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Pakiety użytkownika ds51007
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    autor: ds51007
    podatki słownictwo
    cut taxes, capital gains tax, direct tax, tax loophole, tax free, tax collection, inheritance tax, tax bracket, personal income tax, tax relief, tax rebate, taxation, tax office, tax-free allowance, tax dodger, file a tax return, tax avoidance, flat tax, his income for tax purpose is X, tax deductible, Corporate Income Tax, be liable for tax, tax fraud, tax evasion, tax exemption, tax deduction, shadow economy, tax return, excise duty/tax, indirect tax, pay tax on, tax code
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    kolokwium angielski powtórzenie
    severance package, shareholders, pay up front, polling stations, to dissipate, debtors, breach of the law, data deluge, to transcend, drawbacks, fraudulent election, to rig an election, spate, immediate settlement, beaver away, to sit out protests, voracious, to show the colour of your money, harried, turnover, stll its creditors, to shed(tears), bandwidth, securities, to replenish, liabilities, be billed, to mete out punishment, live on credit / buy on credit, depreciation, stock, comptroller
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    business corespondence
    orders are generally shipped within ten to fourteen working days after the despatch, in reply to your enquiry of..... about.... we are glad to inform you that, confirming our telephone conversation we are pleased to submit a quotation for......, our price list is enclosed with this letter, together with details of our trade terms, please inform us if you are interested, we expect payment on invoice, prices are subject to variation without notice, we regret that we are unable to offer .... but we are enclosing..... that we can deliver in the quantities required, payment should be made by irrevocable letter of credit, our prices include delivery fob szczecin, thank you for your enquiry of (date) about (name)), no discount is granted, we offer a variety of ways to place your order and provide samples of most of our products, we are sure that these goods will meet your requirements and we look forward to your order, we hope that you will find our terms competitive, we are pleased to receive your enquiry about, we allow 5 per cent discount for bigger quantities, we are ready to supply ..... from stock if we get your order...., as we have a good supply of..... we can effect shipment within, these goods are available immediately from stock, we inform that we can supply the goods in quantities you require, full details of our terms are enclosed with this letter, we accept orders for delivery in..., our prices are subject to 5 per cent discount for cash payment, please note that our offer is valid for.....time....only, sorry but we do not manufacture the type of equipment you ask for, if you find our terms satisfactory please let us have your order at an early dat as supplies are limited, we will be please to hear at earliest convenience whether you are interested in our offer, we are pleased to make an offer regarding the purchase of .... , we cannot promise delivery before date unless your order reaches us within time, the goods can be delivered within time of receipt of your order, if you find our offer acceptable please advise us by an email message
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    a problem, difficulty or disadvantage, share premium, an investor who does the opposite of what most other investors are doing, to put something down heavily and without taking care, the amount of money received from a particular event or activity or when something is sold, records assets at their original purchase price minus depreciation charge (net book value), trzymać pieniądze “w skarpecie”, a detailed examination of a company and its financial situation, values assets at the replacement price, shares on large, well established companies with a good reputation for quality and profitability, are traded for less than they are worth, annual general meeting , the difference between the purchase price of acquired companies and their net tangible assets, investor will receive the next dividend, - to design or organize something so that it is suitable for a particular purpose, situation or group of people, all the money that business spends on goods or services during a given period, legal ownership and control of a building or piece of land for an unlimited time, to support the truth of something, ordinary shares, a document inviting the public to buy shares, stating the terms of sale and giving information about the company, to wait for an unpleasant situation or event to finish, without leaving or taking some other action, expenses such as wages, taxes and interest that have not yet been paid at the date of the balance sheet, – a person, especially an old man, who is wise, unlimited risk, investor will not receive the next dividend, restrictions on the amount you can lose if the underlying price changes, larger in amount than usual, investors who buy new shares hoping that they will be over-subscribed, owners get a fixed dividend before ordinary shareholders and can get a part of their capital back if the company goes bankrupt., to guarantee that to buy stock if there are not enough buyers , not easy to find or get, – to cause something such as a plan or an opportunity to fail
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    autor: ds51007
    ruchowymi, móżdżek, most, rdzeń przedłużony, układ współczulny - sympatyczny, układ autonomiczny, malthusa oraz gradualistów (saltacjonizm - punktualizm), dendryt, rogi przednie, jądro ogoniaste, skorupa, gałka blada, jądro soczewkowate, zmienna zależąca od poziomu pokolenia, zachowanie zgodne z koncepcją wet za wet, jest duża, brak mutacji, rozmnażanie losowe, nie zachodzą migracje osbników, malthusa, cuviera, lamarcka, otacza wodociąg mózgu, obwody nerwowe kontrolujące sekwencję ruchów charakterystycznych dla gatunków, receptory wrażliwe na opiaty, wzgórze, podzwzgórze, śródmózgowie, most, rdzeń przedłużony, jony potasu wędrują do góry, róg przedni oraz istota szara/biała rdzenia kręgowego, jest podobny do zjadania młodych przez lwy, występuje u myszy, dotyczy samca, który dzięki temu nie inwestuje w opiekę nad nie swoim potomstwem, element składowy zachowania instynktownego, zachowanie spełniające, zachowania seksualne, motywacja, regulacja zachowań emocjonalnych, zapamiętywanie, podejmowanie decyzji, akson - włókno osiowe, osobniki podejmują działanie gdyż oddziaływanie bodźców heterogenicznych się sumują, afarentnych, eferentnych, w pośredniczącym. NIE MA W RUCHOMYM, w fazie czuwania, podczas marzeń sennych, w fazie REM, wzgórki czworacze, wzgórki dolne i górne, pokrywka, nakrywka, sumą pobudzenia zewnętrznego i wewnętrznego, u 90% praworęcznych lewa, zakręt zaśrodkowy , część płata ciemieniowego, jest jednym z pęcherzyków pierwotnych, rdzeń kręgowy, jądro ogoniaste, skorupa, gałka blada, jądro soczewkowate, haeckla, dollo, cope'a, repulsyjny/repulsywny - projektowanie graficzne, uslugi programistyczne
Wszelkie prawa zastrzezone 2008-2024