Słówka zawarte w pakiecie
po polsku
po angielsku
- kosic trawe
- mow the lawn [moł the lołn]
- za dwie godziny
- In two hours
- spasc z krzesla
- fall off the chair
- oni zamierzaja wyprowadzic sie
- they are going to move out
- ona zraz spadnie z krzesla
- she is going to fall off the chair in a moment
- ona bedzie miala dziecko
- she is goin to have a baby
- ceny podnosa sie w lipcu
- the prices will/going to rise in july
- on patrzy NA ciebie
- she is looking AT you
- ten dom zostal zbudowany przez mojego ojca [str bierna]
- this house was built [3 forma; - ed] by my father
- gazety sa dostarczane kazdego dnia [str bierna]
- Papers are delivered [-ed] every day
- decyzja bedzie podjeta przez premiera [str bierna]
- the decision will be taken [3 forma] by prime minister
- moj portfel zostal skradziony [str bierna]
- my wallet has been stolen
- jestem zaproszony [str bierna]
- I am invitED [-ed]
- zostalem zaproszony [str bierna]
- I was ivitED [-ed]
- sotane zaproszony [str bierna]
- I will be invitED [-ed]
- ksiazki sa pisane [str bierna]
- Books are written [3 forma]
- ksiazki zostaly napisane [str bierna]
- books were written [3 forma]
- ksiazki beda napisane [str bierna]
- books will be written [3 forma]
- domy beda dekorowane [str bierna]
- the houses will be decoratED [-ed]
- powiesci beda czytane [str bierna]
- the novels will be read [3 forma] [red]
- domy sa dekorowane [str bierna]
- the houses are decoratED [-ed]
- powiesci sa czytane [str bierna]
- Novels are read [3 forma] [red]
- domy zostaly udekorowane [str bierna]
- The houses were decoratED [-ed]
- ksiazke byla pisana [w tym momemcie] [strbierna]
- the book WAS BEING WRITTEN [3 forma]
- ksiazke byla pisana [str bierna]
- the book has been written [3 forma]
- to moze byc zrobione [str bierna]
- It CAN BE done [3 forma]
- Kris moze bedzie awansowal [str bierna]
- Kris MAY BE promoted [ed]
- list powinien byc wyslany w przyszlym tyg [str bierna]
- the letter SHOULD BE sent [3 forma] next week
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