Witam. Dziś prezentuje super pakiet słówek do posługiwania się w grach komputerowych. Jeśli chcesz zostać pro to te słówka musisz po prostu znać i poznać :)
good luck, drop, cannons protossów, progamer, well played, gg no re, baraki terran, fave fun, gateway protossów, command center, good game
Słówka ze znanego i lubianego seriali MD House. Przede wszystkim nazwy schorzeń
spine, baskache , adverse event, runny nose, pancreas, intubate, brain, hip, asthma, cancer, sleeplessness, stomach, lung, allergy, heart, sweat, rash , blood pressure, kidney, throw up, tachecardia, liver, muscles, breathing problems
Zespoły chorobowe z Dr Housea
shock syndrome, haemophagocytic syndrome, postmastectomy, echinococcus, iliotibial band syndrome, meternal hypotension syndrome, billowing posteriori distress syndrome, flatback syndrome, pulmonary heart diseases, rotator cuff syndrome, neonatal aspiration syndrome, armed tapeworm, pig tapeworm, Ehlers, foetal hydantoin syndrome, Lyme disease, case worm, inspissated bile syndrome, audi tory vertigo, histiocytosis syndromes, carpal tunnel syndrome, paralytic syndrome, scolex, di George’s syndrome, Harada’s syndrome, chondrocostal junction syndrome, stroke syndrome, postcholecystectomy syndrome, myelodysplastic syndromes, sick sinus syndrome, arhinencephaly, postcardiotomy syndrome, Turner’s syndrome
Dla osób które interesują się tańcem
dance, belly dance, folk dance, brisk Carpathian dance, dance hall, cossack dance, to dance, dance bar
Ananas w wielu językach - via Wykop
ananas, ananas, אננס, パイナップル, ananas, anas, Fènglí, ananas, ananas, ananas, أناناس, ანანასი, अनानास, ananas ;), ananaso, pineapple, ананас, ανανάς, ananász, ananas, ananas, piña, ss, ananas, AÑANA, اناناس, ananas, ananás, trái thơm, ananas, ананас, ananas
Słówka związane ze zdrowiem na Maturę rozszerzoną z angielskiego
shut-eye, sluggish, excessive, acknowledge, welfare state, endurance, induce, randomize, secrete, joint, drowsy, refill, fluid, gum, stroke, institution , jednostka, collectively, disorder, platelet, ambient, concerns, antiquity, exposure, compound, hold down,repress, fiber, fibre, unprecedented, unconfronted, spectrum, smokeout, ketosis, vital
Angielskie czasowniki nieregularne
weep - wept - wept, smell - smelt (smelled) - smelt (smelled), shut - shut - shut, thrust - thrust - thrust, ring - rang - rung, dream - dreamt (dreamed) - dreamt (dreamed), keep - kept - kept, fly - flew - flown, beat - beat – beaten (beat), spread - spread - spread, drive - drove - driven, sweep - swept - swept, lie - lay - lain, swing - swung - swung, forget - forgot - forgotten, set - set - set, show - showed - shown (showed), see - saw - seen, fall - fell - fallen, cut - cut - cut, shake - shook - shaken, creep - crept - crept, swim - swam - swum, grow - grew - grown, meet - met - met, learn - learnt (learned) - learnt (learned), fit - fit (fitted) - fit (fitted), give - gave - given, kneel - knelt (kneeled) - knelt (kneeled), bite - bit - bitten, freeze - froze - frozen, lead - led - led
Zaawansowane słówka angielskie z zakresu polityki
tyranny, secret, to re-open the debate on, unanimous, resolution, independent, moderate socialist, to agree, to hold the election, period, to prevent a strike, diplomatic efforts, chamber, feminist, lobby group, voter, entitled, boundary, currency, alteration, cabinet, observer, proposal, to finance, apparatus, equal, prime minister, to appoint, party, vote of confidence, election committee, liberalism
Słówka związane z podróżami i podróżowaniem.
convenient, check-in desk, to leave, city break, driver, cabin, seaside town, customs, track, hurtle, platform, dart, pilot, stealthy, airport, round-the-world trip, activity holiday, stroll, camping holiday, passport control, jurney, ticket inspector, cruise, flight attendant, package holiday, change, waiting room, luggage, take off, backpack, coach tour, luggage rack