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Pakiety użytkownika inreb123
  • 13
    Witam. Dziś prezentuje super pakiet słówek do posługiwania się w grach komputerowych. Jeśli chcesz zostać pro to te słówka musisz po prostu znać i poznać :)
    drop, well played, gg no re, fave fun, command center, gateway protossów, good luck, good game, baraki terran, cannons protossów, progamer
  • 34
    Słówka ze znanego i lubianego seriali MD House. Przede wszystkim nazwy schorzeń
    lung, allergy, sleeplessness, stomach, sweat, brain, heart, tachecardia, blood pressure, cancer, liver, breathing problems, runny nose, intubate, hip, muscles, adverse event, asthma, rash , kidney, throw up, spine, pancreas, baskache
  • 2
    Zespoły chorobowe z Dr Housea
    audi tory vertigo, postphlebitic syndrome, iliotibial band syndrome, adrenogenital disorder, myasthenic syndromes, polycystuic ovaria syndrome, Klinefelter’s syndrome, Horner’s syndrome, adrenogenital disorders, Gilbert’s syndrome, tapeworm, Reye’s syndrome, fusing unit, catatonia, syndrome, staphylococcus, cervicocranial syndrome, cerebellar stroke syndrome, headache syndromes, androgen resistance syndrome, phantom limb syndrome, immobility syndrome, aortic arch syndrome, sicca syndrome, case worm, acute HIV infection syndrome, onychoosteodysplasia, Lyme disease, tetany, hyperkinetic disorders, albohol embryopathy, Marfan’s syndrome
  • 2
    Dla osób które interesują się tańcem
    to dance, belly dance, folk dance, dance hall, dance, brisk Carpathian dance, dance bar, cossack dance
  • 1
    Ananas w wielu językach - via Wykop
    ananas, trái thơm, ananas, ananaso, pineapple, ananas, ананас, ananas, אננס, ananas, أناناس, ananász, ანანასი, ananas, अनानास, اناناس, ananas, ss, ananas, anas, パイナップル, ananas, ananas, ananás, ananas ;), ανανάς, ананас, piña, ananas, AÑANA, Fènglí, ananas
  • 8
    autor: inreb123
    Słówka związane ze zdrowiem na Maturę rozszerzoną z angielskiego
    fatigue, joint, smokeout, disclosed, concerns, soporific, auxilliary, subconcious, vital, covenant, impact, over-the-counter, thorough, showing clear thinking, wheeze, proponent, platelet, itch, dragging, staple, sluggish, clog, referral, tremendous, non-sedating, intrinsic, instance, drowsy, exertion, antiquity, hold down,repress, impairment
  • 2
    Angielskie czasowniki nieregularne
    kneel - knelt (kneeled) - knelt (kneeled), hurt - hurt - hurt, see - saw - seen, blow - blew - blown, hit - hit - hit, beat - beat – beaten (beat), fit - fit (fitted) - fit (fitted), stink - stunk (stank) - stunk, leap - leapt (leaped) - leapt (leaped), draw - drew - drawn, mistake - mistook - mistaken, mean - meant - meant, feel - felt - felt, bite - bit - bitten, swim - swam - swum, begin - began - begun, speed - sped (speeded) - sped (speeded), wet - wet (wetted) - wet (wetted), sit - sat - sat, get - got - gotten (got), lie - lay - lain, break - broke - broken, deal - dealt - dealt, grow - grew - grown, hide - hid - hidden, fall - fell - fallen, let - let - let, drink - drank - drunk, choose - chose - chosen, swing - swung - swung, spoil - spoilt (spoiled) - spoilt (spoiled), keep - kept - kept
  • 4
    Zaawansowane słówka angielskie z zakresu polityki
    absentee, to require, councillor, alteration, equal, dissenting voice, to hold the election, to permit, structure, absolute ruler, to defeat, rate, trade union, inclination, imperialism, lobby group, seal, despot, open ballot, common, to vote, referendum, to elect, secret ballot, dictator, division, act, monarch, to seek permission, motion, choice, currency
  • 0
    Słówka związane z podróżami i podróżowaniem.
    trolley, change, gate, passport control, safari, stealthy, departure lounge, caravan holiday, cabin, land, platform, stroll, ticket inspector, trundle, coach tour, activity holiday, take off, nocturnal, convenient, package holiday, airport, cheap, flight attendant, backpack, bay, affluence, grateffuly, city break, seaside town, spring, runway, motorway - projektowanie graficzne, uslugi programistyczne
Wszelkie prawa zastrzezone 2008-2024