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Pakiety użytkownika akilliada
  • 1
    Zestaw słówek z unitu 11 podręcznika Matura Masters Intermediate
    insane, get out of hand, plain rude, within reason, substitute, cute, check out, fulfil, out of curiosity, consumer, it takes forever, advance, clutter up, immortal, stunt, invade, we can't win, nostalgic, break up with, hectic, hit, witness, considerate, google, overnight success, eliminate a problem , comfort, suspect, intentional, blame, fear, anxiety
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    Lista słówek z Unitu 12 Matura Masters Intermediate
    mortgage, colleague, hippie, rent, tutor, landlord, picturesque, promote, home swapping, put up with, fire, vicious, promotion prospects, make someone redundant, steer, accountant, belongings, union, hotshot, recipe, budget accomodation, preposition, property developing, neglect, strip off, weed, employ, row, private investigator, dress code, current, tatoo
  • 1
    Lista słówek z modułu 7 Destination Matura 2015
    quad racing, automatic notifications, commemorate, socialise, reminder, offspring, Thanksgiving, sort out a disagreement, cohabiting parents, leave/post a comment, honeymoon, pensioner, responsibility, publich oliday, be of age, online diary, be keen on, fake identity, the Epiphany, check for updates, relationship, relative/relation, baby shower, put on a costume/ a mask, file for divorce, special card, defend sb (against), parade, toddler, come to terms with, collective work, get engaged
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    Lista słówek z modułu 5 Destination Matura 2015
    register, undergraduate/graduate/doctoral studies, school-leaving exam, comply with, literacy, staff room, fees, multiply, ring a bell, training, sponge, corridor, cheat in (an exam), wear a school uniform, give homework/ tests, crammer, degree certificate, canteen, (Three-year) course, willingly participate in, timetable, pass/ fail (an exam), art, classmate/schoolmate, Bachelor of Arts, focus on, high school, Master of Science, pop quiz, get (good) marks, careers counsellor, form teacher
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    Lista słówek z modułu 6 Destination Matura 2015
    well-/ badly-paid job, cleaner, have no criminal record, enclose, job seeker, carpenter, cover travel expenses, flight attendant, good atmosphere at work, pay rise, be interviewed for a position, odd job, no qualifications needed, unemployment benefit, job offer/ opportunity, gender parity, observe the dress code, personal qualities, require extra skills, overcome difficulties, type, give a bill/ a receipt, requirements, chimney sweep, take maternity/paternity/parental leave, physical abilities, job burnout, candidate, interpreter, volunteer, lumberjack, secure job - projektowanie graficzne, uslugi programistyczne
Wszelkie prawa zastrzezone 2008-2024