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Pakiety użytkownika superdawid159
  • 3
    Jest tu 1000 najczęściej używanych słów.
    play {plej}, must {mast}, set {set}, had {hed}, there {wer}, add {ed}, use {juz}, said {sed}, she {szi}, word {łerd}, port {port}, here {hir}, high {haj}, we {łi}, three {tri}, an {en}, some {sam}, out {ałt, large {lardż}, each {icz}, such {sacz}, all {ol}, put {put}, what {łot}, by {baj}, land {lend}, read {rid}, were {łer}, when {łen}, hot {hot}, other {awer}, want {łont}
  • 2
    dalszy ciąg 1000 słów :)
    picture {pikczer}, him {hym}, if {yf}, way {łej}, so {soł}, need {nid}, see {si}, will {łyl}, why {łaj}, then {wen}, do {du}, father {fawer}, act {akt}, these {diz}, them {wem}, make {mejk}, like {lajk}, earth {erf}, world {łerld}, animal {enymal}, self {self}, change {czeńdż}, about {ebałt}, look {luk}, went {łent}, long {long}, house {hałs}, near {nir}, time {tajm}, off {of}, light {lajt}, two {tu}
  • 0
    1000 słów c.d.
    who {hu}, my {maj}, call {kol}, been {bin}, sound {sałnd}, grow {groł}, four {for}, answer {anser}, let {let}, most {mołst}, day {dej}, people {pipol}, could {kud}, food {fud}, eye {aj}, down {dałn}, betwen {bitłin}, should {szud}, no {noł}, page {pejdż}, stand {stend}, learn {lern}, may {mej}, plant {plant}, sun {san}, now {nał}, cover {kawer}, any {eny}, know {noł}, state {stejt}, own {ołn}, over {ołwer}
  • 1
    1000 słów w języku angielskim :)
    turn {tern}, through {fru}, be {bi}, differ {dyfer}, i {aj}, it {yt}, with {łyf}, low {loł}, cause {koz}, that {wet}, boy {boj}, before {bifor}, mean {min}, great {grejt}, a {e}, just {dżast}, and {end}, right {rajt}, sentence {senstens}, are {ar}, move {muw}, help {help}, much {macz}, in {yn}, one {łan}, say {sej}, for {for}, his {hys}, this {dys}, very {weri}, tell {tel}, he {hi} - projektowanie graficzne, uslugi programistyczne
Wszelkie prawa zastrzezone 2008-2024