Słówka zawarte w pakiecie
po polsku
po angielsku
- friendly and energetic and finding it easy and enjoyable to be with others
- outgoing
- an energetic happy person who enjoys being with other people
- extravert
- person with no problems
- carefree
- amusing and not serious
- light-hearted
- person that never lies,honest person
- truthful
- honest person, that isn't trying to keep things a secret
- open
- honest,especially about something difficult or painful
- candid
- sincere, even when this might be awkward or make other people uncomfortable
- frank
- relaxed,and not easily upset or worried
- easy-going
- you are determined to behave in a particular way although there might be good reasons for not doing so
- strong-willed
- wanting to do something very much and not allowing anyone or any difficulties to stop you
- determined
- having confidence in your own abilities
- self-assured
- behaving calmly because you have no doubts about your ability or knowledge
- self-confident
- person,that likes to be the boss,the one on top
- dominant
- having a strong wish to be successful, powerful, or rich
- ambitious
- needing a lot of time, attention, or energy
- demanding
- has a lot of energy
- energetic
- wanting very much to win or be more successful than other people
- competitive
- nervous and uncomfortable with other people
- shy
- having and expressing strong feelings
- emotional
- person,that suffers from sudden and extreme changes in their mental and emotional state
- unstable
- nervous or uncomfortable because you are worried about what people think about you or your actions
- self-conscious
- without much confidence; easily frightened
- timid
- producing or using original and unusual ideas
- creative
- people that do not often talk about or show their feelings or thoughts
- reserved
- good at thinking of new, original, and clever ideas
- imaginative
- easily upset by the things people say or do
- sensitive
- showing behaviour in which you do things suddenly without any planning and without considering the effects they may have
- impulsive
- oo strong or violent to be controlled
- uncontrollable
- likely to do something suddenly, without considering the results of your actions
- impetuous
- often forgetting things
- forgetful
- involved in or relating to a revolution
- revolutionary
- easily annoyed by someone's mistakes or because you have to wait
- impatient
- they are difficult to control and do not behave in the way that is expected
- rebellious
- easily and often becoming excited
- excitable
- feeling that you are better and more important than other people
- proud
- person who respects and likes only people who are of a high social class, and, or a person who has extremely high standards who is not satisfied by the things that ordinary people like
- snobbish
- unpleasantly proud and behaving as if you are more important than, or know more than, other people
- arrogant
- thinking only about yourself and what is good for you
- egocentric
- too serious and full of importance
- pompous
- only interested in yourself and your own activities
- self-centred
- praising yourself and what you have done
- boastful
- only thinks of their own advantage
- selfish
- kind and always thinking about how you can help other people
- thoughtful
- showing feelings of liking or love
- affectionate
- kind and helpful
- considerate
- gentle, loving, or kind
- tender
- wanting to protect someone from criticism, hurt, danger, etc. because you like them very much
- protective
- calm, kind, or soft
- gentle
- a positive relationship between two people or groups in which they feel sympathy for each other
- understanding
- willing to give money, help, kindness, etc., especially more than is usual or expected
- generous
- willing to accept behaviour and beliefs that are different from your own, although you might not agree with or approve of them
- tolerant
- saying that someone or something is bad or wrong
- critical
- wants to have all of that person's love and attention and will not share it with anyone else
- possessive
- not willing to accept ideas or ways of behaving that are different from your own
- narrow-minded
- interested only in the amount of money that you can get from a situation
- mercenary
- person who is determined to do what he or she wants and refuses to do anything else
- stubborn
- believing that having money and possessions is the most important thing in life
- materialistic
- having very strong feelings or emotions
- passionate
- not changing in your friendship with or support for a person or an organization, or in your belief in your principles
- loyal
- showing strong feelings very easily and quickly, especially anger or love
- hot-blooded
- extremely loving and loyal
- devoted
- showing no fear of dangerous or difficult things
- brave
- believing that something is very important and giving a lot of time and energy to it
- dedicated
- having or showing courage
- courageous
- full of energy and enthusiasm; interesting and exciting
- lively
- willing to try new or difficult things
- adventurous
- likely to change suddenly and without reason and therefore not able to be expected before it happens
- unpredictable
- not able to be trusted or believed
- unreliable
- not good at making decisions
- indecisive
- pretending to feel something that you do not really feel, or not meaning what you say
- insincere
- someone who is not sincere,saying unpleasant things about you to other people while seeming to be pleasant when they are with you
- two-faced
- someone whose mood often changes very suddenly:
- temperamental
- saying that you have particular moral beliefs but behaving in a way that shows these are not sincere
- hypocritical
- behaving in an angry and violent way towards another person
- aggressive
- having or showing a wish to harm someone because you think that they harmed you; unwilling to forgive
- vindictive
- using force to hurt or attack
- violent
- wanting to annoy, upset, or hurt another person, especially in a small way, because you feel angry towards them
- spiteful
- cruel, violent, and completely without feelings
- brutal
- intended to harm or upset other people
- malicious
- people or actions show an intention or wish to hurt someone or something very badly
- vicious
- behaving in a way that is dishonest or unfair in order to get what you want
- unscrupulous
- not thinking or worrying about any pain caused to others; cruel
- ruthless
- people who hide their feelings, thoughts, intentions, and actions from other people
- secretive
- not usually talking about or making obvious your own abilities and achievements
- modest
- not proud or not believing that you are important
- humble
- doing, or willing to do, what you have been told to do by someone in authority
- obedient
- not acting to influence or change a situation; allowing other people to be in control
- passive
- a person who is not brave and is too eager to avoid danger, difficulty, or pain
- coward
- not having the determination that is needed to continue with a difficult course of action
- weak-willed
- easily deceived or tricked, and too willing to believe everything that other people say
- gullible
- easily influenced by other people
- impressionable
- based on or acting on good judgment and practical ideas or understanding
- sencible
- accepting things as they are in fact and not making decisions based on unlikely hopes for the future
- realistic
- calm and reasonable and shows good judgment
- well-balanced
- based on clear thought and reason
- rational
- treating everyone equally
- fair-minded
- disapproving the fact that you are too interested in your appearance or achievements
- vanity
- unreasonably determined, especially to act in a particular way and not to change at all, despite what anyone else says
- obstinate
- careless or unwise, without thought for what might happen or result
- rash
- a person who says or does something that stops other people enjoying themselves
- wet blanket
- someone who tries to improve their social position by being very friendly to people from a higher social class
- social climber
- a man who has had sex with a lot of women
- Don Juan
- a person, especially a child, who talks a lot
- chatterbox
- a woman who is very attractive in a mysterious way, usually leading men into danger or causing their destruction
- femme fatale
- a person who goes to a party without being invited to it
- gate-crasher
- someone who is energetic and funny and at the centre of activity during social occasions
- the life and soul of the party
- someone with an introverted personality type who will attend parties and social gatherings, but will usually distance themselves from the crowd and actively avoid being in the limelight
- wallflower
- someone who finds it easy to talk to people they do not know
- good mixer
- a person who is lazy and lives by other people working, giving them money
- parasite
- someone, usually of high social class, who is famous for going to a lot of parties and social events
- socialite
- someone who intentionally causes problems for other people, especially people who are in a position of power or authority
- trouble-maker
- used to tell someone who has made a mistake that they should not be embarrassed because some important or respected people have made the same mistake
- be in a good company
- someone who prefers to be alone or who has no friends
- loner
- to talk or act in a way that makes someone lose interest
- bore
- a person who does not like other people enjoying themselves
- killjoy
- a person who gets up or arrives early
- early bird
- a person who makes other people work very hard
- slave driver
- someone who has a strong wish to have money and hates to spend it
- miser
- someone who dishonestly avoids paying taxes or paying to travel on a bus or train
- a fare-dodger
- omeone who drives badly or too fast without thinking about other people’s safety
- road hog
- someone who drops paper, cans etc on the ground in public places
- litter-lout
- a lazy person who avoids work
- layabout
- the act of talking about famous people that you have met, often pretending that you know them better than you really do, in order to appear more important and special
- name-dropper
- the act of repeatedly looking to see what time it is in order to see how much longer you have to work
- clock-watcher
- someone who walks across a street at a place where it is not allowed or without taking care to avoid the traffic
- jay-walker
- lazy, untidy, and often rude person
- slob
- person who talks too much about boring things
- wind-bag
- a young person, usually male, who behaves in an uncontrolled way and is often causing trouble
- tear-away
- a person who is very successful and is much admired, although often only temporarily
- golden boy
- a person who does dangerous things and takes risks
- daredevil
- a person who gets money, food, etc. from other people, especially in order to live without working
- sponger
- a person who likes to do things on their own without other people
- lone wolf
- a girl who acts and dresses like a boy, liking noisy, physical activities
- tomboy
- a person who is too interested in things that do not involve them
- busybody
- someone who has unusual ideas and behaves strangely
- crank
- someone who moves or does things too slowly
- slowcoach
- person who is always travelling and changing jobs has the advantage of having no responsibilities, but also has disadvantages such as having no permanent place to live
- rolling stone
- someone or something that is very annoying
- pain in the neck
- one of several parts into which a story, plan, or amount of money owed has been divided, so that each part happens or is paid at different times until the end or total is reached
- instalment
- to have just enough money to pay for the things that you need
- make ends meet
- an agreement that allows you to borrow money from a bank or similar organization, especially in order to buy a house, or the amount of money itself
- mortgage
- a method of paying for something in which the buyer pays part of the cost immediately and then makes small regular payments until the debt is completely paid
- hire purchase
- abbreviation for I owe you: a written promise to pay back a debt
- I.O.U.
- a small and not important amount of money
- chickenfeed
- an occasion when a player scores three times in the same game, especially in football, or when someone is successful at achieving something three times
- hat trick
- a priest of very high rank in the Roman Catholic Church
- cardinal
- a number such as 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, that shows the position of something in a list of things
- ordinal
- the result you get by adding two or more amounts together and dividing the total by the number of amounts
- average
- not able to be divided exactly by two
- odd
- to record the number of points won by competitors
- score
- any one of the ten numbers 0 to 9
- digit
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