Unit 1 słówka z podręcznika
etiquette, aggressive , thrill , stumble , mediation, shoulder-length, troll , tactic, sense of humour, response , impulsive, well-groomed , chatty , day in, day out , good-natured, complaint , even-handed, conceited, attacker, take a leap into the unknown , cyberculture, netiquette , unfashionable, superior , annoying , tired, subtlety , knowledgeable about sth , wrinkled, inferior, yell , fall into a trap
Filozofia różne pojęcia
cnota, wariabilizm, teoria poznania, zasada, przyczyna, pogląd, że istnieje wiele systemów wartości i żaden z nich nie jest systemem absolutnie najlepszym, więc różne kultury są uprawnione do stosowania różnych systemów, metoda rozmowy stosowana przez Sokratesa wobec tych, od których nie spodziewał się żadnego pouczenia; służyła do usuwania pozorów prawdy, wartości są względne, świat jest zbudowany z jednolitej substancji, wiedza wynika z doświadczenia, nauka o kosmosie, największym dobrem jest przyjemność, uzyskana przez uwolnienie się od wszelkich trosk, nauka o bogu, wszystko jest zbudowane z 2 elementów (dusza i ciało), oparty jest na istnieniu dwóch światów czyli na świecie idei –doskonałym i świecie odbijającym te idee, który jest niedoskonały, rozkosz jest najwyższym dobrem, celem życia, styl życia polegający na dążeniu przede wszystkim do przyjemności., przepis określający właściwy sposób zachowania, podstawowa kategoria aksjologii oznaczająca to co cenne, Miał łączyć piękno i prawdę z trwałymi wartościami akceptowanymi przez rozum. Uważał, iż świat jest uporządkowany - pełen harmonii i ładu, postawa etyczna, charakteryzująca się nieuznawaniem wartości i norm obowiązujących w danym środowisku., pogląd filozoficzny polegający na wstrzymaniu się od wydawania sądów o rzeczywistości. Powodem takiej postawy jest przekonanie, że nigdy nie można znaleźć ani ostatecznej racji dla danego sądu, ani n, dział filozofii, zajmujący się badaniem moralności i tworzeniem systemów myślowych, z których można wyprowadzać zasady moralne, prawdziwym dobrem i celem życia jest sama cnota, a wszystko inne powinno być dla człowieka całkowicie obojętne., nauka o człowieku, dziedzina filozofii, zajmująca się pięknem i innymi wartościami estetycznymi, metafora występująca w Państwie Platona, przedstawiająca uwięzionych w jaskini ludzi, przykutych do skał łańcuchami, którzy oglądają jedynie cienie (zjawiska) prawdziwej rzeczywistości; , wszechstronna znajomość wielu dziedzin nauki, pogląd według którego człowiek stanowi centrum i cel wszechświata, prawdę o świecie poznajemy dzięki ideałom, dusza i ciało, empiryzm epistemologiczny, ciągła zmienność życia , stanowisko w teorii bytu i filozofii przyrody, według którego każdy byt jest uformowany przez materię i formę
Ich in der Welt
der Buddhismus, ziehen zu, einladen, faul, aus verschiedenen Ländern kommen, beten, gängig, verehren, den Haushalt führen, der Gläubige, die Gläubigen, erlaben, friendlich, wichtig, verbessern, einen Beruf erlernen, die Christen, Freundschlafen schließen, modisch, lustig, humorvoll, das Christentum, modern, die Hindus, Cousine, erfahren, Fallschrimspringen, der Gott, im Freien, die Moslemin, die Moslieminen, das Judentum, Großmutter, der Koran
Stolice państw Europy (po polsku - państwo, po Geografia - stolice)
Berno , Paryż, Luksemburg , Ryga , Lublana , Bruksela, Sztokholm , Reykjavík , Kiszyniów , Moskwa , Kopenhaga, Bratysława , Amsterdam, Dublin , Andora, Lizbona , Monako , Praga, Podgorica, Skopje , Wiedeń, Oslo , Kijów , Londyn , Ateny, Valletta , Bukareszt , Tirana , Vaduz , Sofa, Zagrzeb, Sarajewo
Unit 2 Pearson
misinterpret, fake, at the discretion of sb, my name will be mud, foolishness, underpaid, cheap labour force, unkind, non-fiction, creating a tighter job market, irritating, numerous, return, asylum, refuge, protection from persecution, body language, non-resident, nonverbal communication, terminate, social unrest, unwilling, reduced in price, uncertainty, migrant, give a clue, signal, rewrite, face to face, overtaking, intense, point of view, persecute, oppress, look up
unit 3 pearson
world record holder, achieve great things/success, mental, wizard, adjust, compassion, goal, overcome, limitation, take people for granted, moving, challenge, siągnięcie, swap, lack of perspective, rid oneself of sth, meanigful, heart disease, independence, be unable to do sth, schooling, hearing, adapt to, obsession, subconsciously, turn into , perceive, drum your fingers on the table, the winds of change are blowing, waist, physical, academic ambitions
Welttour 2
das Holzhaus, sicher, der Reibungspunkt, heruntergekommen, vor allem, praktizieren, das Herz, vollständig eingerichtet, die Autowerkstatt, hart, in der Stadtmitte liegen, schmal, ausgeprägt, luxuriös, der Mitbewohner, klein, gefährlich, das Leben, das Armenviertel, bequem, bunt, der Hauptbahnhof, ab sofort, herrschen, schick, gebildet, wiederspiegeln, (sich) teilen, das Einfamilienhaus, die Berührung, halt, schlagen
Wealth and poverty
soup kitchen, the rich, to make a good living, to marry money, at times, to rake it in , affluent, social security, inheritance, to infuriate, to be sitting pretty, to come into money, prosperity, heir, to get rich, poverty line, modestly, hostel for the homeless, to be rolling in it/ rolling in money, well off/ well-to-do, incredibly rich, unforgettable, riches, poor, to storm off in a huff, to starve to death, to live beyond one's means, homeless, the poor, man of means, rich, haves and have-nots
The homeless
derelict, end up on the street, founded by charity organizations, an affordable place to rent, habitable, hovel, appalling condition, sleep rough, reluctant, appeal for donations and voluntary work, raise a question, demolition, meagre resources , pull down a building , hot meal, squatter, meagre, the dispossessed, eviction, commandeer, press interview, miss government money, charity organization, take possession, the desolate, affordable place, survey, voluntary work, desert, derelict building, be reluctant to give up plans, deserted property
sentencje na spr
pariĕti loquĕris, domus propria domus optĭma, multa petentĭbus desunt multa, improbi semper sunt in metu ne puniantur, duobus litigantĭbus tertius gaudet, ab alio expectes, altĕri qoud fecĕris, caelum capĭte perrumpĕre conaris, officium officio provocatur, conscientia mille testes, fletus et stridor dentium
Unit 4 pearson
recognise, convincing, truthful, musical intelligence, stroll, debate, visual-spatial intelligence, mysteriously, sense of balance, ride, sore, frantically, be covered in sth, gradually, coordination, make out, vehicle, fortunately, canal, all of a sudden, wonder, miss (the beginning), activity, peer, cry, blackened, set off, interpersonal intelligence, sense of feeling, inspiration, blood vessel, wander
Unit 5
hooked on, pay the money back, risk, relaxation techniques, pattern, do without sth, heart rate, gingerbread man, involve doing sth, dominate, last-but-one, wear off, aim to do sth, request, lock, reconnect, pinpoint , period, statistics, flatmate, frustradet at sth, addict, mineral, keep on doing sth, keep count, social dysfunction, clinical psychologist, concentrate on, neglect, stick to sth, go cold turkey, apologise for (doing) sth
Kapitel 3
leiden unter, die Bluse, aber, dann, der Grund, der Schüleraustausch, seelisch, die Arbeitsgemeinschaft, gekleidet sein, Man muss nicht überlegen, was man anzieht, ziemlich, der Move, Schüler wollen Kleidung tragen, die ihnen gefällt, Schuluniformen sind langweilig und häufig hässlich, der Schmuck, hüpfen, locker, das Buch, die Bühne, -n, der Schritt, ernst, erklären, die Schuluniform, mitmachen, gestreift, regelmäßig, die Weste, hauptsächlich, empfinden, der Rock, das Kleid, keine Lust auf die Schulehaben
unit 6
extensively, potential, follow, clear sth up, breathe in, assume, publicity, greet, bound in , spy thriller , pierce, adopt, reach, mystery, guide dog, immensity, sb is supposed to do sth, face, occur to sb, take sb in , explosive, enormous, profoundly moving, navy, unresolved, hushed, war zone , untypically, treat, mission, gaze, classic
Unit 7
marvellous, manuscript, at first glance, heartwarming, busk, record-breaking, drawing, tough, chorus, all-star cast, can't move a muscle , brilliantly inventive, upsetting, rejection, the stalls, backstage, unwelcome, superstar, entrancing, percussion, tempting, modernist, glamour, appreciate, support oneself with, interact with, as a rule, camerawork, superb, still life, fire eater, leading role
shallow, camera crew, stuntmen, the plot has an unexpected twist when, exciting, page-turner, believable, pessimistic, the cast is excellent/weak, sophisticated, chilling, astrounding, it is rather long/confusing/slow, breathtaking, informative, encores, hilarious, light-hearted, laughable, co-star, spine-tingling, far-fetched, director, impenetrable, poor, riveting, the plot is focuses on, budget, slow-moving, thought-provoking, paperback, the film tell the story of
short-term recession, pay the price, dole , labour disputes, halve (lessen by one-half), fill existing vacancies, stay away from work, coincide, benefit, challenge sb's authority, redundancy (dismissal), compulsory redundancies, unemployment benefit , lay-off (temporary dismissal from work), sustained recovery, idle, drive a company out of business, appease, no sign of economic recovery, vacancy , accelerating rate, economic stagnation, begin cut, make redundant, call for reforms, stunning (prominent, striking), early retirement, claim benefit, put out of work, share a view, dole queues, crackdown on dole fraudsters
tribes, preset, antigovernment plot, lethal, remote locations, plant, down, intimidation, smallpox, blame be put on, issue, detecting devices, justify, gain, casualty, spread, portable, seek, vapour, hideous, carry out a threat, pliable, dedicated to , pose a threat, create a hazard, oppressed, exploited, diversities, outbreak, beliefs, direct the world's attention to problem, for political ends
Hilfe brauchen, unter einem Dach wohnen, Streit haben, am Abend ausgehen, Haushalt führen, Hausarbeiten ausüben, Probleme lösen, Kinder erziehen, Regeln aufstellen, j-n wie ein Kind behandeln, gemeinsam die Küche benutzen, Regeln beachten, auf die Kinder aufpassen
unit 8
sharp, blank look, prototype, contestant, magnet, firmly, keep up, rewarding, hunger, high-powered, right-handed, whereas, generate, queue up, significantly, trapped, empty-handed, paper clip, figure, whiz kid, sewing machine, couch potato, frozen food, steadily, furthermore, overuse, rise, empty-headed, recharger, absent-minded, waver, decrease
Kapitel 4
die Großeltern, fürsorglich, das Aussehen, wie Studien zeigen, an dem See, sich unterhalten, verbringen, in den USA, die Bevölkerung, irgendwann, kühl, somit, anhaben, unternehmen, taktlos, liebevoll, tolerant, stattfinden, eingeschossig, die Bewohner, die Umgebung, überall, der Trauzeuge, eingebildet, dumm, die Tochter, insgesamt, heiraten, im Freien, die Sicherheitseinrichtung, zu Besuch sein, nach Warszawa ziehen
Kapitel 5
stundenlang, tätig, die Arbeit ist ihnen verboten, Was hast du unternommen, Bauern, Besitzer, ausbeuten, leichte Jobs ausüben, die Eintrittskarten, Austräger, aufmerksam, während, Aushilfe im Bistro, einem Hund ausführen, die Plätze zeigen, Geschirr spülen, gelten für (es gilt), in einer Gaststätte arbeiten, Rasen mähen, Aushilfe im Garten, ernähren, die Beschäftigung, schuften, Ich habe mein Taschengeld aufgebessert, sinnvoll, Babysiterin, ausbeuterischen, unter gefährlichen Bedingungen arbeiten, der Platzanweiser, als Aushilfe bei Feldarbeiten arbeiten, Sklaven, Steinbrüchen
Unit 9 pearson
fiancee, sample, devastated, blackmail, tear sth up, consultancy company, hidden costs, federal goverment, do badly, forger, kidnapping, cash, kidnapper, bar exam, wanted poster, deception, deposit slip, trick, transfer, reckon, logo, trusting, pay sb back, magnetic ink, doctorate, threaten, owe, I owe you one, masquerade as sb, the former, ransom, demand
Kapitel 5 film
die Praxis, Praxen, versuchen, das Haustier, -e, der Tierarzt, die Behandlung, -en, der Otter, besonders, umgehen, fällig, gefallen, der Besitzer, schließlich, das Meerschweinchen, gesund, selten, ungewöhnlich, beruhigen, die Lunge, - n, beißen, einige, der/die Fremde, -n, eingentlich, verschlucken, die Reihe, süß, das Behandlungszimmer, an der Reihe sein, berücksichtigen, brechen, die Untersuchung, -en, das Tier, die Röntgenaufnahme
unit 10
nutrition, apprehensive, hall of residence , let sb know , draughty , tiresome , flood, puddle, studio flat, lodgings, peaceful , shed, sheer, bass, inverted , keep an eye on , inconceivable , mantelpiece , basement, suspicious, woven, expose , crowded, hill, freed , dutiful, vibrant nightlife , construction, run-down, thatched cottage, spacious , broad avenue
Kapitel 6
sich etwas ansehen , politische Reformen durchführen, die Wildwassertour, -en, der Schulwettbewerb , sich bewegen, kalt, der Strudel, der Verkäufer, das Ufer, beschaulich , die Höhe, -n, kämfen , unter Fettsucht leiden, die Frau des US-Präsidenten, das Teamwork, Spaß machen , verheiratet, scheißkalt, der Rechtsanwalt, verändern, übereinander, glücklich , einfach , der Rest, -e, Jura studieren , Schiss haben , zwischendurch, der Kampf gegen, die Ernährung , der Spaziergang, -gänge, bestanden , im Gefängnis
Unit 11
give sb a fright , recreate , tricky dilemma, lose the thread of , counter-proposition, footprint, innovative , DNA test, be confronted by sth , get round sth , off sick , word square, profitable , satisfy the growing demand, puzzle , genetic code, mix, at the back of one's mind, prejudice , of its own accord, comply, yell, concealed, peel away, witty, one the tip of your tongue , ransom , off the top of one's head , tough, crossword, quick-witted, speeding
unit 12
close-up , flip, scar , revision , drive sb crazy , hardly any , tie , billiards, descriptive, post, source of information , surroundings , unsupported , sb is reputed to do sth , take sb to court , earnings , come down to , content , reflection , bother , informative , shatter , check sth out , lose all interest , homemade, struggle , happen to do sth, gossip column , research , passionate , bomb, premises
Spr z całego roku
tentative , interrogate , get out of one’s depth , indignant, white-collar crime , brew , inevitably , blank look, ruthless, the bare essentials , handicapped , lose the thread of , drive sb crazy , social gathering , bluff one’s way through , relate to , groundbreaking , role model, classified ad , false teeth , the noughties , eerily , a shadow of one’s former self , exaggerate, choke on sth , commission, deposit slip, setback , deception , ambience, inscrutable , convinced
Formal letters
I enjoy working with, I'm writing to apply for the position of, to make matters worse , I completed my certificate in, I have been working for , I have a BA in French, or else , I shall be forced to take legal action, I am writing to draw your attention to, enclose, I LOOK forward to hearing from yo, a variety of subjects, yours faithfully, I am writing to express my strong dissatisfaction at , inefficiency, a degree awarded by , yours sincerely, I am regarted/ considered/ perceived as, purchase , entitled, Dear Sir/Madam, I consider myself to be, I insist on/demand a full refund , I am available for interview , I would appreciate , I hope that this matter can be resolved, with reference to your adcertisement, I would be grateful if you would consider my application
Kapitel 7
die Landschaft bewundern , in den Sommerferien , die Kuppel, die Tür, Bernstein sammeln , der Fall , Tür an Tür, auf den Internetseiten , an einen See, erfinden, wählen , blicken , der Alexanderplatz, der Stahl , die Sehenswürdigkeiten , die lokale Atmosphäre erleben , nach Deutschland , das Leben , überhaupt , der Schwule , mit dem Zug, Wohin?, das Kanzlerant , entstehen , Vielen Dank für deine Einladung , Welche Vorteile hat...?, Häuser tauschen , die Baustelle , an den Strand gehen, zugleich , ausgehen , in den Sudan
Unit - 1
scarcely populated , be under your thumb, delayed broadcast, vie, make up your mind, be a pain in the neck , bundiling , get sth off your chest, give sb the cold shoulder , abuse freedom, do execution, full extent of talent , straitlaced , see eye to eye with, annoying , strike up a conversation , inalienable , obedient , courageous , sweetness, break the law, oversensitive , susceptible, dirty trics , be overhelmed, considerate, go in for a competition, knight, consent , insensitive , intricate , hold your tongue
unit 2 advanced
petrified, marvellous , provocative , can't uderstand the attraction of, rash , photogenic, furious , disconcerting, vivid , put sb off, resounding success, evocative , removed, thought-provoking, hunched , contemporary art, glossy, intriguing , extremely , pander, sociopatic , awards ceremony, worthy, tie in with, pose a question, landscape, thrill , enchanting , blurred, scathing review, have low expectations , out of the question
Art and entertainment, auctions, słowotwórstwo
put up for an auction , uncirculated coins, lobbyist , put sb off, honest – dishonesty , chorus, be associated with, burst into applause , develop a life of its own, bidding , on stilts, go in for, announcer, cluck, rely – unreliable , fierce, put under a temporary export ban, export ban, come under the hammer, possess – possessiveness , pottery, for the benefit (of a fund), inept, spirit – spirituality , craze, regard – disregarded , name – misnamed , predict – unpredictable , lot, satisfy – unsatisfactory, mint, permit – permissive