Słówka zawarte w pakiecie
po polsku
po angielsku
Dzial phrasale
- to be composed of
- be made up of
- write sb name on receipt
- make (receipt) out to sb
- to go in the direction of
- make for somewhere
- transform sb, sth into sb, sth
- make sb/sth into sb/sth else
- do sth nice for sb for letting him down
- make it up to sb
- steal sth and escape with it
- make off with sth
- be albe to read or see
- to make (sth) out
- complete a set
- make up a set
- compensate, do sth nice for behaving badly
- make up for doing sth
- invent , possibly to deceive
- make up sth
- sth, sb isnt as bad as evryone says
- sth/sb isnt as bad as evryone makes out
- start doing sth difficult prefaced by complaining
- go about sth/doing sth
- agree to participate in sth
- go along with sth
- use book to form opinion, make judgement
- go by sth
- people dont like or approve sth
- sth goes down badly
- ring, explode, go bad
- go off
- stop liking sb, sth
- go off sb/sth
- keep talking aboust sth in boring way
- go on about sth
- carfully look and chceck sth
- go over sth
- to complete whaty you had planned
- go through with sth
- match, co-ordinate with
- go with sth
- give sth to sb for free
- give (sth) away
- show others what you really are
- give yourself/sb away
- do unwillingly sth that sb wants you to do
- give in to sth
- produce (smell, sound, light)
- give off
- to be distributed
- be given out
- spend your time doing that activity
- be given over to
- sto doing, trying to answer, resign
- give up
- allow yourself to be arrested
- give yourself up
- stop believing that you can change sth, sb
- give up on sb/sth
- be late in paying sth (rent)
- get behind with
- to start giving serious attention to sth
- get down to sth
- be nearly (used for time, age)
- be getting on for
- start talking about, contact sb for help
- get on to
- avoid sth you supposed to do
- get out of (doing sth)
- i cant believe how
- I cant get over how
- persuade sb to do sth by being nice
- get round sb
- finally find time to do sth
- get round to doing sth
- contact and talk to sb by phone
- get through to sb
- what has happend to sb (acting different)
- what's got into sb
- be surprised
- be taken aback
- be deveived by
- be taken in/to take sb in
- understand and remember
- take sth in
- resemble a member of your family
- take after sb
- withdraw what you have previously said
- take sth back
- sth makes you feel tired
- sth takes it out of you
- make sb suffer cause sth annoyed you
- take it/sth/ out on sb
- occupy, use space or time
- take up
- start a sport or hobby
- take sth up
- accept sb's offer
- take sb up on an offer
- find by chance
- come across sth
- attack sb especially with knife
- come at sb
- find or get sth
- come by sth (hard to come by)
- publish, realease, apper (sun, stars)
- come out
- suddenly say sth unexpected
- come out with
- visit in smone house, sth strange happen to sb
- come over
- regain consciousness
- come to/(a)round
- appear (questions), be mentioned or discussed
- come up
- think of idea, escuse, answer
- come up with
- use in emergency or as last resort
- fall back on
- be late paying
- fall behind with
- leieve a lie
- fall for a lie
- become friends an spent time with sb bad
- fall in with
- quarrel and stop bein friends
- fall out with sb
- fall while walking
- fall over
- communicate you views, idead to others
- put (sth) across/over
- save money for later
- put (money) by
- kills animal painlessly
- put (an animal) down
- say that sth is caused by
- put (sth) down to
- formally apply for sth
- put in for sth
- disturb sb, make sb not want to do or eat
- put sb off
- switch on, plug in a device, begin cook or heat
- put sth on
- extinguish, take sth from house, cause inconvenience
- put sth out
- tolerate sb, sth
- put up with sb/sth
- save money, save time for sth
- set aside/put away/put aside
- stop and let sb off
- set sb down
- explain an idea, policy, plan
- set forth
- start and seem likley to continue
- set in
- cause an alarm to ring
- set (an alarm) off
- begin sth with inention of achievaing it
- set out to do sth
- make sb look guilty
- set sb up
- przekazać coś komuś
- give over to
- przywołać komuś wspomnienia
- take back
- zdobywać, przejmować
- take over
- zatrzymać się gdzies, przenocować
- put up
- namawiać kogoś do zrobienia czegoś głupiego
- put up to
- poruszyć problem
- bring up
- zaprzyjaźnić się z kimś
- get in with
- miec dobre stosunki
- get on with
- ujść z czymś
- get off with
- zachorować na coś
- go down with
- domagać się czegoś
- hold out for sth
- utrzymywać na niskim poziomie
- keep down
- pozostawac z kimś w dobrych stosunkach
- keep in with
- trzymać się z dala
- keep off
- trzymać kogoś z dala od czegoś
- keep sb out of sth
- odsunąć kogoś od pracy
- do out of
- zawiązać, zawiesić, udekorować
- do up
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