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Pakiet UNIT 6
język Angielski
autor: asjjaa
113 słówka
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Słówka zawarte w pakiecie
  • Słówko
    po polsku
    po angielsku
      • reklama
      • ad ; an advertisement
      • karta do głosowania
      • ballot paper ; a ballot that you write your vote on
      • kandydat
      • candidate ; one of the people competing in an election
      • okręg wyborczy
      • constituency ; a division of a country that elects a representative to a parliament
      • demokracja
      • democracy ; a system of government in which people vote in elections to choose the people who will govern them
      • demokrata
      • democrat ; someone who supports democracy as a political system
      • demokratyczny
      • democratic ; involving elections in which people vote for their political representatives
      • wybierać w głosowaniu
      • elect ; to choose someone by voting so that they represent you or hold an official position
      • elektorat
      • electorate ; all the people who are allowed to vote in an election
      • wybory powszechne
      • general election ; an election in which every adult in the country can vote for the people who will represent them in parliament
      • głowa państwa
      • head of state ; the leader of a country, for example a king, queen, or president
      • poseł, parlamentarzysta
      • Member of Parliament ; someone who people have elected to represent them in a parliament. Members of Parliament are usually called MPs
      • parlament
      • parliament ; the main law-making institution in some countries. In the UK, Parliament consists of politicians elected to the House of Commons and members of the House of Lords
      • parlamentarny
      • parliamentary ; relating to a parliament or suitable for a parliament
      • lokal wyborczy
      • polling station ; a building where people go to vote in an election
      • reprezentant, przedstawiciel
      • representative ; someone who has been chosen or elected by a person or group to vote, give opinions, or make decisions for them
      • kandydować
      • stand for ; to try to get chosen in an election for a particular position or as a member of a particular institution. In American English, you say that someone runs for office
      • frekwencja
      • turnout ; the number of voters in an election
      • dotkliwie, przenikliwie
      • acutely ; used for emphasizing that a feeling, often an unpleasant one, is very strong
      • zawstydzony
      • ashamed ; feeling guilty or embarrassed because you have done something wrong, or think that you have not reached a standard that people expect
      • jaskrawy
      • bright ; bright colours are strong but not dark
      • rumienić się, czerwienić
      • blush ; if you blush, your cheeks become red because you feel embarrassed or ashamed
      • poniżający, upokarzający
      • humiliating ; making you feel very embarrassed and ashamed
      • skrępowany, niepewny siebie
      • self-conscious ; embarrassed or worried about how you look or what other people think of you
      • wić się, skręcać
      • squirm ; to look or feel embarrassed and uncomfortable
      • dyskryminacja ze względu na wiek
      • ageism ; the practice of treating older people in an unfair or insulting way, for example by not giving them jobs
      • elitarność
      • elitism ; the belief that a small group of people who have a lot of advantages should keep the most power and influence
      • idealizm
      • idealism ; a very strong belief in something which is good but probably impossible to achieve
      • nacjonalizm
      • nationalism ; the wish for political independence of a group of people with the same language, culture, history, etc.
      • optymizm
      • optimism ; a tendency to be hopeful and to expect that good things will probably happen
      • pacyfizm
      • pacifism ; the belief that violence is wrong and that people should refuse to fight in wars
      • pesymizm
      • pessimism ; the attitude of someone who thinks that the worst thing will happen in every situation
      • rasizm
      • racism ; a way of behaving or thinking that shows that you do not like or respect people who belong to races that are different from your own and that you believe your race is better than others
      • realizm
      • realism ; the ability to accept events and situations as they really are and to deal with them in a practical way
      • seksizm
      • sexism ; the belief that men and women should be treated in a different way and are suited to different types of jobs and different positions in society
      • socjalizm
      • socialism ; a political system that aims to create a society in which everyone has equal opportunities and in which the most important industries are owned or controlled by the whole community
      • alienować, odłączać, oddalać
      • alienate ; to make someone feel that they do not belong in a place or group
      • apatia
      • apathy ; a feeling of having no interest in or enthusiasm about anything, or of not being willing to make any effort to change things
      • przystępny, dostępny
      • approachable ; someone who is approachable is friendly and easy to talk to
      • elokwentny
      • articulate ; able to express your thoughts, arguments, and ideas clearly and effectively
      • napastnik
      • assailant ; someone who violently attacks another person
      • pusty, czysty, niewypełniony
      • blank ; blank paper or a blank space is empty and contains no writing or other marks
      • łapówka
      • bribe ; to give money or presents to someone so that they will help you by doing something dishonest or illegal
      • odrzucać
      • brush (sth) off ; to refuse to listen to someone, or to accept that something might be true or important
      • centroprawicowy
      • centre-right ; if a party is centre-right it is right-wing but not very strongly
      • kanclerz
      • chancellor ; the leader of the government in some countries, for example Germany and Austria
      • opieka nad dziećmi
      • childcare ; the job of looking after children, especially while their parents are working
      • blisko, z bliska
      • close range ; only a short distance away, or separated by only a short distance
      • zaangażować się w
      • commit to ; to promise to do something
      • kompetentny
      • competent ; capable of doing something in a satisfactory or effective way
      • obowiązkowy
      • compulsory ; something that is compulsory must be done because of a rule or law
      • protekcjonalny
      • condescending ; showing that you think you are more important or more intelligent than other people
      • odbywać rejs
      • cruise ; to sail in a ship for pleasure, especially to a series of places
      • zastępca przewodniczącego
      • deputy leader ; someone whose job is the second most important in a department or organization, and who takes the responsibilities of the most important person in some situations
      • zdeterminowany
      • determine ; to control what something will be
      • dyskryminacja
      • discrimination ; unfair treatment of someone because of their religion, race, or other personal features
      • forum dyskusyjne
      • discussion forum ; a website where people can express their ideas and opinions
      • zwolnienie z pracy
      • dismissal ; an act of making someone leave their job
      • inżynier
      • engineer ; someone who designs or builds things such as roads, railroads, bridges, or machines
      • sprawiedliwy
      • fair ; if a situation is fair, everyone is treated equally and in a reasonable way
      • pryszczyca
      • foot and mouth disease ; a very infectious disease of sheep, cows, and pigs
      • zamieszanie, szum
      • fuss ; a lot of unnecessary worry or excitement about something
      • zostać wylanym z pracy, zwolnionym
      • get the sack ; to lose your job, especially for doing something wrong
      • absolwent
      • graduate ; someone who has a degree from a university
      • przyznawać, subwencjonować
      • grant ; to allow someone to have or do what they want
      • uasadnienie
      • grounds ; a reason for what you say or do, or for being allowed to say or do something
      • kandydat
      • candidate ; one of the people competing for a job
      • osłupiały z przerażenia
      • horrified ; very shocked or frightened
      • upokarzający
      • humiliating ; making you feel very embarrassed and ashamed
      • sprawa, kwestia
      • issue ; a subject that people discuss or argue about, especially relating to society, politics etc
      • uruchamiać, rozpoczynać
      • launch ; an occasion when a company starts selling a new product or service to the public
      • ciężar, problem
      • liability ; someone or something that causes problems for someone
      • macho, przesadnie męski
      • macho ; behaving in a way traditionally considered typical of a man, for example by being strong and willing to fight, and by hiding your feelings
      • półtoralitrowa butelka (zwykle alkoholu)
      • magnum ; a large bottle that holds 1.5 litres
      • pogorszyć sprawę
      • make matters worse ; to make a situation worse
      • notatka, zawiadomienie
      • memo ; a short note that you send to someone who you work with
      • robić bałagan, paskudzić
      • mess (sth) up ; to make something dirty or untidy
      • umiarkowany
      • moderate ; reasonable and avoiding extreme opinions or actions
      • sprzeciwiać się
      • object to (sth) ; to be opposed to something, or to express your opposition to it in words
      • obrażać
      • offend ; to make someone upset and angry by doing or saying something
      • obraźliwy
      • offensive ; unpleasant or insulting, and likely to make people upset or embarrassed
      • celowo
      • on purpose ; deliberately
      • wybuch
      • outbreak ; the sudden start of war, disease, violence etc
      • wynik, rezultat
      • outcome ; the final result of a process, meeting, activity, etc
      • nadzorować
      • oversee ; to watch something in order to check that it works or happens in the way that it should
      • przyznawać się do
      • own up to (sth) ; to admit that you have done something bad or embarrassing
      • filozoficzny
      • philosophical ; relating to philosophy
      • filozofia
      • philosophy ; the study of theories about the meaning of things such as life, knowledge, and beliefs He studied politics and philosophy.
      • umieszczanie posta
      • posting ; a message sent over the Internet to a newsgroup etc
      • wlewać, przelewać
      • pour ; to make a liquid or substance flow out of a container that you are holding
      • wnosić oskarżenie
      • press charges ; to officially accuse someone of committing a crime
      • przebieg, postępowanie
      • proceedings ; an event or series of related events
      • natychmiast, bezzwłocznie
      • promptly ; used for saying that someone does something immediately after doing another thing when this is surprising
      • prowokować
      • provoke ; to deliberately try to make someone angry
      • uderzać pięścią
      • punch ; to hit someone or something with your fist (=closed hand), usually as hard as you can
      • system kontyngentowy, system kwot
      • quota system ; a system in which someone has to do or have a certain amount of something
      • czerwony na twarzy, oblany rumieńcem
      • red-faced ; with a red face, because of being embarrassed, angry, or hot
      • odnosić się do
      • refer to (sth) ; to describe something, or to be about something
      • zrezygnować z posady
      • resign ; to state formally that you are leaving a job permanently
      • szanować
      • respect ; a feeling of admiration that you have for someone because of their personal qualities, their achievements, or their status, and that you show by treating them in a polite and kind way
      • prawo
      • right ; something that you are morally or legally allowed to do or have
      • bazgrać
      • scribble ; to write something quickly and carelessly
      • sekretarski
      • secretarial ; relating to the work or skills of a secretary
      • inwencja
      • spark ; the quality of being lively and original
      • specjalista od public relations, spin doktor
      • spin doctor ; someone whose job is to give journalists information that makes a politician or an organization seem as good as possible
      • sufrażystka
      • suffragette ; in the UK and US, a woman who took part in public protests about giving women the right to vote in the early 1900s
      • nadzorować
      • supervise ; to be in charge of an activity or a place and to check that things are done correctly
      • absolutnie, bez dyskusji, bezwzględnie
      • sure as hell ; used for saying that something is very certain
      • zmagać się, stawiać czoło
      • tackle ; to make an organized and determined attempt to deal with a problem, often a social problem such as crime or unemployment
      • zapłakany, we łzach
      • tearful ; crying, or feeling as if you want to cry
      • unia
      • union ; an organization that represents the workers in a particular industry and tries to improve pay, conditions etc
      • niepoprawny politycznie
      • un-PC ; not politically correct. Politically correct language or behaviour is not offensive, especially to people who have often been affected by discrimination (=unfair treatment)
      • obracać się, wirować
      • wheel around ; to turn around quickly where you are standing
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