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Pakiety w systemie eFiszki
  • Tagi: Sortuj wedlug: Liczba na stronie:
  • 0
    person with no problems, oo strong or violent be controlled, person that never lies,honest person, energetic happy person who enjoys being with other people, person who respects and likes only people who are of high social class, and/or person who has extremely high standards who is not satisfied by the things that ordinary people like, producing or using original and unusual ideas, talk or act in way that makes someone lointerest, willing try new or difficult things, person that never lies,honest person, kind and always thinking about how you chelp other people, person with no problems, showing strong feelings very easily and quickly, especially anger or love, someone who tries improve their social position by being very friendly people from higher social class, amusing and not serious, ​ person who does not like other people enjoying themselves, person that never lies,honest person, someone who has strong wish have money and hates spend it, relaxed,and not easily upset or worried, number such as 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, that shows the position of something in list of things, ostrze, interested only in the amount of money that you cget from situation, easily and often becoming excited, one of several parts inwhich story, plan, or amount of money owed has been divided, so that each part happens or is paid at different times until the end or total is reached, careless or unwise, without thought for what might happen or result, strange or unexpected, the act of talking about famous people that you have met, often pretending that you know them better thyou really do, in order appear more important and special, any one of the ten numbers 0 9, based on clear thought and reason, someone who finds it easy talk people they do not know, ślad, person with no problems, the result you get by adding two or more amounts together and dividing the total by the number of amounts
  • 0
    autor: s...
    Słownictwo. Module 12 Matura Choices Pre-intermediate
    zły, zestresowany, znudzony, zdenerwowany, irytujący, przestraszony, rada, płakać, smutny, ciekawy, zdenerwowany, akceptowalny, nerwy, znudzony, pomyślność, zły, znudzony, entuzjastyczny, zakłopotany, radzić sobie z , zaskakujący , zmartwiony, chcieć, błogosławieństwo, znudzony, zakłopotany, smutny, podejmować decyzje, umysł, należeć, mylący, gratulacje - projektowanie graficzne, uslugi programistyczne
Wszelkie prawa zastrzezone 2008-2024