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Pakiety użytkownika tompolewsk
  • 0
    Callan_6/77-81 wybrane
    abbreviation(abriwiejszyn), moderate (modereit), shut up, to be good at doing something, pleasure (pleżer), population(popiulejszen), rather than, application(aplikejszen), whereabouts, sweet, brainy, division (dywiżyn), sick, shut, rode(roud), criminal, knock (nok), list, here /he/she/it/ is, wish, take care of, passport, in public, bath (baf), friendship, how high, be making profit, point(decimal), profit (profyt), on the other hand, vomit, result (rizalt)
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    expect(ikspekt), brush(brasz), trade, builder(bylder), conserve(konserw) "SAVE", overlook, inexpensive, whoever, advert, by this time, purpose(perpes), photograph(fołtograf), photo, mark, extreme, floor(ground), overpay, battery(batery), oversleep, uniform(juniform), charge(czarcz), severe(siwir), in case, plan(pl'e'an), burn(bern), to have something done, confuse(konfiuz), educated(edukeityd), limit, farmer, rough(raf), photographer, grow, grew(gru), grown
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    such as, to make one feel, persuade, poet, at the same time, wheel(łil), studies (stadis), sleepwalker, avoid (ewoid), industry (indastry), reflexive, danger, parliament, industrial (indastrial), impatient (impejszent), alive, may (mei), freedom, however, take by surprise, itself, apologise (epolodżajs), besides, servant(serwent), doer (duer), happen(hapyn), Ireland (airlend), music, still, immediately, look, special
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    proper, addiction(edykszyn), composite words(kompozit łerds), member, much more, several(sewrel), doubt(daubt), lucky(laki), loosen(luusen), electricity, won(łan), case, metre (miter), catch (kecz), anywhere, sheep(szip), travel, temperature(temperczer), permission (permyszyn), storm, unable(aneibl), at once (et łans), immediately, seem, consequently, much better, wiser(łiser), wisdom(łisdym), hear, loose (luus), at, abnormal(ebnormal), by adding(bai eding)
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    against, finite(fainait), clause(kloos), no matter, control(konczłrol), claim(kleim), please (v), account for(ekaunt), cheque(czek), check, descend(disend), finish up, sign(sain), bill(byl), adventure(adwencze), speech, draw from ..., draw out of..., govern(gave'r'n), conjunction(kondżankszyn), to be important/matter, lay an egg(lei en egg), Gibraltar(dżyblartar), taste, eastern, occasionally(okejżionaly), relative pronoun, birth(berf), completely(komplitli), entirely(entairly), northern(nordern), ambition(ambyszyn), property(propety), whole(houl), far
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    Callan_7/98-100 wybrane
    player(pleje'r'), proper(prope'r'), terrible(terybol), throne(froun), faros(ferous), statue(stacziu), Mausolus(mozles), rule(rul), forwards(forłords), wonder(łander), pretty(pryti), market, priest(pryst), improve(imprów), doorway, neither have I, pay for, side, Alexandria(alekzandżria), upwards(apłords), waste(łeist), leadership(liderszyp), politics(polytyks), as a rule(rul), Ephesus(ifysys), wonder(łander), so many, enjoy(indżoi), election(elekszyn), sidewards(saidłords), sideways, tomb(tum), for instance
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    Callan_7/101-105 wybrane
    shoot(szut), shot(szot), shot, value(weliu), object(obdżekt) [v], requests, in place of, generally speaking, intelligence(intelydżens), next-door neighbour(neiba'r'), hardly, lack(laak), to be determined(determent), wedding, housewife, usual(jużual), bloody(bladi), do you mind?, switch on - switch off, noble(noubu), human, purity(piurity), cry, fit(fyt), barrel(barll), gather together(geder...), a taste for, relax(rileks), bible(baibol), steal(stil)stole(stol)stolen, obey, briefly(brifli), pipe(paip), house(haus)-home(houłm)
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    Callan_7/106-109 wybrane
    go on, rocking-horse, roll(roul), (non-)defining(difaining), racehorse, sincere(sinsie'r'), along, injure(indżer), distance(dystyns), brave, letter-box, recommend(rekomend), stage, deal(dil), wave goodbye(łeiw), a cup of tea, to decide(disaid), stir(ster), wound(łund) {hurt}, film star(fylm...), post office(poust...), in return(reyturn), form, post(poust), to go to the bottom, upstream(apsczrim), horse race, advanced(edwanst), development(diwelopment), lokal(leukel), faithfully(feiffuli), then
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    common sense(komon.....), moreover, formal(fo'r'mol), so that(so det), combine(kombain), so as, and so on, do it so, trust(trłast), lazy(leizi), pray(prej), take notes(....nouts), so far, idle(aidll), self-conscious(self konszys), accordingly(ekordingly), type(taip), offend(ofend), informal(info'r'mol), fascinated(fascyneityd)(fasnetid), original(orydżnal), correct(korłekt), imagine(imedżin), conscious(konszys), dining-room(daining...), banknote(banknout), murderer(merdra), axe(eks), accustomed(eka'stemd), sensible(sensyboul), chat(cziat), note(nout)
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    workman, partner(pa'r'tne'r'), date(deit), class(klass), support(syport), mostly, wood(s), deck, pick up, payment(peiment), jungle(dżango'l'), harvest(ha'r'vyst), stamp, otherwise(aderłeis), advantage(edwantycz), satisfied, artificial(arty'fyszal), grease(gryis) [n], serve(se'r'w), encyclopedia(insaiklypidia), in relation to, lie down, plough(plau), rush, lodgings(lodżinks), quality(kłalyty), declare(dekle'r'), industrialist(indastry'list), naturally(naczurli), search, floorboard(flobord), greed
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    Angielski Intermediate wybrane z Unit 7-12 EngResult
    break(breik), heat, octopus('oktopus), carpenter(kaa'r'pente'r'), advice, audience(odiens), cave, effort(effet), allow(elau), fitness, trivia(triwie), environment(envairnment), sore throat(so'r' frout), find out, trivia(triwie), stamp, delicious, meny more, diet(daiet), china(czaina), cupboard(kabeed), interview, expiry date (ikspairy deit), cooperate(kopreit), luxury(lokszłri), on the whole, connected(konektyd), available(eweillbou), fever(fiwe'r'), heat, skewer(skiue), chestnuts(czesnats), bowl
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    Angielski B1 wybrane English Result
    department store, found(faund), to the left / right, curiosity(kiuriositi), manage(manydż), reception(risepszyn), parachute(paeresziut), insect repellent(ri'pelent), assembly, topic (topyk), makeover, downhill, faculty(fa'kulti), survival(se'r'waiwel), taxi rank, boiling, town hall, gender(dżende'r'), stormy(stormi), backwards, represent (repri'zent), generous(dżeneres), little by little, shopping mall, communicate (komiunikeit), swear(słee), kidnap (ki'dnap), spares(spe'r'z), divorce, on the left / right, at all, guest house
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    Phrasal Verbs and Idioms from B1
    cut off, look after sb/sth, tell sb off, tell off sb, put sb through to sb, fed up/fed up=sick, tired, bored, turn sth off, turn off sth, hang up, fall away (from sth), fall back, take sth up, take up sth , take sth off, take off sth/ take off , make up (with sb), give up, + sth, well paid, make a mess, take out, find out, make up, fall down , take back, go ahead, get through(fru), take back, ask for sb/sth, make up sth, put away, tidy up, make up for sth, run after, hang on = wait, pick up, ring up
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    Angielski upper-intermediate wybrane English Result
    awfully('ooflli), unwind (an'łaind), recourse(ri'kos), fairly(fe'r'li), hire(haia), irritating(iriteitin), lovable('lavebou'l'), indicate, occupy('okiupai), to spy on, consumer goods, fence, carry on, improvable(im'provybou'l'), harvest('ha:vist), capture('kapcze), turn up, remoteness(ri'mountnes), deal with, loathe(louft'c'), essential(i'senczol), sharing(szerin), avoidable(e'woidboul)), pampered('pamped), festivity(fe'stivity), trip up, flight attendant (etendent) steward('stiud), stewardessa('stiu'des), appropriate(e'proupiet) adj, reunite(riju'nait), wear out, personal touch, achievable(e'cziwibou'l') - projektowanie graficzne, uslugi programistyczne
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