Słówka zawarte w pakiecie
po polsku
po angielsku
- ostateczny termin
- deadline
- nie zdążyć na czas
- miss the deadline
- zdążyć, dotrzymać termonu
- meet the deadline
- praca w niepełnym wymiarze czasu
- part time job
- przeprowadzić spotkanie biznesowe
- conduct business meeting
- uczestniczyć w spotkaniu
- take part in a meeting
- praca tymczasowa
- temporary job
- osiągnięcie celu
- achieve target
- przestrzegać zasad
- follow the rules
- łamać zasady
- break the rules
- zatrudniać
- employ, hire, take on
- zwolnić kogoś z powodów dyscyplinarnych
- dismiss
- zwalniać z pracy
- lay off, fire, make sb redundant
- uruchomić firmę
- start up company, run company, found
- ustanowić firmę
- establish company
- prowadzić firmę
- conduct company
- zarządzanie firmą
- manage company
- rywalizować z kimś
- compete
- leczyć wartości i przekonania
- cure values and beliefs
- etyka korporacyjna
- corporate ethics
- zasady zachowania
- rules of behaviour
- elastyczny czas pracy
- flexitime
- stałe godziny pracy
- work fixed hour
- przedłużyć termin
- extend the deadline
- stać na czele firmy
- head company
- ktoś kto chce być najlepszy
- competitive
Dzial Monkey business
- dołączył pokonując
- joined in beating
- swoje niepisane zasady
- its unwritten rules
- jednym z najbardziej wpływowym czynnikiem
- the single most influential factor
- szczęście pracownika
- employee happiness
- przyjąć wartości dodatnie
- embrace positive values
- rozwój osobisty
- personal development
- obsługa klienta
- customer service
- negatywne postawy
- negative attitudes
- osiągać rezultaty
- achieving results
- średnie przedsiębiorstwo
- medium-sized company
- nikt nie narzeka
- nobody complains
- mniejszości etniczne
- ethnic minorities
- wydajność pracy
- performance
- można zignorować
- can safely ignore
- mogą być bardziej bezpośrednie
- may be more direct
- jest tak samo
- is every bit as
Dzial 2 lekcja
- wspinać się po drabinie
- climb the ladder
- poddawać się
- give up (gave, given)
- czynnik wpływający
- influential factor
- wpływać na coś
- to influence something
- mieć wpływ
- to have influence of
- złożyć skargę
- make a complaint about
- subtelna wskazówka
- subtle clue
- efektywny, skuteczny
- effective
- prywatne rozmowy telefoniczne
- personal calls
- nieporozumienia
- misunderstandings
- przestrzegać swoich zobowiązań
- respect sb's commitments
- przejąć inicjatywę
- tale initiative
- zrobić dobre wrażenie
- make a good impression
- spojrzeć na kogoś dziwnym spojrzeniem
- give sb a funny look
Dzial lekcja 3 17.10.12
- zwracać się po imieniu
- to be on first name terms
- spóźniać się z wykonaniem projektu
- get behind schedule on a project
- niedopuszczalne
- unacceptable
- obowiązkowe ćwiczenia
- obligatory classes
- dyrektor wykonawczy
- CEO - Chief executive officer
- badania i rozwój
- R&D - research and development
- dyrektor operacyjny
- COO - chief operating officer
- opisać coś
- give on overview
- moja rola to
- my role is to
- podlegać komuś
- report to sb
- rozwijać się szybko
- to grow fast
- nadzorować
- looks after, take care of sth, to be in charge of sth, to supervise
- pracować pod kimś
- work under sb
- ta firma została założona
- the company was founded
- robić coś codziennie
- do sth on a day
- być odpowiedzialnym za
- to be in charge of
- zostać mianowanym
- to be appointed meneger
- współpracować z kimś
- liaise with somebody
Dzial lekcja 4, 24.10.12
- pochodzi z Bostonu
- she hails from Boston
- szybko się rozwijać
- to grow rapidly
- doświadczenie (zawodowe, życiowe)
- experience
- to co się wydarzyło
- an experience
- zaprezentował jego następcę
- he presented his successor
- z początku wszystko szło gładko
- at first things went smoothly
- spróbuj obwinić
- try blaming
- z ulgą zauważył
- he was relieved to see
- szybko odzyskała
- quickly recovered
- nauczyć się prawidłowego zachowania na spotkanie.
- to learn proper meeting behaviour.
Dzial lekcja, 31.10.12
- jest zalecane aby, jest wskazane
- advisable
- nieuczciwy, nieszczery
- insincere
- zastraszający, przerażający
- threatening
- narzucający swoją wolę, dogmatyczny
- dogmatic
- przekazać komuś część obowiązków
- delegate
Dzial 07.11.12 listy
- problemy powstają
- ploblems arise
- wydanie magazynu
- issue of magazine
- umieścić coś
- to placing sth
- kłopot, niewygoda
- inconvenient
- podarte siedzenia
- seating torn
- odpowiedzialny
- responsible
- zamęt, bałagan, haos
- muddle
- właśnie otrzymałem
- just received
- niezadowolony
- dissatisfied
Dzial 14.11.12
- przed that nigdy nie dajemy przecinka
- .
- cięcie kosztów
- cost cutting
- stawka godzinna
- an hourly rate
- przekierować rozmowę telefoniczną
- redirect a call
- próbując coś zrobić
- in an attempt to
- ciąć stanowiska pracy
- to cut jobs
- być pod wpływem
- to be affected, to be influenced by
- propozycja, oferta
- a proposal
- przenieść stanowiska pracy
- transfer jobs
- sprzedaż detaliczna
- retail
- likwidować stanowiska pracy
- to axe posts
- warunki pracy
- working conditions
- zakres obowiązków, dociążenie pracą
- workload
- przyszły pracownik, potencjalny
- a would be employee
- subtelny aspekt kwestii
- a finer point
- odpowiednik, osoba na tym samym stanowisku
- a counterpart
- ekwiwalent, odpowiednik
- equivalent
- rozwinąć się dziesięciokrotnie
- grow tenfold
- w wyniku czegoś
- as a result of
- wynagrodzenie
- remuneration
Dzial 21.11.12
- klątwa, przkleństwo
- a course
- dodatki do wynagrodzenia (np. telefon)
- perks
- praca bez możliwości awansu
- a dead-end job
- praca w złych warunkach
- sweatshop
- zmusić kogoś do zrobienia czegoś
- to force sb to do sth, make sb do sth
- autentyczne możliwości awansu
- genuine promotion prospects
- duży przepływ personelu
- staff turnover
- pytanie, pytać
- make a query -> question
- ściśle nadzorowany
- to be closely monitored, supervised
- zastraszyć kogoś
- intimidate
- dostarczyć coś
- to supply sth
- posiłki dofinansowane przez firmę
- subsidized meals
- umiejętności pisania
- typing skills
- znajomość obsługi komputera
- computer literacy
- odpowiedzialność za ocenę
- responsibility to assess
- określony, szczególny
- particular
- podstawowe wartości
- core values
- niezgodne, niespójne
- inconsistent
- kaustyczny (uszczypliwy)
- caustic
- rozmowa kwalifikacyjna
- the job interview
- wyrażona(przez)
- expressed (through)
- starając się utrwalić
- in an effort to perpetuate
- kompetentny, świadomy
- cognizant
- profesjonalna ciekawość
- professional curiosity
- taktowny, ostrożny
- cansiderate
- całkowicie, w ogóle
- an altogether
- tajny wysiłek
- clandestine effort
- osiągniecie, realizacja
- accomplishments
- awans, postęp, rozwój
- advancement
- codzienna harówka
- daily grind
- powszechnie, zwykle
- commonly
- zgodnie z, według
- according to
- nieistniejącej już
- now-defunct
- dobranych użytkowników
- matched users
- usługodawcy
- service providers
- w kierunku ustalenia
- toward determining
- nacisk, podkreślenie
- emphasis
- zamierzony, celowy
- intentional
- podejmowanie ryzyka
- risk-taking
- ducha przedsiębiorczości
- Entrepreneurial spirit
- cechy osobowości
- personality traits
- możliwość rozwoju kariery zawodowej
- the career development opportunites
- uczęszczać, uczestniczyć
- attend
- działalność filantropijna
- philantropic activities
- wczestniczyć w
- participate in
- wsparcie, poparcie
- support
- popierać, namawiać
- encourage
- również, zwróć uwagę
- also, pay attention
- reakcje wywołujące
- eliciting responses
- dostarczyć ileś ważnych informacji
- provide volumes of important information
- wszystko wskazuje
- all indicate
- kwitnąć gdzie indziej
- be thriving elsewhere
- unikalna nieprzyjemność
- unique displeasure
- takiego zachowania
- such behaviour
- być w stanie uniknąć
- be able to avoid
- lekceważące zachowanie
- Disrespectful Behavior
- na powitanie
- in greeting you
- prosperować, kwitnąć
- flourish
- nieszczęśliwy, nędzny
- miserable
- ciągłe przesówanie
- constant shifting
- złe nastawienie
- Bad attitude
- nadmierna nierówność
- excessive nervousness
- nieufność innych
- distrust of others
- brak zaufania do innych
- lacks trust in others
- strach użyty jako motywator
- Fear used as a Motivator
- zewnętrzny, niewłaściwy
- extrinsic
- poniżania publiczne
- public humiliation
- barometr przeczucia
- hunch barometr
- może podnieść lub obniżyć
- can raise or lower
- negatywność przeważa
- negativity prevails
- extremalna życzliwość
- extreme Friendliness
- może to zabrzmi dziwnie
- It may sound odd
Dzial Wordlist 1 i 2
- assignment
- task given as part of your studies or your job
- autonomy
- the power to make your own decisions
- beating
- the act of hitting someone hard a number of times as a punishment
- (be) the done thing
- to be the correct think to do or be the way that people think you should behave
- burst into tears
- to suddenly start crying
- dress code
- a set of rules about you should wear in a particular place or at a particular event
- etiquette
- a set of rules for behaving correctly in a particular situation
- get in (to the office)
- to arrive at work
- initiative
- the ability to think of ideas and take decisions independently
- intern
- a student or recently qualified person who works in a job in order to get experience
- pick up
- to learn information or a new skill without trying or without meaning to
- skive off
- to stay away from school or work when yuo should be there
- stressed out
- suffering because of pressure at work or other problems
- turn out
- to be discovered to be something, have something
- as such
- used after a noun when you are reffering to the usual meaning of the word
- dog eat dog
- a situacion in which people compete very hard and will do anything to be succesful
- on a day-to-day basis
- used for saying how often something happens
- organigram
- a drawing or plan that gives the names and job title of all the staff in an organization or department
- overview
- a description of the main features of something
- predecessor
- the person who had the job before
- take over
- to take control of somethink
- blame
- to say who or what is responsible for an accident or problem
- dive
- to jump into the waterhead first
- neglect
- not to do something that you should do
- nickel
- a coin in the US and Canada worth five cents
- polish
- to rub the surface of something in order to make it ahine
- succesor
- the person who has a job or position after someone else
- tactful
- careful in the way you speak and behave so you do not upset other people
- authoritative
- used for telling people what to do
- clear the air
- to discuss a difficult situation which is creating a bad atmosphere
- commitment
- determination to work at something or intention to support something
- deadline
- a specific time or date by which you have to do something
- dogmatic
- so sure that your beliefs and ideas are right that you expect other people to accept them
- threatening
- showing or saying that someone is likely to do something that will harm you
- appendix
- a section giving extra details at the end of a book or document
- conveyor belt
- a machine with a flat wide belt used for moving objects from one place to another, especially in a factory
- fancy
- to want to have or do something
- gearbox
- a metal box that contains the parts of a vehicle or a machine that change engine power into movement
- it's a good job (that)
- used for saying it's lucky that something has happened because it prevents something bad from happening
- mailshot
- a letter or advertisement sent to many people at the same time
- mess up
- to make a mistake or do something badly
- rapport
- a good relationship and understanding between people
- take the mickey
- to laugh at somebody, usually in a friendly way
- waste
- useless materials that are left or thrown away
- body language
- the movements or positions of your body that show other people what you are thinking or feeling
- bounce back
- to become healthy, happy, or succesful again after something bad has happened to you
- echo
- to express someone else's ideas or to say the same words that someone else has say
- headache
- a pain in your head
- open question
- a question with a wh- question word, as opposed to a closed question which has a yes/no answer
- outlook
- your general attitiude to things: share an outlook
- paraphrase
- to express what someone else has said using different words
- pass out
- to give something to each member of a group
- perspective
- a way of thinking about something
- reassess
- to reconsider something in order to make a new judgment
- betray
- to harm someone who has trusted you
- browser
- a computer program that allows you to look at information on the Internet
- bully
- to threaten or frighten someone to get what you want
- cause (an) uproar
- to provoke angry public criticism
- cheery
- feelingor showing happiness
- computer literacy
- being able to use a computer
- counterpart
- someone that has the same job or purpose but in a different country or organization
- dead-end job
- a job that gives no chance of promotion or improvement
- East Enders
- a British TV soap opera about a group of people who live in an imaginary part of east London
- emphasize
- to give particular importance or attention to something
- farm out
- to send part of your work to be done by people outside your company
- leak
- if an object leaks, liquid or gas comes out of it
- overseas
- to or in a country across the sea
- perk
- the special benefit that you get in your job
- slap in the face
- action or criticism that causes serious dissapointment
- slip into
- to quickly put on a piece of clothing or here, assume an identity
- sweatshop
- a factoryy where people work very hard in bad conditions and earn very little money
- large British trade unions
- worlds aparts
- completely differrent from each other
- brainless
- extremely stupid, without a brain
- clip
- a small object that holds something in position
- condescending
- showing that you think you are more important or more intelligent than other people
- earth
- to connect a piece of electrical equipment to the ground so that it is safe
- retain
- to keep someone or something
- side panel
- a flat part of a box or other object that can be removed
- slot
- a long narrow hole that you can fit something into
- broadband
- able to send different types of communication signals at the same time and in larde volume
- Internet service provider: a company that provides a connection to the Internet
- laptop
- a small computer that you can carry with you
- network
- a ssystem of conections between different points
- router
- an electronic devicewhich allows several computers to share informations and an Internet connection
- upgrade
- to make a machine more powerful or effective
- closet
- a small room for storing things such as clothes or sheets
- come again?
- used for asking someone to repeat what they have just said
- crash
- if a computer or a computer program crashed, it suddenly stops working
- freeze
- if a computer screen freezes or is frozen you cannot move anything on it becouse there is something wrong with the computer
- Portable document format
- plug
- the device on electric equipment which connects to the electricity supply by a socket in the wall
- plug in
- a connect a piece of equipment to an electricity supply
- power outage
- a period when the electricity supply
- quit
- to leave, COMPUTING to shut down a computer program
- sort out
- to solve a problem or deal with a difficult situation succesfully
- toolbar
- a row of icons on a computer screen that perform particular actions when you click of them
- unplug
- to separate a piece of equipment from its power supply by taking its plug out of an electric socked
- accounts payable
- a record of how much money a company owes other people or companies for goods and services
- asap
- as soon as possible: used especially for asking someone to do something quickly
- crack
- to demage something so that a line appears on its surface, but it does not break into pieces
- duplicate
- made as an exact copy of something else
- inconsistency
- something that does not match something else
- patch
- a piece of software that you add to a computer program to improve it or remove a fault
- Trojan(horse)
- a program that seems useful but is designed to cause demage, for example by destroying information
- write-off
- a vehicle or machine that is so badly damaged that it cannot be repaired
- bathroom break
- a short time when you can stop work to go to the toilet
- claim
- to say that something is true or here, to say that a product can do something
- come up with
- to think of something such as an idea or a plan
- count on someone
- to depend on someone to do something for you
- from the horse's mouth
- information from the horse's mouth comes from someone who is directly involved
- meal break
- a short time when you can stop work to eat
- absolescence
- the state of something which is no longer used
- shift
- a period of work in a factory or business where some people work during the day and some work at night
- staff turnover
- the rate at which people leave jobs and new people arrive
- swap
- to give something to someone in exchange for something else
- triple
- to increase something so that it is three times bigger than before
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