Słówka zawarte w pakiecie
po polsku
po angielsku
- powiedziano mu, ...
- he was told...
- somebody has done it [ktoś zrobil to]str bier
- it has been done.
- spotkanie zostalo odwolane [str bierna]
- the meeting was cancelled
- koncert bedzie zorganizowany w waraszawie
- the concert will be organized in W[orgenejzd]
- dano mi podwyzke [str biet]
- I was given a rise
- podwyzka zostala mi dana [str bier]
- the rise was given TO me
- ona dala MI ksiazke
- she has given me a book
- ona dala ksiaże MNIE
- she has given a book TO ME
- on dal MI bilet
- he has given me a ticket
- on dal bile MNIE
- he has given a ticket TO ME
- pożyczyc (cos komus) [pozycz troche pieniedzy MI]
- lend [... some money TO ME]
- praca zostala zaoferowana johnowi [str bierna]
- the job was offered to john
- dom zostal pokazany mi [str bier]
- the house was shown to me
- on pokazal mi dom
- he SHOWED me the house
- pieniadze zostaly zapplacone mi [str bierna]
- the money was paid to me
- istoria zostala powiedziana mi [str bier]
- the story was told to me
- johnowi zaoferowano prace [str bierna]
- john was offered the job
- faceci zostali oplacenie zeby zrobic prace[str bier]
- the men were paid to do the job
- on uczyl ich angola
- he taught them english [tołd]
- johnowi oferowana jest praca [str bierna]
- john is being offered the job
- jemu pokazywany jest dom [w tym momencie] st bier
- he is being shown the house
- piotrowi zaoferowano prace [str bierna]
- peter has been offered a job
- ona pokazala mu dom
- she has shown him a house
- jemu pokazano dom [str bierna]
- he has been shown a house
- oni beda unauczani frnancuskiego [str bierna]
- they will be taught [tołd] French
- jemu zostanie powiedziana informacja [st bier]
- he will be told the news
- johnowi zostanie zaoferowana praca [str bierna]
- john will be offered the job
- on bedzie (zamierza] uczyc ich francuskiego
- he is going to teach them French
- oni beda uczeni francuskiego [str bier]
- they ARE GOING TO BE taught French
- ktos zamiarza [powie] powiedziec mu info
- somebody is going to tell him the news
- jemu zostanie powiedziane info [str bierna]
- he is going to be told the news
- grzegorzowi bedzie zaoferowana praca [str bierna]
- greg IS GOING TO BE offered a job
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