich, Tochter, der Fuß, die Füße, sich streiten, spannend, dauern, die Schwiegereltern, modisch, die Synagoge, in die Disco gehen, altmodisch, der Buddhismus, Geschwister, Großmutter, die Grunschule besuchen, ernst, Großeltern, moslemisch, Cousin, freundlich, beten, trainieren, Beifall klatschen , im Freien, Onkel, anhaben, Geld verdienen, eine gute Ausbildung bekommen, die Buddhisten
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    Stolice państw Europy (po polsku - państwo, po Geografia - stolice)
    Vaduz , Paryż, Sofa, Amsterdam, Bruksela, Belgrad , Kijów , Wilno , Kiszyniów , Tirana , Lizbona , Rzym , Reykjavík , Sztokholm , Valletta , Dublin , Bratysława , Oslo , Sarajewo, Watykan , Skopje , Berlin , Podgorica, Ryga , Berno , Helsinki, Wiedeń, Monako , Lublana , Kopenhaga, Tallinn, Luksemburg
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    autor: izasolis
    Unit 2 Pearson
    outnumber, available, responsible, reinstall the software, verbal comunication, application, force sb to do, constantly, overtaking, migrant, pay attention, my name will be mud, signal, turn down application, sighing, insufficients money to support their families, refugee, exile, standby ticket, terminate, retaliation, punishment, reprisal, intimidating, in good voice, exodus, many people leaving one location, attitude, makeshift, temporary, genuine, true, give it try, unfriendly, distinction, undervalue, exaggerate, nonexistent
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    unit 3 pearson
    influence, waist, adapt to, wheelchair-bound, meanigful, limitation, practical approach to life, admire, cope, condition, pop in, siągnięcie, calmness, inspiring words, irrational fear, place, neurologist, schooling, disabled, modify, deaf, swap, downright, absolutely, field, activist, clap, moving, severely, individual, plumbing, replace
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    Welttour 2
    sich befinden, in der Nähe von, alt, die Stadt, gefährlich, gebildet, den traditionellen Beruf erlernen, ein sicherer Ort, die Ausnahme, mehrstöckig, modern, arm, zugleich , bunt, ausgeprägt, morbid, dreckig, hassen, geschamacklos, ziemlich, halt, geschmackvoll, im Stadtzentrum, wegen der Anzeige anrufen , weich, schick, Kaltmiete, die Zweizimmerwohnung, das Gefühl, verbringen, es gibt, laut
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    Wealth and poverty
    filthy rich, deprived, rich, impoverished, pawn shop/ pawnbroker's, made of money, malnutrition, anniversary, homeless, starving, to tighten one's belt, destitute, beggar, the homeless, man of means, heiress, loaded, starvation, beg (for money), sb can/ cannnot afford, to pawn, the rich, to get rich, social security, woman of means, to live in luxury, unforgettable, inheritance, to make both ends meet, the underprivileged, at times, well off/ well-to-do
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    The homeless
    voluntary work, raise a question, warm bed, squatter, an affordable place to rent, respond, hot meal, affordable place, meagre resources , appeal for donations and voluntary work, derelict building, reluctant, commandeer, eviction, take possession, miss government money, in this respect, desert, charity organization, hovel, press interview, appalling condition, deserted property, demolition, habitable, pull down a building , be reluctant to give up plans, the dispossessed, survey, the desolate, end up on the street, sleep rough
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    sentencje na spr
    officium officio provocatur, ab alio expectes, altĕri qoud fecĕris, duobus litigantĭbus tertius gaudet, caelum capĭte perrumpĕre conaris, multa petentĭbus desunt multa, pariĕti loquĕris, conscientia mille testes, domus propria domus optĭma, fletus et stridor dentium, improbi semper sunt in metu ne puniantur
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    autor: izasolis
    Unit 4 pearson
    warn, inspire, mainsteam, be covered in sth, the Caribbean, continuously, salespeople, restless, emerge, uncoordinated, take the lead, personal, hammer, invent, hum, ponder, logical-mathematical intelligence, blackened, element, linguistic intelligence, notice, predict, significant, scientific, fashion icon, funfair, magnetism, sensitive, curious, catch a glimpse of sth, vehicle, unhealthy
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    autor: izasolis
    Unit 5
    pattern, ignore, kindergarten, post, social networking site, aim to do sth, keep on doing sth, turn out , reduce, involve doing sth, splash out , pay the money back, reconnect, in a cold sweat, psh oneself to the limit, de-friend, cheerful, (sb is) likely to do sth, wake up to reality, jog, stroke, therapist, miss out on sth, mussel, get out of hand, unexpectedly , mention, vast, quantity, lock, gingerbread man, concentration
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    Kapitel 3
    der Anzug, gemustert, zittern, die heutige Jugend, seelisch, Man muss nicht überlegen, was man anzieht, denn, den neuen Stoff wiederholen, locker, regelmäßig, sinvoll, Schuluniformen sind langweilig und häufig hässlich, ernst, das Hemd, der Rock, sich messen, leiden unter, ordentlich, w kratkę , der Kopf, die Hose, der Fuß, der Schmuck, begeistert, das Abitur, seit dem Jahr 2007, empfinden, beibringen, zusammenkommen , aussehen, die Drehung, -en, der Wettkampf
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    autor: izasolis
    unit 6
    scratch, criticism, face, let sb in on a secret, historical fiction, plot, thug, a range of , publicity, gaze, bitterly cold, villain, protect, reluctant , make sth up, act of bravery, decipher , recommended by, challenging, pass sth on , discreet, landmine, potential, discretion, biography, spy thriller , gleam, recommendation, bound in , obliged to do sth, timidly, keep sth a secret (from sb)
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    autor: izasolis
    Unit 7
    portrait, theatregoer, a bet of roses, memorable, publisher, sentimental, mimic, neat, publish, brilliantly inventive, drawing, atmospheric, composer, appreciate, camerawork, mime artist , busker/steet perfomer, centre of attention, interact with, dramatic, the dark side, temptation, record-breaking, gasp, busk, charcoal, composition, roar, obscurity, definitive, sensational, oil painting
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    funny/humorous, ghastly, violent, colorful, the story begins when, depressing, well-written book, bloody, informative, typecast, page-turner, wooden, riveting, the film reaches a dramatic climax when, heavy-going, thrilling, charming, the cast is excellent/weak, the film tell the story of, hilarious, amateurish, screenplay, chilling, sophisticated, it is rather long/confusing/slow, dazzling, impenetrable, spectacular, lowbrow, stunning, appaling, astrounding
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    rise at an accelerating rate, vacancy , axe (reduce), stay away from work, labour disputes, no sign of economic recovery, benefit, share a view, claim benefit, stunning (prominent, striking), short-term recession, dole , put out of work, crackdown on dole fraudsters, economic stagnation, idle, drive a company out of business, redundancy (dismissal), call for reforms, coincide, sustained recovery, challenge sb's authority, lay-off (temporary dismissal from work), accelerating rate, halve (lessen by one-half), appease, dole queues, compulsory redundancies, pay the price, unemployment benefit , make redundant, fill existing vacancies
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    portable, violation, remote locations, pliable, for political ends, exploited, attempt at killing, diversities, smallpox, casualty, vapour, down, occur, bow to demands, livestock, create a hazard, intimidation, abolition, stamp out, tribes, preset, frequently, losses of life, fulfil demands, disperse, detecting devices, anthrax spores, facilities, assassinations, hideous, fuse, antigovernment plot
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    gemeinsam die Küche benutzen, Probleme lösen, Kinder erziehen, Regeln beachten, Streit haben, Haushalt führen, Hilfe brauchen, am Abend ausgehen, auf die Kinder aufpassen, Hausarbeiten ausüben, j-n wie ein Kind behandeln, Regeln aufstellen, unter einem Dach wohnen
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    autor: izasolis
    unit 8
    develop, steady, sharply, blank look, trapped, radio-controlled , take shape, hunger, sewing machine, increase, poverty, never-ending, painfully, nail, correction fuid, lawn mower, effective, burglar alarm, generate, dramatic growth, hold back, secret agent, travel insurance, download, windmill, sew, small-minded, protection, lab, harm, considerable, power
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    Kapitel 4
    im Seniorenalter, die Einsamkeit, die Arbeitsstelle, unter sich bleiben, von einer Mauer umgeben, auf der ganzen Welt, niemals, die Tochter, der Trauzeuge, der Bräutigam, lustig, geizig, die Sicherheitseinrichtung, liebevoll, der Börsenmakler, das Amt (Ämter), der Onkel, kühl, das Verkehrsschild, nach Amerika ziehen, das Hochzeitpaar, die Ehe, die Großeltern, der Bruder, der Verwandte, das Haustier, der Sohn, dumm, die/der Frichvermahlte, die Großmutter, im Freien, jeden Tag
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    Kapitel 5
    Entwicklungsländern, bis zu zwei Stunden, gar nicht, aufmerksam, tätig, das Jugendarbeitsschutzgesetz, Austräger, bekannte Leute, erwirtschaften, gelten für (es gilt), stundenlang, Rasen mähen, Aushilfe im Garten, Plakatierer, Plakate aufhängen, unter gefährlichen Bedingungen arbeiten, laut, der Platzanweiser, Bedingungen, Sklaven, bedeuten, verbieten, schuften, Bauern, Hund ausführen, Zeitungen oder Werbung austragen, die Eintrittskarten, ausbeuterischen, Ziel, Aushilfe im Bistro, Hundensitter, Geld verdienen
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    autor: izasolis
    Unit 9 pearson
    disappointing, sample, kill time, kidnapper, disappointment, interfere, blackmailing, sociology, invest, kidnapping, pay the price for sth, account, stockbroker, the latter, deposit slip, payback time, flip sth open, pay sth off, law enforcement agency, spare, bar exam, confess, pose a threat to sth, cash, stunt, do badly, trick, legitimate, careless, steal sb's identity, trusting, rip sth up
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    Kapitel 5 film
    fällig, beruhigen, besonders, einige, an der Reihe sein, süß, der Knochen, der Otter, die Praxis, Praxen, die Behandlung, -en, die Untersuchung, -en, ungewöhnlich, das Haustier, -e, der/die Fremde, -n, der Tierarzt, gesund, lohnen sich, behandeln, die Röntgenaufnahme, schließlich, vorkommen, selten, das Kaninchen, die Reihe, der Hamster, der Besitzer, das Meerschweinchen, umgehen, gefallen, anstregend, brechen, verschlucken
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    autor: izasolis
    unit 10
    autonomy, bruised, run-down, tumble dryer, give sb a hand , household name , gutter, terrace, rolling dunes, leafy lanes , shack, showcase, crammed, what's more , towered , inverted , plain, relatively , ornament , mantelpiece , rustic, infinitely , commonplace, money well spent, marvel, exterior , damp, overhanging trees, lawn , settle in , lodgings, gourmet chef
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    Kapitel 6
    der Spaziergang, -gänge, übergeben, das Teamwork, der Schauspieler, zähmen, völlig am Ende sein, der Grund, durchgefroren, verlassen , aufregend, die Schlucht, -en, das Schlauchboot, das Asthma, die Mutprobe, -n, fordern, statt, Schiss haben , bestanden , der Weg, ausgestattet, die Mahlzeit, unter Fettsucht leiden, politische Reformen durchführen, übereinander, zukünftig, der Fluss, die Flüsse, die Mischung, -en , die Wildwassertour, -en, zu Fuß, verändern, enthalten, der Rest, -e
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    autor: izasolis
    Unit 11
    charming , campaign , footprint, sheltered life , emit, suicide, neatly folded , tearfully, off sick , get-away, get round sth , sudoku , pitfall, riddle, good conversationalist , patch up , spot the difrerence , of its own accord, word square, call sth to mind, stuck, rural area, Atlantis, cannot make head nor tail of sth, take a wild stab at sth , Bigfoot, inscrutable , puzzle , negotiation , authoritarian , freckled , off the top of one's head
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    autor: izasolis
    unit 12
    horoscope , eagle-eyed , scandal , struggle , the public, shatter , trend , chewing gum , homemade, remake , set sth up , superbly , gas canister , cameraman , bound , news event , shoot oneself, chariot, bother , come down to , earnings , a good deal of, hardly any , unsupported , feast, show sth off, lid , cover , untie , belongings, blogosphere, anachronism
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    Spr z całego roku
    relevance , gourmet chef, nutrition, expertise , choke on sth , reference , hit it off, fraud, multiply , reach beyond one's limitations , root for sb , parachuting , within reason, handle sth , ingenious , leap , cloth, my name will be mud, significant , right, left and centre , deposit slip, chariot , put one’s mind at ease , ruthless, ambience, bluff one’s way through , convey, indicative of , outwardly , impersonate sb , be at a loss , scam
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    Formal letters
    I hope that this matter can be resolved, enclose, with reference to your adcertisement, a degree awarded by , or else , inefficiency, I consider myself to be, entitled, I am regarted/ considered/ perceived as, yours faithfully, I am available for interview , a variety of subjects, I enjoy working with, I would appreciate , Dear Sir/Madam, I would be grateful if you would consider my application, I am writing to express my strong dissatisfaction at , I have a BA in French, to make matters worse , I'm writing to apply for the position of, I have been working for , I am writing to draw your attention to, I LOOK forward to hearing from yo, purchase , I insist on/demand a full refund , yours sincerely, I completed my certificate in, I shall be forced to take legal action
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    Kapitel 7
    im Herbst, die Currywurst , die Historie , das Glas , herzliche Grüße von , der Ku'damm (Kurfürstendamm), die Berliner Mauer, der Haustauschurlaub , wählen , mit dem Zug, erscheinen, Mach's gut!, Bundesregierung , übernachten , das Geschäft, die Küste entlang spazieren , ans Meer fahren , das Zelt , die Wette, modern , zusammenwaschsen, aufs Land fahren , entstehen , die Sehenswürdigkeiten , neue Angebote, Regierungsviertel , multikulturell, Sei mir bitte nich böse, weil ich so lange nicht geantwortet habe , nach Moskau, die Stadt genießen , Das hängst von dir ab , blicken
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    Unit - 1
    indecisive, undesirable, consent , a loophole in the law, bundiling , trustworthy , stubborn, laugh your head off, leap years , circumvent , self-conscious, be under your thumb, have a mind of his/her own , overcome obstacles , tribe , make up your mind, unrestricted, people of property, knight, mead, fall head over heels in love with, courtship, the long arm of the law, chivalrous , cry your eyes out, irrelevant, be overhelmed, put on a brave face, royalty, domestic violence, courageous , vital
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    unit 2 advanced
    corpse, inventive , appalling, be into, warmth, spectator, come across as, murals, voyeur, struck, acquired taste, feature, lifelike, develop, potent , provocative , hunched , exhibit, terrified, utterly, unprepossessing, eye-catching, currently , dwarfed, expressive, mesmerize, photogenic, pander, flaw, tie in with, contemporary art, worthy
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    Art and entertainment, auctions, słowotwórstwo
    possess – possessiveness , in next to no time, out of tune, heritage , an insatiable desire, be In/out of fashion, lobbyist , certain – uncertainty , woodwind, announce an intention , practice – impracticable , develop a life of its own, predict – unpredictable , rich – enrichment, legal – illegally , convenient – inconvenience , bidding , collectibles, distinction, lot, string, bring up, be associated with, large – enlarge , be in stitches , name – misnamed , blame sth on, be incompatible with, put under a temporary export ban, maintain – maintenance, glory – glorified , cluck - projektowanie graficzne, uslugi programistyczne
Wszelkie prawa zastrzezone 2008-2024