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Pakiety użytkownika lain...
  • 1
    wybrane słówka ze strony
    common use or regular occurrence of , violate or breach, to search thoroughly (along), designs or logos which identify a product as being made by a certain company, a significant aspect of, repellent, or something which makes you want to avoid it, depend on, very few of, here, large parts, questioned as part of the inquiry
  • 0
    distract, approach, sweeping, roughly, back out, as compared to, ahead of , reveal, followed by , look away, estimate, smuggle, mining, jeopardizes, commitment, keep coming, call off, approve, ask out, remain, laborer, admit, vulnerable, evaporate, rate, doom
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    pharsal verbs
    pytać o kogoś, zaprosić kogoś (np do kina), ponosić odpowiedzialność za coś, odpowiadać niegrzecznie, pyskować
  • 1
    autor: lain...
    resist, interfaith , chills , founder, commemorate, scrapbook, giddy, topple, ask after sb, guide, seed, explicitly , imprisoned, answer back, sprout, parallels, display, answer for, impact, visceral, bayonet, resistance, mesmerizing, chant, march, libel claim relating
  • 1
    autor: lain...
    statement of acceptance, whatsoever, set of laws, undertake, preside, former, principle of impartiality, legal person, power of attorney, arrangement, rectified, convince, event take place, differ from, hestitate, purpose, decedent, filled, as follows, custom, codified, passed by, guardianship, merger, to uphold, statuory law, entitled, testify, inheritor, conduct, exchange of goods, breach the constitution
  • 1
    cracks, detain, undertaking, keeps guard, required, handle complaints against, ambitious, in next to no time, go over, work someone out, set, to bring to power, maintain, fake, hardship, stuffed, affecting, credit crunch, hard pressed, peril, throw a spanner into the works, childish, assumed, sort out, forced into, maintaining, role model, keep a promise, subsidence, persist, make believe, manoeuvring [manuwerin] - projektowanie graficzne, uslugi programistyczne
Wszelkie prawa zastrzezone 2008-2024