Wyrazy wyrażające jedzenia.
bacon, salt, mushroom, scrambled egg, sushi, grape, main course, cauliflower, breakfast, corn, vegetable soup, tomato, avocado, melon, prawns, red meat, orange, olive oil, chicken, soya, onion, starter, pasta sauce, lunch, grapefruit, salmon, jam, juice, cheese, banana, sandwich, omelette
Wyrazy opisujące jedzenie.
salty, disgusting, fresh, fussy, warm, consumer, heavy/light meal, go up, order, texture, ugly, heat, add, bitter, cold, oven, jar, cook, pan/saucepan, be allergic to, cut up, mash up, tin, cookery course/lessons, fried eggs, unripe, roast, feed, go without, firm, delicious,yummy, ingredient
Wyrażenia, przed którymi występuje PRESENT SIMPLE
if, as long as, after, unless, as soon as, until, before, when
Słowa poznane wszędzie, nie tylko w szkole.
aim, focus on sth, dip sth in/into sth, call on sb, avoid, dress up, come on, change into sth, find sth out, advise, come up with sth, imagine, fancy, can't help, fall over, manage, seem, base sth on sth, can't stand, check in, breathe in/out, check out, come from sth, remind, freezer, agree with sb/sth, fall out (with sb), concentrate on sth, roller, attempt, tend, fill sth in