Illnesses and symptoms
have a stomach ache, ill seriously, upset stomach, swollen tonsils, be injured [`ɪndʒəd] , stroke [strəuk] , pneumonia [nju:`məunɪə], depression [dɪ`preʃən], cough [kof] , wound [waund], eye condition [kən`dɪʃən] , fall with an illness, feel drowsy [`drauzɪ] , sprained ankle, have an earache, acne ['æknɪ] , feel dreadful [`dredful] , common [`komən] cold , pain, twisted ankle, be diabetic [dɑɪə'betɪk] , splitting [`splɪtɪn] headache, rash [ræʃ], hurt, serious disease, vomit [`vomɪt], throw up, feel terible, have toothache, chickenpox [`tʃɪkɪnpoks] , feel a bit off-color, be stung [stʌn], have a backache
Every word which I don't know and I would like to learn.
osiągnięcia, dorobek, rondel, mieszkanie, kwatera, komentować, przeprowadzać reportaż, luksusowy, pretekst , żeglowanie, środki, metoda ,sposób, fabuła, spisek ,intryga , odmawiać, nie przyjmować , wybuch, wózek inwalidzki, narciarstwo, luksus, ogolić , sprzeciw, ułomny, kaleki, podniecający,przejmujący , powodować kalectwo, nieprzylepiający się , stosunkowy, porównawczy, częstotliwość , bielizna , udawać, wewnetrzny, domowy, wydruk, zaproszenie , zakonczenie , winiosek , karaiby, kierować,zdołać, zarządzać
Treatment['tritmənt]- leczenie
take herbal remedies, put on bandage [`bændɪdʒ], painkillers, have a CT scan, swallow [`swoləu], be diagnosed with sth, take cough [kof] mixture [`mɪkstʃə(r)], give sb an injection [ɪn`dʒekʃən] , denstal check-up ['tʃekʎp], check-up ['tʃekʎp], tissue [`tɪʃu:], sleeping pills, medicine, drug, carry an inhaler [ɪn`heɪlə(r)], treatment ['tritmənt], go to the doctor, make an appointment [ə`poɪntmənt] to see the doctor, put in eye drops, cure [kjʊr], have tests, make a fast recovery [rɪ`kʌvərɪ] , bedridden ['bedrɪdn], perform [pə`fo:m] an operation [opə`reɪʃən] , take pills, take lozenges ['lozɪndʒ], have an operation [opə`reɪʃən] , be in plaster ['plɑstəɸ], get better, take medicine, get over the operation [opə`reɪʃən] , prescription [prɪ`skrɪpʃən], be examined
Medical care
general practitioner [præk`tɪʃənə(r)], treat sb for sth, go into hospital, public health care, take sb's blood pressure, health clinic, doktor, physician, take medication [medɪ`keɪʃən], operate on sb, take sb's temperature, patient, specjalist [ˈspeʃəlɪst], have an X-ray, physiotherapist [ˌfɪziəʊˈθerəpɪst], dentist, health care centre, nurse, casualty ['kæʒʊəltɪ], be discharged [dɪsˌtʃɑː(r)dʒd], do an examination [ɪgzæmɪ`neɪʃən], accident [`æksɪdənt] and emergency [ɪ`mə:dʒənsɪ], hospital, surgeon, recover from an ilness, syrgery, ward [wo:d]
Modern addictions
visit social networking websites, quit [kwɪt]/give up, high anxiety [æŋˈzaɪəti], come off drugs, prohibit [prəʊˈhɪbɪt] drugs, check a bank account [əˈkaʊnt], withdrawal [wɪðˈdrɔːəl]symptoms, play computer games, impaired [ɪmˈpeə(r)d] memory, restlessness [ˈres(t)ləs], shopaholism, effects, addict [ˈædɪkt], take an overdose, use beauty products, drug addict [ˈædɪkt], come down with AIDS, smoke cigarettes, addiction [əˈdɪkʃ(ə)n], die of an overdose
The disabled
be in a wheelchair, read small print, disabled [dɪsˈeɪb(ə)ld] parking, disability /ˌdɪsəˈbɪləti/, be physically/menatlly disabled, partiallty-sighted /ˈpɑː(r)ʃəli/-/ˈsaɪtɪd/, white cane [kein], be on crutches [krʌtʃ], climb stairs, wear a hearring aid /ˈhɪərɪŋ/ /eɪd/, blind, use ramps, drive a specially/ˌspeʃiˈæləti/ adapted car, use public transport, ride a mobility scooter, walk long distances, get throuhg narrow door, guide /ɡaɪd/ dog