die Ware, ein Becher, klar, die bank, Ich nehme, einladen, ja ich weiß, verkaufen, die cafe, Ich esse nicht gern., kaufen, Was möchtest du trinken?, das Rathaus, was nimmst du?, Was kostet?, wissen, eine pakung, der Zucken, ein Karton, eine Dose, eine Flasche, die Verpakung, was möchtest du essen?, der Einkaufszettel, ein Glas, die Nudeln
zbierać , bottle, human , i'm up for iy, bieg , in danger, ant, rhino, bag, box, papier, nature, plastic, attack, awesome, model agency, rather, don't bd such a wimp, ELEPHANT, tiger, jar, fund, shark, wasp, moddeling, action, carton, cornflakes, chimpanzee, snake, company, fact
Sklepy i miejsca w mieście
das Restaurant, die Post, der Laden, der Spielplatz, der Hafen, der Kindergarten, das Kino, die Bäckerei, die Metzgerei, der Dom, die Konditorei, die Tankstelle, die Bank, das Lebensmittelgeschäft, der Supermarkt, das Cafe, das Schwimmbad, die Kriche, der Bioladen, die Autoreinigung, der Flughafen, der Mark, die Kunstgalerie, das Kaufhause, das Gemüsegeschäft, die Reinigung, die Autowerkstatt, die Apotheke, das Geaschäft, der Blumenladen, das Krankenhaus, der Markplatz
patient, sociable, tidy, loyal, rude, sensitive, serious, friendly, sensible, intelligent, untidy, dull, moody, generous, mean, quiet, kind, impatient, cheeflul, good fun, shy, funny, honest, relaxed, easy-going, modest, lazy, selfish, dishonest, cute, confident, hard-working
Niemiecki słówka
das tagesablauf, schlafen, fahren, er geht zunächst ins Bett, oft, WAS LIEST DU?, ablaufen, herr fuchs geht in den Jazz-keller, das Büro, nichts besondeles, der Fußballer, wann gehst du schlafen, lesen, schaffen, wann kommst du von der schule zurück, kommen, herr fuchs ist Musiker von Beruf, die PR asistentin, dann, ich fahre nach hause züruck, selten, zunächst, ich schaffe es, die Stunde, fit, die uhr, Um wie viel Uhr stechst du auf?, das Konzert, der Musiker, die trompete, früchstücken, verbringen
Zadowy dodatkowe
cameraman, bookseller, postman , school teacher, tax collector, projektant stron internetowych, member of parliament, salesman, managing director , security guard , beekeeper, housekeeper, pracownik opieki społecznej, telephone operator, representative, businessman, fashion designer, policeman , kierownik hotelu, bartender, undertaker, babysitter, an ironmonger, greengrocer, flight attendant, milkman, gravedigger, servicemen, beauty therapist, shoemaker, costume designer, traffic warden
Unit 4
age, tunnel, energetic, theme park , high, something, pedestrian, cost, anybody/anyone, fast, pollution, hyde park, river, ceremony, hunt, sightseer, fresh, swno, ground, spread, news, bulding, nowhere, nothing, fruit, disadvantage, everybody/everyone, trail , far, system, advice, height
Unit 3
anymore, cancel, get engaged, go out, dream, srgue/have an argument, be into, get divoced, useful, time out, have a row, different from, yoga, get married, break up, nightmare, crowd, the trouble is, domestic, lose one's temper, mother/father in law, stressful, decide, bother, fot a start, make up, daughter/son in law, typical, stepmother/father, look at the time, case study, sister/brother in law
das fiber, der kopf tut mir weh, das knie, dad herz, der popo, der bauch, der fuß, der arm, der magen, tot mir... weh, das ohr, der husten, der zahn, DER SCHNUPFEN, mit tut ... weh, TUT MIR LEID, das bein, die zunge, der hals, der arzt, ich bin krank/gesund, tun mir ... weh, der rücken, der finger, die lungen, die nieren, der kopf, die wirbelsäule, die brust, das auge, die strin, die nase
ohne Zweifel, Rothenburg ist eine mittelalteliche Stadt., ... ist berühmt für, In Rothenburg gibt es in der Altstadt keine Autos, In München gibt es das Deutsche Museum, die Mauer, cirka, das Volksfest, die Stad, die Altstadt, In Berlin tagt der Bunderstag., der Spitzname, geteilt, in der Welt, die Türme, die Haupstadt, In Frankfurt findet die Buchmesse statt, Frankfurt ist die Finanzstadt Deutschlands, das Wahrzeichen, tagen, enge Gassen, wichtig, München ist für das Octoberfest berühmt, die Einwohner, der Hafen, Berlin war durch eine Mauer geteilt, geheim, erscheinen, stattfinden, die Vereinigung, mittelalterlich, die Buchmesse
freckles, /lady, casual, face, teenager, dress, pale, person/people, tooth/teeth, elegant/formal, sex, fat, foot/feet, coat, blouse, divorced, married, eyelash, job, first name, beautiful, elderly, suit, Miss/Ms/Mrs/Mr, arm, hair, knee, finger, square, jacket, spiky, handsome
earrings, character, funny, enjoy, lazy, un friendly, umbrella, im polite, trainers, loyal, bornig, belt, sandals, spotted, hard-working, make an impression, brave, quiet, anorak, amused, nightdress, underwear, clever, necklace, lively, wool, fall in love, ambitious, tights, be in a good/bad mood, tracksuit, bag
hoch, groß, weit, GUT, früh, schön, hübsch, viel, lang, teuer, blling, oft, nahe, spät, alt, gern, kalt, jung, kurz, klein, warm
tidy, messy, leather, above, colourful, bin, table, wardrobe, estate agent, inside, empty, croweded, fridge, dirty, close to, warm, cheap, comfortable, sink, blanket, under, shower, soap, outside, bed, paint the walls, bedside table, between, at the front of, lamp, washing machine, plate
Angielski dom 1
plant, public transport, dishwasher, drive, ceiling, bedroom, coffee table, by the sea, wall, cafe, upstairs, video, in the country, town/city, holiday home, ina noisy district, palace, hospital, painting, clean air, busy streets, cup, traffic jams, room, living room, in the city, villige, garage, cushion, TV, picture, study
kindergarten, secondary school br/high school, wortbook, playground, private/public school, schoolmate/classmate, holidays, staff room, canteen, boarding school, education fair, class register, sports field, parent-teacher meeting, timetale, geography, break/lunch break, scool trip, PE kit, pupil's record book, subject, inforation technology, primary school (br)/ elementary school, rubber, pen, single-sex school, corridor, physical education, lunch box, punish, textbook, university
Niemiecki rozdział 2 -słówka
der Schauspieler, heiß, die Sinfonie, geschrieben, die eintrittskarte, die Ausstellung, die Relativitätstheorie, mutig, der Roman, gestorben, die schauspielerin, wo finde die buchmesse statt, der wissenschaftler, der Fluss, der Komponist, die Vereinigung, der eingang, berühmt, erscheinen, der Breg, gesund, der Spitzename von Frankfurt ist bankfurt, der erfinder, hat komponiert, wer ist der bekannteste Dichter Polens?, der dichter, das volksfest, die Gasse, kreativ, seit der vereinigung ist berlin wieder haupstadt, bekant, mittelalterich
fotografieren, woher, ich bin, die Mutter, gehen, der Bruder, du bist, gut bezahlt, Tante, schreiben, die Eltern, interesant, Cousine, sein, leicht, onkel, verdiennen, in Ausland wohnen, sohn, euer, die Geschwister, wie alt, spielen, studieren, liben, schreiben, Opa, langweling, gut verdiennen, Oma, wir sind, wohnen
it's filled wite, a hilly landscape , to use a cashpoint, privacy, guilty, difficult to remowe , uppleasant truhts of reality , to travel on public transport, to watch a criminal, reallyty, according to sb, to invastigate sth, its imposible for as to hide, in theory, residential area, to treat sb as a potencial criminal, you likly to sth, government, illegal behaviour, nearly impossible, packag holiday, boutigens, there are no oridanry or hospitals in BH, not necessarity, a tour of BH, to wander around, to make a apontment, to point at, location, to stay in contact, to monitor peoples actions to last, to work sth out
nowe słowka 1
irreversible, to dreade unsual, adevice, blidness, to do on impossible trask, inseporable, to measure sth, to explain problem by, attached to sth, the incredible thin, sluchawki, aa sophisbicated, to see/tell the diffrence, to analize sth, to carrespond to sth, accasronaly, a mide range of colours, to give a lecture, a great deal, total blidnes, to get used to sth
czsowniki nieregurlane
wachsen er wächst, sehen er sieht, laden er lädt, fahren er fährt, stoßen er stößt, laufen er läuft, befehlen er befiehlt, werden er wird, empfehlen er empfiehlt, raten er rät, sprechen er spricht , tun er tut, waschen er wäscht, geben er gibt, messen er misst, nehmen er nimmt, werfen er wirft, sein er ist, fangen er fängt, becken er bäckt, geschehen es geschieht, haben er hat, treffen er tfifft, fallen er fällt, essen er isst, müssen er muss, schlafen er schläft, helfen er hilft, stehlen er stiehlt, wissen er weiß, wollen er will, mögen er mag
angielski 1A 2A
irriatted, relived, delihgted, confused, long sleeved, embarrassed, sparkly, pround, afraid, velvet, furry, plain, pleased, lacy, fur, upset, full length, tight, matching, loose, cotton, flowery, wooly, smooth, schocked, amused, fed up, guilty, ashamed, homesic, high heeled, stripy
unit 2
surgery, conflict, unconscious, judge, emergency, acute, embarrassed, bring up, physical, shame, suffer, nervous, doubt, ashamed, paramedic, impressed, pedestrian, disappear, recovery, casulty, conclude, commemorate, incident, put on, battle, homesick, stand up, survive, amnesia, upset, recognise, officer
the image of, i'm impressed, to attend emergencies, nowadays, fit&healthy, unxiety, rare, still, assessment, to insist that, to be delighted, a female, well preperd, especially, to apply for job, fire service, increasing, to take part in, suspicion, i generally don't mind, a trainee, to be expected to do sth, because of, plenty, a role model, which isn't true, to introduce football , minority, the only person, a choice a carer, actually, to benefit from
at the start, the head teacher, the autumn term, to encouraged sb to sth, it is about the freedom of chocice, the freedom of choice, am improvent , to pass sth over the fence, to undermine authority, to delivers sth, to give sb a chocie, to ban sb from doing sth, up to 20 oders, takeaway food, to introduce new rules, to reduce the lunch break, to have lunch, napoj gazowany, to resolve the probem, regime, he clannis that, to describle sb behaviour as unwise
IT'S NOT A big deal, the other side of the street, a device, pour into the windows, urgent, it frustrates me, water consumption, to break up wirh, to run out of water, beneficial to health, to apprecate sth, the schoot, do me a favour, soaliced with, the amount of, i made it out of the water, to linoch sb dawn, remeber thought to, proper amount of water, to float, it didn't matter to me, slow down, i hit my bralies, in case you don't like it , to hang on to sth, importance, service was 1st dass, grab sth, to change, a reasonable price, oxygen, rushing water
in effect, performed an amazing of strength, they claim, mall, blood stream, pull sb out, ran towards, recieived an award, go out of the car, lifted sth up, screaming in pain, to this day, without stopping to think, underneath, get off the train, drive off, cyclist, TO DETECTS STH
geben, können, schenken, zeigen, antworten, wünschen, anbieten, besuchen, beginnt, gefallen, soll, jak, will, brauchen, arbeiten, erklärt
a have medcical use, most viewers, preformer, to press sth, to be sceptical about, stomach, publicly, to become popular, at least, to be familar with, a team bulding trip, a posibility, audience, chest, fast food chain, to claim that, to pass a law, to challange sb, it has to do with, the main purpose, to got medicial trect, to put on a show, a udmteer, to pass from..., soles, i find it worring , enterainment, to admint that, wihtout touching it, to go a course, a dramatic improvent, there,s little risk of injury
career, research scientist, stepticial, runny nose, flexible, air-traffic controller, nutrition, ckier, black eye, conscientious, interview, vitamin, scalp, apply, enthusiastic, self -motivated, loan, eyelid, positive, fingernail, creative, translator, salt, chest, caretaker, challenging, backache, police officer, plumber, social worker, edge, presicble
be able to, prediction, discoveries, way, enough, rest, during, not just a list of links, melt, hope, illnesses, might not be, suffer, provide, rise, repalace, within, srana sie cieplejsze, reduce carbon emission, extinction, engines, smart, usable information, society, simply discuss, species, access, remain healthy, repair, treat, grow, catastrophe
ashtray, windowstill, sideboard, footstole, rocking chair, wall light , lamp shade, floorboards, curtain rail
got over, appearance, toy, account, perhaps, prison, he claimed, possessions, encouraged, wild, behaviour, taught, concluded, identify, according, border, various, wound, assumend, remain, serious injury, look after, hood, cell, agreed, mysterious, wandering
he refused food, to came across, encourage, accoreling to his account, to remain a mystery, an attacker, throught out germany, cell, over the years, to get over sth, a diffrnt picture emerged, to conclude that possibly, he claimed that, to assume, to call on, apart from, behaviour, to keep one s identy secret
remain , prove, forestic, to look forward to doing sth, exist, giont, major landmarks of the city, stone, to let sb know, creature, covered, to hear from sb, unfortunately , unemotional , skills, invastigation, area, criticised, to collect evidence , couple , to go sightseeing, despite, contains, to solve the mystery, environmentalist, mystery, to question witnesses , gripping, length, dense jungle, in dve course , solving
call for, flour, look for, fabric, get over, rocking chair, wound, conman, fatal, floorboard, prison, sideboard, wander, deserted, kidnap, look after, come across, bookcase, tclue, count on, PROVE, china, windowstill, witness, maintain, oil painting, wood, coffee table, bare, drive -off, robber, definite
beginnen begonnen, mögen gemocht, frieden gefroren, gehoben, heißen geheißen, essen gegessen, fließen geflossen, fangen g efangen, bieten geboten, nehmen genommen, greifen gegriffen, finden gefunden, haben gehabt, befehlen befohlen , empfehlen empfohlen, bleiben gebleiben, messen gemessen, genießen genossen, gewinnen gewonnen, leiden gelitten, lessen gelassen, hefen geholfen, bitten gebeten, backen gebacken, fhren gefahren, lügen helogen, kennen gekannt, dürfen gedurft, fliegen geflogen, leihen geliehen, bringen gebracht, geben gegeben
vergessen vergessen, reiten geritten h/s, springen gesprungen s , reißen gerissen, wiegen gewogen, spechen gesprochen, sein gewesen s, schneiden geschnitten, sitzen gesessen, verlieren verloren, schwimmen geschwommen h/s, rufen gerufen, weden geworden s , streiten gestritten, schreiben geschrieben, sinken gesunken s, steigen gestiegen s, schlafen geschlafen, werfen geworden, schweigen geschwiegen, wissen gewusst, raten geraten, sollen gesollt, schließen geschlossen, sterben gestorben s, singen gesungen s, waschen gewaschen, waschsen gewaschsen s, ziehen gezohen , tragen getragen, stehen gestanden, tan getun
take account of, renowed, dating agency, fall in love, run out, soulmate, caht someone, devote, co-operative, dew, bright, grasp, pessimistic, spark, semi-detached, put forward, whereas, make up, scenery, get back together, appealing, verdict, uneven, tremble, fancy somebody, walk out , lively, get on well, psychometric test , psychological, divorced, spy
Unit 8
ticket office, capitan, get along, get about, urban, cabin, mosquito , restyle, petrol station , adventurous, taxi rank, duty free shop, seat belt, luggage rack, Expedition , unleaded, look out for, ticket inspector , mate, gap year, sympathise, headland, medical supplies , viper, wooded, track, think ahead, locker , manufacture , anaconda , runway, electric eel
broadcast, clearance, whether or, donate sth to charity, collision, even though, oversleep, direct debit, moreover, cheque, to make sb aware, aim, jingle, haystack, offer, exchange, debt, to aim to, insurance, consumer, explode, influrence, current account, flyer, approach, cash maschine, to encourage sb to , branch, to reveal sth, the owner of, drown, banner ad
pick up audiobooks, we'll make our way ( to the other side of the steet), i was publisched in, i'd definitely recommend it, to go through the tunel, to rehearse, it's a gripping story, to head back to, refreshments, for a number of reasons, designated walkways, in the distance, the monument itself, i identfied with, a rehearsal, enterance, i won'y give the ending away, scena, flashback, taka jest moja teoria, shall i pass it to you, a guided tour, know exactly how, do you fancy meeting up for a coffee, it keeps you interested rightto the final page, at the beginning/end, a novel, we'll be able to, byc w pracy, does it make sense to you, in a few minutes, there's a twist at the end
neat, Label, dres up as/sb/sth, in his her early twentines, get dressed, Male, in hi her mid fifties, talkative, narrow minded, worried, immodest, stupid, detest, be nervous about sth, bored, get one's nails done, lively, respect, politeness, scruffy, Tooth, sneakers, Bra, tolerant, wavy, moved, silk, Feet, cheerful, patterned, Wrist, tracksuit
Matura dom
Ceiling , Mansion, Dressing table , Block of flats, urban, cutlery, easy access to sth, fully fitted kitchen, Radiator , sprare room , Porch, Semi-detached house, slums, Lawn, crockery, neat, Blanket, tidy, Bed bunk, en suite bedroom, Sheet, Chest of drawers , conveniently located, Windowsill, Tap, bare, Two-rommed flat, Door handle, microware oven, tenant, landlord, tourist town
schreien schrie, rufen rief, denken dachte, sehen sah, laden lud, greifen griff, stehen stand, sein war, geschehen geschah, schaffen schuf, dürfen durfte, liegen lag, bleiben blieb, reiben rieb, sollen sollte, nennen nannte, beginnen begann, laufen lief, können konnte, heißen hieß, empfehlen empfahl, geben gab, halten hielt, bitten bat, mögen mochte, finden fand, sinken sank, waschen wusch, schweigen schwieg, verlieren verlor, fließen floss, zwingen zwang
Multi-screen cinema, Stain , Convenience food, In-store Café , Food hall, Take out a loan, Exchange rate, Trade, Haggle, Buy sth at a discount , Open an account , Account number, Change, Toy shop, Meeting point, Price tag, Leaflet, Pay off a loan, Classified ad, Go round the shops, Torn, Invest in stocks and shares , Banknote, Low price, Branch of a bank, Put money in a bank, Transfer money, Scratched , Brand-new, Debit card, Bank account , Escalator