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Pakiety użytkownika radko7
  • 0
    Hiszpański A1
    silbato, bombero, pan, los cuñados, cine, yo, los padres, ¿Quién es?, tres, pluma, ocho, albañil, electricista, los apellidos, noche, costarricense, costarricense, calor, director/a, padre, arroba, ¿Cuántos?, vivir, ¿Y Tú?, penúltimo/a, uruguayo, uruguaya, flor, patata, hacer, la mano, que, un pez/unos peces, siesta
  • 0
    autor: radko7
    Business English
    if a computer or a computer program crashed, it suddenly stops working, consider, may be more direct, complements, take note, responses, make a query -> question, neglect, the job interview, to supply sth, glances, staff turnover, showing sings, to depend on someone to do something for you, allow, distrust of others, to attract, task given as part of your studies or your job, unique displeasure, possess, already, fereman, employ, interest, to grow fast, its, to suddenly start crying, commonly, achieve target, rarely, performance, to want to have or do something
  • 0
    II semestr hiszpańskiego
    divorciado, circular, la planta baja, sillas, el gato, la gente, enfrente de, rotulador, el móvil, el teléfono, pared, la terraza, una habitación, guapos, el dormitorio, la parada de tranvía, el banco, la reunión, una pizarra digital, el banco, encima de, ventana, segundo/a, soltero, negociar, el sótano, viuda, el ordenador, viudo, la panadería, soltera, casada
  • 0
    II semsetr
    are falling, afterwards, to make an impact on sth, to be dismissed, surface, catch, company car, considerable improvement, advertisement, tension, know-how, an aptitude, latest catalogue, to be good at sth, moderate growth, to stabilize, foolproof, zobowiązanie sie, a slight increase, a survey, impractical, triangle, sphere, to be laid of, take an average of sth, level off, opracuj, zredaguj, the fear, simple inertia, sketches, viable, slid to
  • 0
    Angielski różne rzeczy
    competitive edge, misleading, I’m aware that there are areas that I can improve on., We very much regret the embarrassment you experienced, have a competitive edge over, eyeballs, fulfil one's responsibilities, I must point out that, Does that answer your questions?, figures, have some way to go, undercut, buy sth in a regular shop, negotiate a sattlement, a paying customer, do sth without one's consent , uphold standards, poorly, You will be happy to hear, recognize one's merit, buzzword, increase your order, false, half of nature, place in a cart, seller, beware, be involved in community causes, an annual fee, extravagant, throw, fledgling
  • 0
    hiszpański różności
    dormir - duermo, duermes, duerme, dormimos, dormís, duermen, coger la primera calle a la derecha , llegar, hacer deporte, las tapas, la miel, viernes, soler - suelo, sueles, suele, solemos, soléis, suelen, los huevos cocidos, coger, coger - cojo, coges, coge, cogemos, cogéis, cogen, ver la tele, ayer (fue), la salchicha, comprar, sin azúcar, leer un libro en casa, subir, de la noche, un zumo de uva, ver - veo, ves, ve, vemos, veis, ven, hoy, preguntar, estar con mi familia en casa, la merienda (merendar), un té negro, el paso de peatones, tener sed, agua con gas, idioma extranjero, dormir, los huevos pasados por agua
  • 0
    IV semestr A1
    me traes, un desastre, buscar, gustar, dormir (se), horrorozo, por desgracia, desvestirse, lavarse la cara, de vez en cuando, poder, almorzar, marzo, ¿Qué dices?, hoy, saber, maquillarse, vestirse, acostarse, tocar, dos veces al año, nieva, alguien, nunca, ducharse, hay niebla, rara vez, por sepuesto, cordero, hay tormenta, despertarme, tocar la guitarra
  • 0
    Angielski B1
    chase - to try hard to get something you want, cencerns, call it a day, narrower, company's ability, investigation, slumped, integrations stages, noticeable, be shy, owe, meet a payment, quite simply, run out of, has jumped, concession, expensive transfer deals, think outside the box - to find a new and unusual ways of doing things, reveal, take on board - to consider an idea, to accept criticism and learn from past mistakes, contention, scope, with deals worth, is perceived to be, state conditions, led to the company's collapse, niche market, load goods, branches, chase up, liabilities, it comes as no surprise, that - projektowanie graficzne, uslugi programistyczne
Wszelkie prawa zastrzezone 2008-2024