lekki, zastosowanie pomocnicze, stosunek wytrzymałości do ciężaru, podstawowe zastosowanie, budowla pływająca, unosząca się na powierzchni, przesyłać energię elektryczną bezprzewodowo, funkcja podstawowa, główna, wagonik, pojazdy dźwigowe, świder śrubowy do pali, konstrukcja osiowa, dryf, znoszenie, wytrzymały, kotwica, umiejscowiony na stałe, plac budowy, pal zawieszony, przekrój ogólny, wydajność, człowiek za burtą, stal, napęd, pilot, zdalne sterowanie, wiercony na miejscu pal betonowy, zapaść się do środka, zarejestrować pozycję, lokację, uruchomić, ładunek użyteczny, system lokalizacji, zapasy, dostawy, bezprzekladniowe, obsługa konserwatorska
znaczący, trend wzrostowy, mało, znaczny/poważny, rakietować, powrócić , gwałtownie, niezmienny, wzrastać, rysunek, stopniowy, nagły, schemat, ostro, szybki/gwałtowny, znaczący, wahać się, wzrost, zawierać, spadek o, bez zmian, lekko, wzrastać, spaść o, osiągnąć szczyt, systematycznie, skakać, znacząco, stały, graf, dramatycznie, pozostać stałym
el estadio, la rotonda, sábado, cajero automatico, alguien, abre, para llegar, misma, media, el ayuenteamiento, compramos, los zapatos, la plaza mayor, ir a pie, utiliza, la tienda (de ropa), en dirección, el cruce, el puerto, el detergente, horario, seguir, la libreria, algo, el recorrido, abierta, la zapateria, esta a unos, bayar, la catedral, mejor, quedan
limit, a cuboid (a rectangular prism), acute angle, addition, substraction, subscription, a sphere, a pyramid, isosceles, heptagon, perpendicular, a triangle, bisect, derivative, a prism, trapezoid, bisector, diagonal, nonagon, a sphere, polygon, a curve, a cylinder, vertical, decagon, horizontal, a rectangle, right angle, a cone, diameter, obtuse angle, a line segment
apprenticeship, facilities, eradicate, indeed, hardships, blind, assumption, visual-spatial, harassment, blatant, guidelines, violation, coincidental, dampener, owing, harshly, caste, vehmently, alongside, recruitment, unethical, handling, impairments, reprisals, issue, plight, glass ceiling, harsh, fringe benefits, trickled, ridiculous, set aside
unit 2
Composition, Brake pad , Bodywork , Appliance , Chassis, plasticiser, revs per minute, reinforced concrete, Galvanised, puncture, Brass, scarcity, Friction, Brittle, Exhaustsystem, Coated, Waterproofmembrane , Environmentalimpact, Aggregate , tension, Blade , seal, Exploitation, planeoff, ironmongery, thermalabsorption, nickel, High-gradematerial, weld, sawhandle, Efficiencygain, joint
predict, embody, profound, appearance, enhance, regardless, boost, ultimately, master, sensibility, self-absorbed, abandon, features, purchase, aesthetics, sustainbility, grab, identifable, survey, design, peril, erase, auditory, vital, surface treatment, don, tailored, brand, temper, essential, indeed, adjustment
floodlight, bolt, preliminary drawing, supply pipe, metal handrail, design brief, discrepancy, supersede, flange, perimeter, black bolt, racking elements, schematic, contractor, deck, information flow procedure, straight run, overlap, approximate dimensions, branch, wall-mounted, duct, superflat lane, elevation , variation, column, plate, reinforcing bar, air duct, ceiling void, beam, defined movement floor
viable, yield, unanticipated, infringe, scrap, repeatedly, soil, tackle, serve, proximity, full-blown, deteriorating, idiosyncratic, footloose, plot, desirable, disperse, overwhelming, assembly , byzantine, alumni, anecdotal, cluster, modest, drawback, unveil, household, expeditiously, urgently, bias, sophisticated, stringent
exceed, oil pressure, plug, vibration, reliability, instrument malfunction, high-frequency movement, fuel injection, lubricant, touch down, wings, faulty, reading, rugged kerb, starter motor, routine maintenance, pushrod, anomaly, wheel nut, side pods, shaft, runway, impact, wing tank, top out, wing support, imminent danger, lap, minor fault, abrasion, spoilers, torque
a specified period, a value often expressed with per, like units per hour, occurring, all steps in a process, from start to finish, computer aided system - computer software for producing engineering drawings, process of cooling to temperatures below atmospheric temperature, presence detectors, radiation, vessel, the entry value, for example at the start of the process, stored electricity (potential), the best/most efficient, assumption, man-made lake for storing water, movement of a substance, the gap between two values, the amount of supplies used, when device is ready to operate immediately, practicalities, automatic control of a system, device or process, electricity generated using water pressure, pinpoint, controlled by a person, the exit value, at the end of the process, convector, domestic electricity supply system, a total quantity so far, slang therm for a technical device,, alternating current, exert, chemical reaction which produces heat (opposite = endothermic reaction, which absorbes heat), used in engineering to describe industrial processes and the flow of liquid/air in the pipe networks (opposite = upstream)
unit 9 - kartkowka
data gathering, trials to compare two different solutions in the same conditions, a practical test of something new or unknown to discover its effectiveness, validate, souftware which calculates and analyse problems that involve fluid flows, comprises, be convincend, prove theoretical concepts by testing them in reality, outdoors, in a real situation, describes something simulated by software, not physical, mack-up, proven to be reliable through real use/trials, a crucial trial to prove whether or not something works