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Pakiety użytkownika radko7
  • 0
    Hiszpański A1
    paruano, paruana, suegro, bailar, concierto, tijeras, hablar, Bien, muy bien, el viaje, cocinero/a, verde, asi, asi, medico, pan, jirafa, negro, marido, vecino, policía, el perro, chico, higado, alemán, alemana, venezolano, venezolana, lo siento, no lo sé, ¿De qué pais eres?, silbato, calle, arroba, siguiente, zorro, hija, segundo/a
  • 0
    autor: radko7
    Business English
    causes, shipment, careful in the way you speak and behave so you do not upset other people, get ahead, avoiding, to consider, to depend on someone to do something for you, he was relieved to see, rusty, seating torn, skills, demand, to value, genuine promotion prospects, promote, join, a description of the main features of something, ploblems arise, bad publicity, a record of how much money a company owes other people or companies for goods and services, the person who had the job before , discourage, assessment, to separate a piece of equipment from its power supply by taking its plug out of an electric socked, paycheck, take note, a pain in your head, unable, grow tenfold, attend, signs, spouse
  • 0
    II semestr hiszpańskiego
    la moto, debajo de, el cruce, quinto/a, el salón, separado/a, sensores, la casa particular, el chalé, el estanco, el bar, cuatro/a, el perro, el banco, la tinda, encima de, el suelo, cerca de, tampoco, la llave, guapos, la farmacia, la oficina de correos, soltero, ventana, el paso de peatones (de cebra), la boca de metro, el crédito, primero/a, el supermercado, esperar, la gente, árbol
  • 0
    II semsetr
    impractical, to stay on the treadmill, because of, struggling, an interviewee, sketches, to make an impact on sth, strike off, profit-sharing, triangle, to offer sb a position, seduce, admit to, sphere, even, rose by, differentiate, a bad approach, surface, Brand, future proof, tension, opracuj, zredaguj, above all, to be dismissed, less common, surface, modern packing, jumping in the deep nd, will deteriorate, injury, discount
  • 0
    Angielski różne rzeczy
    threshold, dubious, bergain hunters, I don't feel that I have any significant weaknesses., a food-processing company, half of nature, definitely, so while, sell-by date, to complain about sth, arise arose arisen, under negotiation, to turn into someone, e-tail sites, exposing, place in a cart, bottom line, Let me give you an example of what I mean, genuine, competitive edge, look up the product on a search engine, previous, advancement = get a promotion, sell the benefits, assessed, price satisfaction, venture capital, dire, uphold standards, providing, almost, puy by credit card
  • 0
    hiszpański różności
    la leche fría, la tostada, con limón, el bocadillo de queso, coger la primera calle a la derecha , negro, el desayuno (desayunar), un zumo de uva, la marmelada, ser, jugar, el bocadillo de jamón, el agua, salir, la tienda, esperar, la zapatería, una taza de café, poder, nadar en la piscina, dormir, el crédito, ir, salir, Adónde, jueves, la esquina, los huevos cocidos, tener hambre, llamarse - llamo, llamas, llama, llamamos, llamáis, llaman, un té verde, la juguetería
  • 0
    IV semestr A1
    maquillarse, bañarse, decir-dicho, ensayar, acostarse, sacar, rara vez, una vez al mes, inmediatamente, lavarse la cara, ¡Qué va!, afeitarse, por sepuesto, un caos, morir-muerto, escribir-escrito, almorzar, nieva, bañarse, ¿Qué dices?, consado, ¿Que te parece?, vestirse, todos los días, saber, encender, julio, volver-vuelto, ściągać, entonces, ¿Qué tiempo hace?, temprano=pronto
  • 0
    Angielski B1
    sharp, no doubt, had grounds, failure-rate, result in a net loss of value, trace - a sign that semeon has been present , ability, open enrolment, approve an application, sign a deal, equip participants, slumped, case studies, in the red, varies, to merge, break-even point, cencerns, draft bank - an order to pay someone that is sent from one bank to another bank, call it a day, common acquirer errors, dip, scenario, invoked, integrations stages, wizard - someone who is very good at something, take on board - to consider an idea, to accept criticism and learn from past mistakes, incuisitive, debts, adjourn, are queuing up to go back, around half - projektowanie graficzne, uslugi programistyczne
Wszelkie prawa zastrzezone 2008-2025