following, to follow, daily life, insecure, above, invert, question words, election, auxiliary verbs, daily, to invert, to avoid
waitress, pool, appearance, overuse, awake, round, garlic, to shift, shift, to guess, to improve, superiority complex, despise, possession, to include, housekeeper, questionnaire, terrified, recently, to awake, inferiority complex, lead singer, farewell, happiness, to prove, embarrassing, waiter
str. 6
interest, prospective, quick fire, period, bell, glossary, watchful, to fit, to chef, to work out, Ms Right, to couple, to chat, several, recent, to bring, courtship, whether, chat, to arrive, gentle, to find out, deafening, each, to pretend, chef, management, design, along, spite, advantage, exchange
Ogólne str. 8
check, piece, honest!, away, extract, to imagine, to identify, to stress, to fit, phrase, noun, suffix, forward, to cheer, stress, third-rate, to forward, to compound, to be honest with you, secondary, graphology, primery, lively, compound, bold, obviously, fit, far away, to phrase, honest, apostrophe, to look forward
Ogólne str.8
conscience, bad-tempered, jealous, exacting, to depend, to mature, unsociable, impatient, terrible, possessive, traineeship, to incubate, to behave, sociable, below, to tend, to paraphrase, politician, paraphrase, exact, to consider, to practice/practise, stubborn, placement, comparative, conscientious, flat, immature, considerate, adverb, terribly, to possess
Tekst str.8
to reflect, lack, temporary, satisfied, to close, to imply, horizontal, lacking, angle, forename, to angle, during, phase, self-confidence, self, neither, rising, middle, signature, to sign, either, neither...nor, to descend, container, illegible, cel/obiektywny, surname, to suggest, wish, self-confident, to contain, vertical
str. 12
sting, inward, injury, stuck, to rush, food poisoning, waist, pressure, deserted, cold, check-up, rush, to involve, laugh, to sting, desert, hardly, conscious, over, to shout (sth) out, steak, upward, allergy, each other, rash, rushed, exact, first aid, involved, to stuck, to keep going, to freeze
str. 10
key, genuine, shy, psychic, balony, preferably, to flatter, to attract, sceptical, activity, ability, to confirm, to respond, mention, trade, talent, to introduce, to refuse, to come up, to investigate, circle, to scar, average, impression, abilities, flattering, direct, underline, to frequent, to direct, to circle, flatter
str. 12
cover, ankle, vowel, to spell, general practitioner (GP), to bandage, to burn, bandage, zamrażarka, spell, to ache, choking, pharmacy, blistering, to cover, ache, specialist, spelling-pronunciation, to caugh, to bruise, blood pressure, to pour, burn, choked, accidentally, blister, soft, excitement, antiseptic, accidental, drugstore, asthma
str. 14
exhausted, muscle, wounded, instinct, to cross, to wound, furniture, to cross out, to cross, plaster, member, wound, to strengthen, packing, suffering, traffic, to jam, jam, appointment, to cut down, harmful, suitcase, prompt, couch, quite, to pack, to suffer, quite!, exhaust, traffic jam, beneficial, cross
to break down, to break down, manual, to increase, gradually, certain, long-term, to claim, disease, to amount, to strengthen, break down, claim, among, whenever, increase, cause, to sense, to moderate, arthritis, efficiently, to reach, to decorate, beneficial, decade, to react, to warm, breaking down, to benefit, reach, damages, benefit
cone, circle, loop, crescent, concave, sphere, triangular, cube, oval, oblong, circular, triangle, diamond, parallel, rectangular, diamond-shaped, spiral, round, convex, straight, horizontal, pointed, square, spherical, vertical, demi-circle, curved, heart-shaped, cross, rectangle
thick, miniature, measurements, short, huge, long, minute, wide, spacious, pocket-sized, thickness, shallow, circumference, depth, fat, small, length, big, tall, high, deep, little, breadth, medium-sized, narrow, width, tiny, size, three-dimensional, great, height, broad
amber, olive green, faded, snow-white, light, cream, pale blue, black and white, pink, black, red, gold, colourless, multicoloured, silver, pale, yellow, bottle green, crimson, blue, beige, colour, green, pastel, lemon, apricot, violet, chocking pink, warm colours, brown, orange, turquoise
to stretch, to redden, to bleach, to go green, to deepen, to go red, to shape, to fade, to enlarge, to expand, to colour, to widen, to broaden, to measure, to turn red, to darken, to whiten, to shorten, to lengthen, to extend, to dye, to change colour, to turn green
school uniform, trainers, bra, trousers, scarf, clothes, boxer shorts, hooded sweatshirt, sweater, uniform, tracksuit, swimming trunks, style, tights, shorts, high heels, suit, jewellery, dress, pants, flat shoes, briefcase, jeans, shoes, belt, accesories, top, shirt, hat, blouse, baseball cap, underpants
shoulder-length, (of) medium-aged, ankle, ginger/red, old, teeth, toe, attractive, fat, wrist, head, hair, tooth, elbow, grey/white, foot, face, in his/her early twenties, middle-aged, dyed, hip, pretty, well-built, nose, spiky, mouth, in his/her mid fifties, bald, eyeliner, in his/her late thirties, waist, build
Różne zwroty
aeropuerto, parada de autobús , estación de trenes, Perdona, ¿cómo llegar a...?, supermercado, lo siento, campamento, hasta luego, Repita, por favor, equipaje, gratuito, ¿Está cerca de aquí?, cerrado, perdona, pasaporte, tienda de comestibles, ¿Está lejos de aquí?, de nada/no hay de que, Perdona, ¿dónde está la calle ...?, trabajo como, gasolinera, habla más alto, ¿habla inglés/polaco?, habla más despacio, Yo he perdido, Me he perdido, abierto
Zumo, Agua con gas, Mi coche se ha estropeado, Plato, Propina, La cuenta, por favor, Por la tarde, ¡Que aproveche!, Café con leche, Pasta, Martes, La sopa, Banco, Cerdo, Pagar en efectivo, Ternera, Cerveza, Agua sin gas, Sábado, Cuchillo, ¡Salud!, Patatas fritas, ¿Cuánto cuesta esto?, Pagar con tarjeta, Caro, Verduras, Patatas, ¿Qué hora es?, Miércoles, Lunes, Jueves, Mañana
La boca, Tener el pelo liso, La cara, Limpio, Tímido, La mejilla, Ser calvo, Estar triste, La nariz, Tener el pelo rizado, La garganta, La cabeza, Alto, La oreja, El vientre, Bajo, Moreno, Estar cansado, Rubio, Joven, El cuello, La frente, Feliz, Tener el pelo corto, La mano, Los Dientes, Viejo, Delgado, Gracioso/divertido, Aburrido, El dedo, Guapo
La bufanda, La chaqueta, El jersey, La manzana, Tener sueño, Tener miedo, Los guantes, La naranja, Tener frio, Tener hambre, Oscuro, Tener fiembre, Los zapatos, El vestido, Los calcetines, Negro, Marrón, El pomelo, Verde, La falda, Tener calor, Rojo, Amarillo, Tener sed, Anaranjada, Azul, El limón
adulto, El fregadero, La adolescencia, La azafata, El cocinero, Morir, El escritorio, El estudiante, La adolescente, Llove, El invierno, La primavera, La lavadora, Mayor, El peluquero, Nieto/a, El tiempo, La bañera, Primo/a, El hombre, La infancia, El sillon, El jubilado, La puerta, El espejo, El médico, El marido, Nacer, La ancianidad/vejez, El otoño, La mujer, La entrada
Nunca, Abrir, Boleć, Recordar, Ayudar, Estar seguro, El pais, Siempre, Acuerdo, Todavia, Czuć się, Estar de acuerdo, Empezar, Saber, El dolor, El camarero/a, Szukać, Ocurrir, La semana pasada, El proximo mes, Pensar, Por supuesto, Durante, Antes, Despues
El precio, Reservar una mesa, Probar, Precioso, Por aqui, Queso, Estar concuento/a, Recibir, Hablar por telefono, Poquito, La ciudad, Ir en metro/autobus, Llamar por telefono, Cambiar, Encontrar, Conmigo, La plaza, Dar, ¿Que quiere a tomar/beber?, Especialmente, Preocupar, Nadar, El deporte, Compras, Coger, Visitar, Cada semana, Quedar
¿De donde?, Encontrarse, Venir, Alguien, Ninguno, Encontrar con..., ¿Adonde?, Każdy, Necesitar, Nadie, Traer, El vestido, ¿Cada cuanto?, Sentarse, Alli, Estar seguro, Solamente/Nada mas, Llegar, Invitarse, Echar a alguien de menos, Algo mas, El habitacion, Nic, Aquel
La carretera, Amar/Querer, El piso, La boda, El divorcio, Al principio, Salir, Viajar, El aparcamiento, Primero, La acera, El trafico, La esquina (de la calle), El entierro, Los atascos, Lamentar, Al final, La criminalidad, Segundo, Llolar, El edificio, El compromiso, Te quiero, Entrar
Rodzaje szkół/ludzie w szkole
college, head teacher/ headmaster / principal(AE), single-sex school, classmate, boarding school, pupil / student(AE), primary / elementary(AE) school, teacher, vocational / technical college, private / independent / public(BrE) school, comprehensive school, teaching staff, grammar school, co-educational school, coach, schoolgirl, state / public(AE) school, lecturer, deputy head / assistant principal(AE), college / university student, (personal) tutor, university, schoolmate, form master, secondary / high(AE) school, schoolboy, examiner
school building/school year
winter break, canteen, staff room, autumn term, holidays, computer lab / IT suite / ICT unit, lunch break, blackboard / whiteboard, locker, desk, laboratory / lab, The bell goes at..., summer term, lesson / period / class, gym (gymnasium), sports field, timetable / schedule(AE), board rubber, playground, language lab, headmaster's office, board pen, library, spring term, break, hall, School breaks up on..., free period, classroom, science lab, office, chalk
going to / leaving / finishing school
get / obtain a degree, drop out from a course, be excluded, truancy, go to school, expulsion, be absent, school leaver, get a report, register, skip classes, play truant, attendance, attend classes, absence, be present, drop out from a school, be expelled from school, graduate, leave school, take the register, get into university, attend school, attend a course, graduate from (a university), get / obtain a diploma, get / obtain a certificate
Kinds of work
work freelance, duty, employment, permanent job, self-employed, work from home, full-time job, physical work / manual work, hard work, temporary job, freelance, job, white-collar worker, skilled work, work, odd jobs, occupation, well-paid job, employer, employee, be self employed, part-time job, blue-collar worker, profession, unskilled work, work for sb, career, professional, employ sb