Trudniejsze słówka z działu 6 - Praca. Repetytorium maturalne "Destination: Matura 2015" poziom podstawowy i rozszerzony dla szkół ponadgimnazjalnych.
no qualifications needed, claim, contract of employment, check one's references, sprawność fizyczna, unemployment benefit, overcome difficulties, application form, social skills, colleague, chances for quick promotion, day off, medical benefits, offer a job, discouraged by failure, be interviewed for a position, pay rise, requuirements, sales representative, observe the dress code, a good command of English, personal qualities, be unemployment, secure job, interpersonal skills, face some challenges, employ, co-worker, odd job, take parental leave, job seeker, look for a job
Życie rodzinne i towarzyskie
ceremony, church service, siblngs, pensioner, family gathering, haouse-warming party, special card, birth of a child, commemorate, fast, do one's best, pen friend, blow a candle out, quarrel with, truancy, Thanksgiving, relation, modify content, give one's best wishes, deal with, throw a farewell party, express one's doubts, burial, meditate, fall in love with, adulthood, baby shower, praise, light a candle, rise, remember the deceased, half-brother
Kapitel 4 Alles Klar
sich die Haare schneiden, abschleppen, reiningen, überweisen, einzahlen, ein Formular ausfüllen, Geld abheben, Das lässt sich machen, wydawać pieniądze, den Motor anmehmen, lassen, anspingen, sich die Haare färben, mit Geld umgehen, ein Paket aufgeben, zusätlich, beschädigt, ein Konto eröffnen, schicken