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Pakiety użytkownika izasolis
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    autor: izasolis
    Unit 1 słówka z podręcznika
    aggressive , take a leap into the unknown , unfocused (eyes) , drawn, fashion victim , assault , straggly , furoius , erupt in , stupidly , shoulder-length, response , annoying , directly , well-groomed , posture, bore, upright , evil, contribute , serious, invisible, scruffy , fall into a trap , flaming , windswept , image, factical , thrill , attacker, de-lurk, parachuting
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    Filozofia różne pojęcia
    dusza i ciało, teoria poznania, nauka o wartościach, postawa etyczna, charakteryzująca się nieuznawaniem wartości i norm obowiązujących w danym środowisku., nauka reguł sprawnego, logicznego i pięknego wysławiania się, podstawowa kategoria aksjologii oznaczająca to co cenne, nauka o człowieku, pogląd według którego człowiek stanowi centrum i cel wszechświata, nauka o bycie, sceptycyzm, stanowisko w teorii bytu i filozofii przyrody, według którego każdy byt jest uformowany przez materię i formę, cnota, przepis określający właściwy sposób zachowania, nauka o bogu, metafora występująca w Państwie Platona, przedstawiająca uwięzionych w jaskini ludzi, przykutych do skał łańcuchami, którzy oglądają jedynie cienie (zjawiska) prawdziwej rzeczywistości; , prawdziwym dobrem i celem życia jest sama cnota, a wszystko inne powinno być dla człowieka całkowicie obojętne., Miał łączyć piękno i prawdę z trwałymi wartościami akceptowanymi przez rozum. Uważał, iż świat jest uporządkowany - pełen harmonii i ładu, wymowa, umiejętność jasnego, zrozumiałego i pięknego stylistycznie wysławiania się, wszechstronna znajomość wielu dziedzin nauki, największym dobrem jest przyjemność, uzyskana przez uwolnienie się od wszelkich trosk, zasada, przyczyna, wiedza wynika z doświadczenia, doktryna filozoficzna zajmująca się etyką i uznająca cnotę za najwyższe i jedyne dobro; warunkiem pełnego szczęścia oraz wolności człowieka jest zasada umiarkowania , nauka o kosmosie, dziedzina filozofii, zajmująca się pięknem i innymi wartościami estetycznymi, rozkosz jest najwyższym dobrem, celem życia, styl życia polegający na dążeniu przede wszystkim do przyjemności., wartości są względne, pogląd, że istnieje wiele systemów wartości i żaden z nich nie jest systemem absolutnie najlepszym, więc różne kultury są uprawnione do stosowania różnych systemów, wszystko jest zbudowane z 2 elementów (dusza i ciało), wariabilizm, zasada uznająca popadanie w skrajności za zło, i w związku z tym zalecająca umiar, empiryzm epistemologiczny
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    Ich in der Welt
    ausprobieren, Nachen, waschen sich, die Kirche, erlaben, das Sprichwort, erzählen, moslemisch, glücklich, das Elternhaus verlassen, verbergen, die Schwiegereltern, der Buddhismus, das Gebet leiten, zu Ende gehen, friendlich, die Synagoge, sitzen, ziehen zu, das Gebet, die Gebete, Problemme treten auf, offen, der Hinduismus, fleißig, beten, trainieren, dauern, faulenzen, in die Disco gehen, Sohn, der Fuß, die Füße, humorlos
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    Stolice państw Europy (po polsku - państwo, po Geografia - stolice)
    San Marino , Ryga , Praga, Monako , Amsterdam, Watykan , Helsinki, Skopje , Andora, Kopenhaga, Lizbona , Oslo , Bukareszt , Kiszyniów , Kijów , Sztokholm , Wilno , Tallinn, Zagrzeb, Tirana , Berlin , Belgrad , Dublin , Vaduz , Rzym , Wiedeń, Ateny, Madryt, Londyn , Valletta , Sarajewo, Bruksela
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    autor: izasolis
    Unit 2 Pearson
    eye contact, tongue, my name will be mud, exaggerate, clue, strike up, hollow, outsell, incur, it's my cup of tea, weird, advanced, call an authorities, in terms of sth, lenient, indulgent, vice versa, provide shelter, expectations, sighing, in terms of, approach a girl, influx, inflow of large numbers, insufficients money to support their families, shut down the computer, narrowed eyes, flee, run away, treating the economic well-being, spell-checker, be good with your hands, disapproval, make ends meet, ex-boss
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    unit 3 pearson
    piece of junk, incredibly, secluded, able-bodied, sight, hearing, wizard, hit it off, talk to yourself, unpleasant, subconsciously, even, disabled, inspiring words, devotion, pop in, nonstop, paralysis, meanigful, good fences make good neighbours, modify, reach beyond one's limitations, drum your fingers on the table, rid oneself of sth, turn over a new leaf, adapt to, path, creepy, physical, academic ambitions, turn into , intellectual disability
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    Welttour 2
    Warmmiete, die Armutsgrenze, der Boden, dreckig, gebildet, circa, die Berührung, die Lebensqualität, die Wohnfläche, zugleich , ab sofort, hassen, das Leben genießen , arm, edel, Quadratmeter, die Stadt, die Wohngemeinschaft, weich, nennen, die Zweizimmerwohnung, am Stadtrand, sich etwas ansehen, klein, die Autowerkstatt, das Angebot, sich gut/nicht wohl fühlen, mondän, geschmackvoll, unterhalten sich, sich entspannen, in Berührung kommen
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    Wealth and poverty
    anniversary, to infuriate, to storm off in a huff, loaded, incredibly rich, underprivileged, heated, poverty, beg (for money), the underprivileged, riches, the poor, wealthy, unforgettable, inheritance, at times, to marry money, the homeless, poverty-stricken, poverty line, to live in abject poverty, on/close to the bread line, to rake it in , riches, to live on the streets, sb can/ cannnot afford, be on the dole, to starve to death, to make a budle/packet/pile, to pawn, impoverished, to come into money
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    The homeless
    the desolate, squatter, meagre resources , commandeer, appeal for donations and voluntary work, warm bed, deserted property, hot meal, respond, an affordable place to rent, demolition, affordable place, hovel, reluctant, end up on the street, derelict, raise a question, founded by charity organizations, survey, sleep rough, pull down a building , habitable, in this respect, meagre, eviction, derelict building, voluntary work, take possession, miss government money, press interview, appalling condition, charity organization
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    sentencje na spr
    officium officio provocatur, pariĕti loquĕris, improbi semper sunt in metu ne puniantur, fletus et stridor dentium, duobus litigantĭbus tertius gaudet, ab alio expectes, altĕri qoud fecĕris, caelum capĭte perrumpĕre conaris, multa petentĭbus desunt multa, domus propria domus optĭma, conscientia mille testes
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    autor: izasolis
    Unit 4 pearson
    element, background, vehicle, shame, navigate, musical intelligence, songwriter, inspire, gradually, focus on, eerily, activity, politely, hammer, wander, aware, fortunately, catch a glimpse of sth, call out, dot, seek sb out, funfair, take the lead, mysteriously, deeply, absolutely, invent, in honour of sth, nervously, glare, oddly, uncoordinated
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    autor: izasolis
    Unit 5
    do without sth, kindergarten, jog, daily limit, heart attack, majority , statistics, try sth on, end up doing sth, on the tip of one's tongue, apologise for (doing) sth, bad breath, vast, set limits, cheer sb up, profile, schoolmate, enjoyable, therapist, relaxation techniques, fish oil, network, particular, last-but-one, quantity, stamina, strenght, involve doing sth, stroke, cross the line, competitive, in a cold sweat
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    Kapitel 3
    einheitlich, beibringen, den neuen Stoff wiederholen, Schüler können sich mit der Schule identifizieren, wirklich, oder, die Hand, nicht wahr, bedeuten, das Sweatshirt, locker, die heutige Jugend, regelmäßig, der Rock, die Hose, erklären, gemustert, stattdessen, gestresst sein, die Einführung, der Grund, das Heft, die Kniestrümpfe, der Wahnsinn, eng, zusammenkommen , der Fuß, der Schritt, eben, Schüler wollen ihre Individualität ausdrücken, ausgestattet sein, drehen sich
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    autor: izasolis
    unit 6
    pass by, guardian, bound in , discretion, criticism, reveal, a range of , change hands, heroic, adopt, panellist, obliged to do sth, seemingly, clear sth up, decipher , leaf through, crucial, messenger, courageous, permit, remarkable, rescue, strengthen, keep sth back, heroism, reward, profoundly moving, kneel, explosive, crime, bear in mind, publicity
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    autor: izasolis
    Unit 7
    behind the curtain, publish, leap, the stalls, upsetting, the dark side, breathtakingly, heartwarming, live off sth, doubt, glorious , duet, immensely, a bet of roses, fame, far-fetched, demanding, entrancing, playwright, mimic, fish finger, magician, dressing room, camerawork, supporting role, composer, interact with, public nuisance, pianist, feature, scary, eternally
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    the script is dull/clever, intellectual, dazzling, the work is based on, camera crew, astrounding, well-received, moving, the film was directed by, shallow, violent, bloody, the film reaches a dramatic climax when, page-turner, watchable, memorable, enigmatic tale, it has tragic/surprising end, natural, hilarious, far-fetched, thought-provoking, fascinating, stuntmen, ghastly, spectacular, lowbrow, slow-moving, compelling, entertaining, appaling, charming
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    halve (lessen by one-half), compulsory redundancies, share a view, challenge sb's authority, benefit, unemployment benefit , crackdown on dole fraudsters, redundancy (dismissal), stunning (prominent, striking), dole queues, fill existing vacancies, vacancy , axe (reduce), labour disputes, no sign of economic recovery, accelerating rate, pay the price, stay away from work, drive a company out of business, sustained recovery, make redundant, begin cut, economic stagnation, appease, put out of work, lay-off (temporary dismissal from work), coincide, early retirement, short-term recession, claim benefit, idle, dole
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    array, outbreak, fulfil demands, hideous, utility, diversities, facilities, oppressed, by means of, sacrifice life for "the cause", justify, frequently, dedicated to , stamp out, issue, blame be put on, widespread, fuse, targets, public gatherings, occur, pose a threat, hostage, intimidation, create a hazard, violation, detecting devices, pliable, casualty, exposure to, livestock, altimeter
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    unter einem Dach wohnen, Regeln aufstellen, am Abend ausgehen, j-n wie ein Kind behandeln, Haushalt führen, Regeln beachten, Streit haben, auf die Kinder aufpassen, gemeinsam die Küche benutzen, Hilfe brauchen, Kinder erziehen, Probleme lösen, Hausarbeiten ausüben
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    autor: izasolis
    unit 8
    conductor, dramatic growth, breeze, pipe, till, effectively, big-headed, resident, small minority, turbine, phillumenist, gawp at, unlock, contestant, punchy, compensation, harm, labour-saving, graph, develop, effective, secret agent, inevitably, nail, windmill, proportionally, figure, time-saving, significantly, surround, blade, recharger
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    Kapitel 4
    dan ganze Leben lang, die Oma, der Bruder, im Seniorenalter, die Braut (Bräute) , die Schwester, unternehmen, insgesamt, an der Ostsee, stattfinden, der Beruf, in den Bergen, die Armut, das Familienmitglied(er), der Großvater, die Sonnenbrille, jedoch, die Bewohner, der Durschnitt, der Haushalt, der Brautstrauß, heiraten, die Freizeit, humorvoll, die Badehose, draußen, das Aussehen, Angst vor +D haben, die Unsicherkeit, zu Abend essen, zurzeit, in den USA
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    Kapitel 5
    Hundensitter, die Eintrittskarten, ernähren, der Platzanweiser, in einer Gaststätte arbeiten, laut diesem Gesetz, behandeln, Zeitungen oder Werbung austragen, nutzen, Regale einräumen, auf Kinder aufpassen, Aushilfe im Haushalt, Bauern, sinnvoll, einen Job suchen, die Unterrichtszeit, Ich habe mein Taschengeld aufgebessert, Geld verdienen, Plakate aufhängen, Hund ausführen, Sklaven, weltweit, laut, verbieten, aufmerksam, einem Hund ausführen, Geschirr spülen, stundenlang, Bedingungen, die Beschäftigung, Besitzer, Aushilfe im Bistro
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    autor: izasolis
    Unit 9 pearson
    invest, go off, wanted poster, authenticity, law enforcement agency, indentity thief, commit a crime, grade, pay up , sociology, approach, kidnap, blackmailing, regret, the former, attorney general, forgery, pay sb back, embezzlement, cheat, payback time, steal sb's identity, ransom, do badly, fraud, demand, impersonate sb, embezzle, sceptical, password, release, school leaving exam
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    Kapitel 5 film
    das Behandlungszimmer, der Otter, gefallen, die Untersuchung, -en, die Praxis, Praxen, die Röntgenaufnahme, die Lunge, - n, gesund, umgehen, ungewöhnlich, besonders, beißen, eingentlich, feststellen, behandeln, schließlich, die Reihe, aufgeregt, der Hamster, das Meerschweinchen, beruhigen, berücksichtigen, das Kaninchen, das Haustier, -e, fällig, versuchen, der Besitzer, selten, entstehen, vorkommen, verschlucken, anstregend
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    autor: izasolis
    unit 10
    floored, pipe, puddle, establishment , slate, rolling dunes, ditch, gutter, plain, condescending, reckless, self-pitying, hinges, poured, trendy shops , what's more , intimidating , woven, spartan, leafy lanes , not in the least, barn, prestigious , construction, conservatory, stuffy, the tide has now turned, winding, cramped , lawless , the grass is always greener , awkward
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    Kapitel 6
    die Felsrutsche, -n, das Asthma, der Rest, -e, der Fluss, die Flüsse, pur, umstellen , zwischendurch, durchgefroren, das Boot, -en, der Friedensnobelpreis, sich bewegen, die Höhe, -n, der Verkäufer, aufregend, die Schlucht, -en, die Juniortüte, statt, phänomenal , der Tierarz, zu Fuß, der Grund, drängeln, Spaß machen , der Schulwettbewerb , das Ufer, verlassen, sich an die Arbeit machen , der Blutdruck, vereinen, im Gefängnis, die Mischung, -en , glücklich
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    autor: izasolis
    Unit 11
    recreate , riddle, locals , innovative , get-away, sort out, red-hot, military , argumentative, satisfy the growing demand, hangman , chain sb to sth , cut off, on bad terms , access, Bermuda Triangle , crossword, route , outspoken , sheltered life , increasingly , wanted man, hypothesis, hiccups , hitch , philanthropist , word square, ferocious, jigsaw , concur, concealed, get to grips with
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    autor: izasolis
    unit 12
    newsworthy , manufacturer , unsupported , chariot, poor, victory , remake , make sb's blood run cold , film buff, gas canister , surroundings , show sth off, plenty of , shot, sneak around, rise to the top , feast, guess, refreshments , expertise , privacy , gimnastics , duel , generation , blogosphere, eagle-eyed , the bulk of sth , a handful of, by and large, comment, recycled paper, imply
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    Spr z całego roku
    prodigy , thunderous applause , firmly , squalor, come across as, offend sb , apprehensive, foolishness , vaguely, snappy , imply , by and large , refreshments , role model, far-fetched , tirelessly , considerable, convinced , dramatic growth, conservatory, relate to , impersonate sb , frizzy , exaggerate, reach beyond one's limitations , call sth to mind, significant , inconceivable, utility room, setback , within reason, emerge
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    Formal letters
    Dear Sir/Madam, I have been working for , a variety of subjects, I am available for interview , or else , I am regarted/ considered/ perceived as, I insist on/demand a full refund , to make matters worse , I enjoy working with, I hope that this matter can be resolved, I would appreciate , enclose, yours sincerely, I consider myself to be, a degree awarded by , I'm writing to apply for the position of, entitled, I completed my certificate in, I am writing to express my strong dissatisfaction at , I have a BA in French, yours faithfully, I shall be forced to take legal action, inefficiency, purchase , I am writing to draw your attention to, I LOOK forward to hearing from yo, I would be grateful if you would consider my application, with reference to your adcertisement
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    Kapitel 7
    getrennt, der Umzug, Umzüge , ins Ausland fahren , zugleich , Bundesregierung , übernachten , hochmodern, die Tür, Liebe Anna!, mit dem Auto , nationale und internationale Reiseziele , aufs Land fahren , reisen, frech , verleihen , rundum , in den österreichischen Alpen , die Küste entlang spazieren , blicken , der Fall , wählen , modern , die Kaiser-Wilhelm-Gedächtniskirche, ausgehen , der Umbruch, die Umbrüche, die Wette, an die Ostsee, strahlen , waschecht , das Kanzlerant , die Kuppel, erfinden
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    Unit - 1
    come up with , offensive material , be beneficial to , give sb the cold shoulder , stubborn, put on a brave face, courtship, tackle , carvings , turn sb down , exasperating, libel , keep a stiff upper lip, knight, socially skilled , chivalrous , strike up a conversation , imposed bans , indisreet, get sth off your chest, be deprived of , mogul , irrelevant, inquisitive journalist, hesitant, self-conscious, indecisive, cocky, reign of violence, devise, strong-willed , gown
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    unit 2 advanced
    potent , acquired taste, art installation, blackened, astonishing, on display , glossy, come across as, snap, wholly , delighted (with/by sth), dire , unprepossessing, tripod, dwarfed, innocuous, enrich, amateur, disconcerting, flaw, awards ceremony, mesmerize, layer, put sb off, pose a question, resounding success, listlessly, spectator, feature, furious , humbling, magnificent
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    Art and entertainment, auctions, słowotwórstwo
    practice – impracticable , late, out – outlet, come over, insure – insurance , be associated with, diamond – studded , distinction, reserve price , develop a life of its own, bring up, out of tune, pottery, record price, fierce, announcer, cluck, gasp with admiration, mint, foreign dealer , person – impersonally , on average , rotate – rotation , arms - disarmament, certain – uncertainty , go in for, miracle – miraculously , take – take-away , depend on sb for sth, break of, system – systematically , honest – dishonesty - projektowanie graficzne, uslugi programistyczne
Wszelkie prawa zastrzezone 2008-2024