Phrasal verbs
anticipate with pleasure (party, holiday), (to meet wit failure, to meet with accident) [odnieść, ulec], save (money), propose (wysunąć, zaproponować), take as a hobby, enter for (competition, exam), cause to lose consciousness [ogłuszać, znokautować], build (house, office block) (New office blocks are going up all over the place), disappoint [zawieść], communicate [przedstawić, wyjaśnić], cause to fall, demolish [rozwalić], reduce prices [obniżyć], (stop by side of road - car, bus driver) [zjeżdżać na bok], stop, wait (a moment, a minute) [zaczekać], sink [pójść na dno], ruined, failed [upaść], allow to enter (crowd), respect someone [podziwiać kogoś], feel superior to others, sack [zwolnić z pracy], conceal (information), control emotions (laughter, tears) [powstrzymywać], 1. explode [wybuchnąć], 2. ring (alarm clock) [zadzwonić], 3. become smelly [zepsuć się], give by hand [przekazywać], suppress [stłumić], write down [zapisać], invent (story, lies), apply cosmetics, continue (working), cause to fall [przewracać], compensate (Her enthusiasm makes up for her lack of experience.), save (money), conceal (information) [zataić], restrain (angry crowd) [powstrzymać], be careful, check (Let's go through the points one by one), delay (traffic) [opóźniać], rob [napadać na coś], maintain (standard), keep pace with (athletes), demolish (building) [zburzyć]