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Pakiet UNIT 5
język Angielski
autor: asjjaa
108 słówek
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Słówka zawarte w pakiecie
  • Słówko
    po polsku
    po angielsku
      • abstrakcyjny
      • abstract ; abstract art expresses the artist’s ideas or feelings rather than showing the exact appearance of people or things
      • zbiór, kolekcja
      • collection ; works of art that are kept together, for example in a museum
      • kustosz
      • curator ; someone whose job is to look after the objects in a museum
      • sprzedawca, handlarz
      • dealer ; a person or company that buys and sells a particular product
      • wystawiać
      • exhibit ; to put something interesting in a museum or other public place so that people can go and look at it
      • wystawa
      • exhibition ; a public show where art or other interesting things are put so that people can go and look at them
      • krajobraz
      • landscape ; a painting of an area of land
      • fresk, malowidło ścienne, mural
      • mural ; a large painting done on a wall
      • mecenas
      • patron ; someone who supports the work of writers, artists, musicians etc, especially by giving them money
      • portret
      • portrait ; a painting, drawing, or photograph of someone, especially of their face only
      • rzeźba
      • sculpture ; a solid object that someone makes as a work of art by shaping a substance such as stone, metal, or wood
      • autoportret
      • self-portrait ; a picture of you that you draw or paint yourself
      • martwa natura
      • still life ; a type of art that represents objects rather than people, animals, or the countryside
      • jakkolwiek
      • however used when you are saying something that seems surprising after your previous statement, or that makes your previous statement seem less true
      • cokolwiek
      • whatever ; used for saying that what happens or what is true is not important, because it makes no difference to the situation
      • kiedykolwiek
      • whenever ; every time that something happens
      • gdziekolwiek
      • wherever ; everywhere or anywhere where someone does something or where a particular situation exists
      • ktokolwiek
      • whoever ; used for saying that it does not matter who is involved in something because the result or the situation will be the same
      • wymyślać, wpaść na
      • come up with ; to think of something such as an idea or a plan
      • spełniać (czyjeś oczekiwania)
      • live up to ; to be as good as what was expected or promised
      • odrzucać od, odpychać
      • put (sb/sth) off ; to make someone not want to do something, or to make someone not like someone or something
      • zakładać (interes, organizację)
      • set up ; to start something such as a business, organization, or institution
      • polubić
      • take to ; to begin to like someone or something
      • odprawić kogoś z kwitkiem
      • turn (sb) away ; to refuse to let someone come into a place
      • odrzucać (kogoś, czyjąś propozycję)
      • turn (sb/sth) down ; to not accept an offer or request
      • okazywać się
      • turn out ; to develop in a particular way, or to have a particular result
      • najlepiej sprzedający się towar
      • best-seller ; a book that many people buy
      • miliarder
      • billionaire ; someone who has more than a billion pounds or dollars
      • mól książkowy
      • bookworm ; someone who enjoys reading books and spends a lot of time doing it
      • szeptać, westchnąć
      • breathe ; to say something very quietly
      • audycja radiowa, telewizyjna
      • broadcast ; a programme that can be seen or heard on radio or television
      • budżet
      • budget ; the amount of money a person or organization has to spend on something
      • teren budowy
      • building site ; a place where something is being built
      • kalendarz
      • calendar ; a set of pages showing the days, weeks, and months of a particular year
      • świeca
      • candle ; a stick of wax with a string in it called a wick that you burn to give light
      • doganiać
      • catch up with ; to improve in order to reach the same standard or rate as someone or something
      • urok
      • charm ; the quality of being pleasant or attractive
      • obrus
      • cloth ; a piece of cloth used for a particular purpose such as cleaning or covering a table
      • goździk
      • clove ; a brown dried flower bud used as a spice for adding flavour to food
      • ogromny, kolosalny
      • colossal ; extremely great or large
      • komisja
      • commission ; a group of people that is officially put in charge of something or asked to find out about something
      • popełnić samobójstwo
      • commit suicide ; to deliberately kill yourself
      • stosować się (do), spełniać, przestrzegać
      • comply ; to obey a rule or law, or to do what someone asks you to do
      • kontrowersja, spór
      • controversy ; a disagreement, especially about a public policy or a moral issue that a lot of people have strong feelings about
      • przekonanie, przeświadczenie
      • conviction ; a strong belief or opinion about something
      • okładka
      • cover ; the outside page at the front or back of a book or magazine
      • pełzać
      • crawl ; if an insect crawls, it moves forward using its legs
      • szał
      • craze ; something that suddenly becomes very popular, but for only a short time
      • depresja
      • depression ; a feeling of being extremely unhappy
      • izba zatrzymań młodocianych przestępców
      • detention centre ; a special prison for young people
      • niedowierzanie
      • disbelief ; the feeling of not believing someone or something, especially something shocking or unexpected
      • plamka, kropka
      • dot ; a very small spot of ink or colour
      • mdleć
      • faint ; to suddenly become unconscious for a short time, and usually fall to the ground
      • łamać się (o głosie)
      • falter ; to stop speaking, or to speak with pauses between the words, because you are nervous or upset
      • farsa
      • farce ; a situation or event that is silly because it is very badly organized, unsuccessful, or unfair
      • centralny punkt
      • focal point ; the most important, interesting, or attractive part of something, that you concentrate on or pay particular attention to
      • podgrzewać (np. debatę)
      • fuel ; to make something increase or become worse, especially something unpleasant
      • uchodzić bezkarnie
      • get away with ; to manage to do something bad without being punished or criticized for it
      • rzucać okiem, spoglądać
      • glance ; to look somewhere quickly and then look away
      • dar niebios
      • godsend ; something that you are very grateful for because it helps you in a difficult situation
      • witać
      • greet ; to react to an action or news in a particular way
      • mieć romans
      • have an affair ; to have a sexual relationship with someone, especially when you are married to someone else
      • intymny
      • intimate ; relating to very private or personal things
      • dzbanek
      • jug ; a container from which you pour liquids such as water or milk. The usual American word is pitcher
      • młodociany, nieletni
      • juvenile ; relating to young people who have committed a crime or who are accused of committing a crime
      • logo
      • logo ; a symbol that represents an organization or company, used for example in its advertisements or on its products
      • czerw
      • maggot ; a small soft creature with no arms or legs that later changes into a fly. Maggots are found in old meat and dead bodies.
      • służąca, pokojówka
      • maid ; a woman whose job is to clean rooms, serve meals, wash clothes etc in a house
      • topić, topnieć
      • melt ; to change a solid substance into a liquid
      • kostnica
      • mortuary ; a place where a dead body is kept
      • igła
      • needle ; a small thin metal tool that is used for sewing. It has a sharp point at one end and a hole at the other
      • sieć, system połączeń
      • network ; a group of companies that broadcast the same television or radio programs throughout a large area, or a company that produces or sells the rights to such broadcasts
      • nominować
      • nominate ; to officially suggest that someone should be given a job, or that someone or something should receive a prize
      • nadmiernie, zbytnio
      • overly ; very much, or too much
      • przemożny, przytłaczający
      • overpowering ; an overpowering smell or taste is very strong
      • perła
      • pearl ; a small round jewel that is white and shiny and that grows inside the shell of an oyster
      • perfekcjonista
      • perfectionist ; someone who always wants things to be done perfectly
      • fenomen
      • phenomenon ; an event or situation that can be seen to happen or exist
      • tabletka, pastylka
      • pill ; a small piece of solid medicine that you swallow with water
      • ciężarna
      • pregnant ; if a woman is pregnant, she has a baby developing inside her body
      • proponować
      • put forward ; to offer an idea, opinion, reason, etc, especially so that people can discuss it and make a decision
      • wycena
      • quote ; the price that someone says they will charge you for doing a particular piece of work
      • tempo
      • rate ; the speed at which something happens within a particular period of time
      • wracać do zdrowia
      • recover ; to become fit and healthy again after an illness or an injury
      • metoda, reżim
      • regime ; a program of medical treatment, exercise, or special food for improving your health or appearance
      • reputacja
      • reputation ; the opinion that people have about how good or how bad someone or something is
      • odchodzić na emeryturę
      • retire ; to stop working, especially when you reach the age when you are officially too old to work
      • szabla
      • sabre ; a heavy sword with a slightly curved blade, used in the past
      • zabrać się
      • set about ; to begin doing something, especially in a determined or enthusiastic way
      • rekin
      • shark ; a large fish with sharp teeth that lives in the sea. Some types of shark attack people.
      • wyróżniać, wydzielać
      • single (sth/sb) out ; to choose one person from a group for special attention
      • czaszka
      • skull ; the bones of the head
      • niewielki, lekki
      • slight ; small in size, amount, or degree
      • wślizgnąć się
      • slip ; to go somewhere, especially quickly and quietly without people noticing you or stopping you
      • okienko
      • slot ; a time during a series of events when it is arranged that something will happen
      • upiększać, ulepszać
      • smarten (sth/sb) up ; to improve the appearance of something or someone
      • plama
      • stain ; a mark left accidentally on clothes or surfaces
      • szczypać, boleć
      • sting ; to have or cause a sudden pain or uncomfortable feeling
      • surowy, ostry
      • strict ; someone who is strict has definite rules that they expect people to obey completely
      • zawieszać
      • suspend ; to officially stop something for a short time
      • taktyka
      • tactic ; a particular method or plan for achieving something
      • utalentowany
      • talented ; someone who is talented is very good at something
      • niezmordowany
      • tireless ; working very hard without stopping
      • odsłaniać, odkrywać
      • unveil ; to remove the cover from something such as a statue as part of an official ceremony
      • automat do sprzedaży
      • vending machine ; a machine that you can buy things from, for example cigarettes, sweets, or drinks
      • widz
      • viewer ; someone who is watching, or who watches, television programmes
      • strażnik
      • warden ; someone whose job is to be responsible for a particular place or thing, and who checks that rules are obeyed
      • na całym świecie
      • worldwide ; happening or existing all over the world
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