Słówka z programu MÓwISZ i ROZUMIESZ - program dla początkujących
I am going, climbing, to prepare {He is preparing for the olimpic Games this year}, tip {Do you have any tips on how to improve my tennis?}, retire, florist, sailing, rope, canoe {, guest-house, to support { Do you go to support him ?}, go by train, competitor, flight, smith, shout, per, sense, stamina, purpose, Are you kidding ?, shoot, youth hostel, to declare, proffession, pleasure (I do it with pleasure), air-conditioned, to introduce, shift work, land, bill, take off
Słówka z programu MÓwISZ i ROZUMIESZ - program dla początkujących lekcja 3 i 4
silk, sea food, trousers, zapakować (Would you wrap everything together,please }, blackboard, shirt, cap, carton, sock, Only 15 students were admitted to the university), wear, belong (This book belongs to the school,so give it back), What about you ?, pencil sharpener, biscuits {Can I have a packet of biscuits?}, cash desk {Do I pay here or at the cash desk? }, cabbage, primary school, suit, tutor, flour, leather, blouse, horrible, coloured pencils, What time... ( What time do your lessons start?), earring {Can I have a look at those earings? }, beret, made of, to draw, sausage, to prefer (I prefer listening to music than reading)
Słówka z programu MÓwISZ i ROZUMIESZ - program dla początkujących
hurt, forehead (fored), (to) grade {he was graded well}, fashionable, fast, toe (toł), in the meantime (I can prescribe you medicine n the meantime), breathe (briif), the day after tomorrow , I feel sick, either (ajwer) (iwer) {no. I don't either}, at noon, prescribe (Dr prescribed me some medicine), to wonder about, be late {He is always late}, medicine, prescription, still, beard, the chemist's, examine, thumb (ffam), fist, in the evening, pressure (preszer) My blood pressure is low, what's the matter ?, allergic (Alex is allergic to pollen., eyebrows (He raised his eyebrows in suprise), correct, {to} reward (he was generously rewarded by her parents), chin (czyin), seasons
Mówisz i rozumiesz 8 i 9
Could you (...recommend us a good bar?), salty (solty), he was made redundant, potato (potejto), packed (The ski slope was packed with children}, quick as a flash, it became know that (... he will win), continent, lead, in the event (in the event, I will go to the cinema), flash, erupt (erapt), south (sauf), to be out of tune (tjun) The band played out of tune), core (the core of the earth is hot), glacier, Once in a while (...we go to the cinema), on the surface (His job was hard on the surface), at once (Everybody is talking at once), atmospheric pressure, awful, lead off (Three windows lead of the street), raw (rołł), hardly (I can hardly see), frame, lead (lid) (The path leads down to the river ), to bacome fat, without milk, service ( Is service included? ), lead, to flood (The rice fields were flooded), remote (remołt) (he lived in a remote part of the country)
Mówisz i rozumiesz - czasowniki nieregularne
hold held held, bid bid bid, meet met met, make made made, set set set, begin began begun, sing sang sung (2 sang , 3song ), breed bred bred, sit sat sat ( 2 i 3 sat), swim swam swum (3 słom), know knew known, get got got, weep wept wept, tell told told, mean meant meant (2 i 3 ment), shrink shrank shrunk (2 szrenk, 3 szrank), slide slid slid, pay paid paid (2 i 3 pejd), put put put, steal stole stolen, feel felt felt, drink drank drunk, spin span spun (3 spon), throw threw thrown (2 fru), speak spoke spoken, strike struck struck (2 i 3 strok), shine shone shone, split split split , build built built, stand stood stood, cast cast cast, forsake forsook forsaken
mowisz i rozumiesz 10 i 11
get off, set out (They set out a dawn), booklet, postage (połstidż), replace the receiver, insert, airmail, telephone booth, monthly, weekly, crossroads, along (elong) (They ride along the river), revolutionize (rewoluszonajzd), above all, above (abałw) (costing above 10 pounds), kerb, car park, social <soszial>, in the London area, signpost (sajnpost), compared with OR to (he is big comapred to you), of many years' standing, link up (I need to link up my computer to the Internet), to get engaged (to sb) (Tony got engaged to Caroline0, type, reader, disabled (disejbold), seat, social, fire station, responsible, of 6 months' standing
Mówisz i rozumiesz -gramatyka(czasy)
they blamed EACH OTHER, as yet (No one, as yet, is winner), anyway, a call (we heard a call for help), he managed to find her, to clap, recognize (rekegnajz) (They won't ... you after all those years., fever (fiver), feed, income (inkam), fill (people fille the strees ), yet again, to stop (I didn't stop ), feed, seldom, put off, each of us, benefit, they love EACH OTHER, manage < manidż> (i don't want charity. i can...), yet (i haven't met him yet), to beg (children begging for food around the station), to call (he's called Hopkins), to beg (you must say you are sorry and beg for forgiveness), agree <agri> (do you agree with him about this?), ticket, afford, pożyczać, a bore, ... two days ago, since, earthquake
kultura 14
theatre (fijetre), row, df, box office, curtain (kertyn), director (dajrekto..r), whose work is it?, opera (opra), play, seat, drawing, book tickets, refreshment-room, art, screen, cast, cartoon film, guidebook (gajdbuk), conductor (who is the conductor?) )kondokto), exhibition (ekibiszon), find out (where can I find out where is cinema?), ballet (balej), landscape, chamber music (czember mjuzik), act, clap, guide (gajd), sold out
angielski z mouscherem - plyta 1 i 2 i 3
account [ekałnt], take off (...your shoes), to drive, twice, rent, return [ritern] (whatis your return policy?), drawer (drołr), sew (soł), armchair [armczer], AT the stop sign, carbon, fireplace, come in, patient [pejszent], i don`t GET it (i dont` get this joke), window seat, ad, (ad for a job), Is the flight ON TIME ?, there is (... coffee on the table), order, to borrow [baroł], pay, studio, below zero [biloł], worse, frying pan, simple, receipt [risipt], usually, you`re welcom, pregnancy, twice a day
penguin readers
thief (thif), perhaps, throw, parcel, bring, chase [czejs] (harry chases after the truck), carnical, knock over, send in (send her in !), go up (he goea up to his room), tall, envelope, rooming house, dram, take out, get on (they get on their horses) , beside, go in, float [fleut], the day after, let me, almost (olmełst), come from (Where does he come from?), turn on, through [fru], wave, poor, to get (i want to get money), class, spade [spejd], raise [rejz], push
penguin readers 1
roar [rołr], he LED [lead], mad [med], kind [kajnd], such, Our fire has WOKEN it!, strange, frightened [frajtend], to collect, to feel, I gave [give], then, any (any women...], robber, cheer [czieer], painful, fasten, invite, I FOUND [FIND], tune [tjun], tailor, shopkeeper, pretend [prytend], left (and all that was LEFT was some dust), kind [kajnd], brave, silly [it`s just silly], jar [dżaaar], helmet, i thought [think][fout], step, fasten
angielski z mouscherem - plyta 4
You look sharp (That`s a sharp dress), I have to put the air in the tire, at 7 o`clock sharp (let`s meet here...), take down (he took down my phone number), take (the journet took three hours), meet with, trunk, take tour time (...I can wait), turkey [turki], motor dies, car dies, pass [could you pass ...the turkey], motorcycle [motorsajkel], turn down (Turn down the TV), eat belts [fasten your...], I LEFT my glasses at work, I have BEEN, sharp pain [i have a sharp headache], temperature INCREASED SHARP, take pictures, drop, gravy [grejwi], take care of (I...my sister), distant relative [distant relatiw], cranberries, i THOUGHT so (fot), sharpen [please, sharpen this knife], i THOUGHT about it, brake, divorces [diworst], how did the cake turn out, take off (my plane took off at 5), mass [mes]
angielski z mouscherem - plyta 5
It caught my eye (The painting caught...) [kolt], I`M UP TO MY EARS in debt (...in work), give a hand (give a big hand to Mr.S), look for [what are you looking for ?], I`d be happy to, clerk [klark], brighy albo smart, walk [lat`s go for a walk], look forward to (I`m looking... to my vacation){folerd}, pacifier [pecifajer], pigsty [pigstaj], learn by heart, triplets [my wife had triplets], hard-working [the japanese are very...], watch [I`m watching TV,I`m watching the children play), mince (mince the mushrooms), crib, see (I can see it very well), on time [be on time], ON tv [I saw that movie on TV], rest, it takes a long time [...to write a book], dice (dice the meat), he has a SWOLLEN HEAD, a long time [I haven`t seen him in...], commercial [komerszial] [i don`t loke...], ON the radio [I heard it on the radio], blocks [blaks], ring, mess, rude, land a hand lub give a hand
penquin readers 2\Dante's Peak
The driver slowed , She wore [łoor] [wear], smoke, he flowed, mine [ma..jn], he caught [kołt] [catch], he got up, acid [asit], Before long, get up, peak [pik], warmer [łormer], he brought [bring], to slow, sudden [saden], along, For the tenth time, , Harry fought , the water pulled at them, equipment [ekłypment], ash [asz], earthquakes, to flow , thick, to smoke, pull at, pull away
angielski z mouscherem - plyta 6
glitter, go off [a bomb went off downtown L], support [Dorota`s parents are supporting her], you shouldn't , direct, gain [gejn], figure out[figer ałt] [maybe we can figure something out], rent [rent a movie], rash [resz], composer [kompozer], broth [braf], tighten [tajten], crook, remedy, support, to hatch, invention [invenszyn], fever, put off, furious [fiuries] [i`m furious AT you, curiosity [kiuriositi], catch a cold, burn [my doughter BURNT her finger], prefer [i prefer blues], sunscreen lub sunblock, curious [kiurios], bruise [bruus], speakers, type [I have to...it into the comp.], sunburn, it's getting [...late], failure [fejler]
penquin readers 2\Pirates of the Caribbean
governor [gaverne], we bought, side, he sang [sennnng], than, curse [keers], ghostly, skull [skal], side, sing, harbor [harber], skeleton [skeleten], turn away, below, put away, happier, dauntless [dołnntles]
penquin readers 2\Dragon Heart
journey [dżurni], he brought [bring], kindly [kajndli], He caught [kołt], strange, quietly, because of [he is cruel because of his father, he began [begin], push, loud, I taught you ..., enjoy, monk, strange, he threw [throw], clever, he fell out, bucket, Burn out , noisy, push, warmly, pull out, He felt afraid, peasant [pezent], he got up, push, put up, kind, enjoy
what are you good AT ?, borrow, supervision, property, cushion, to solve , challenge [czalendż], dedicated [dedikejtyd], join [I joined ...], properly , oven, spare room, confident [i`m ...], ambitious [ambyszys], owe [oł] [I owe two weeks` rent], tough [tof], butler, ability, property, share, chick, owe [oł], also [olseł], I am good At solvING problems [running,swimming], you mean..., to share, outgoing [i`m...], tough [tof], share, I am serious [syłries] about my job[ itd], landlady, share
Penguin Readers 2 - freckles
wash away, happily, he began [begin], When she gets bored with somebody, excited, freckles [frekels], past, sigh [saaj], over there ['A boy over there is looking at us], he blushed, I thought [fot] [thing], past [she walks past them], ugly [agly] , Boys fall down at her feet
instead of [10 melons ...10 lemons], on your own ? [ołn], vest, i can't wait, outfit, to rise, dozen, as well [they want go as well], tin, tissue [tiszuł], measure, to measure [merze], leave it to me, guess [gess], on my own, chusta, till [till you drop], rise, to rise, spoilsport, bit, waist [łejst], it MIGHT be she
angielski z mouscherem - plyta 7
contain , invite, marriage, bathtub [beftob], to avoid, baggage claim area , niece [niss], do the dishes [I'll cook dinner if you do the dishes], swan [słan], It was a flop [flap], check in, full time, promotion [promołszon], carriage [keridż], borrow, I have a B.A. in economy, supervisor [superwajzor], sweep [he SWEPT his room], wedding reception, pests, dairy products [dejry], Are you serious about him ?, propose [when did peter...to you?], polls [clinton is leading in the... Bush is behind in the...], ceiling [siling], dwarf, invitation [inwitejszon], wedding ceremony, gorgeous [gordżes], sue [su] [I'm going to sue my boss], scrub [skab] [I have to scrub the floor], position [pozyszyn]
wyklady edusat 4,5,6,7
on the way [I do the shopping ON THE WAY from work], builder [bilder], car mechanic, I negotiate [negołsziejt], include , bring [I ...children home from school], bricklayer, nor are I , nor can I , nor would I, accountant, collect [I ...children from scholl][I...the stemps], water [I water the plants], superior [superia] {boss}, origin, focus [folkys] [first i will fokus on...and than MOVE On to next point], insurance [inszurens], fill out [can you fill out this form.please?], divide [diwajd], brick, plumber [plame..r], participate, attend [atend] [I don`t attend meetings], wipe off [I...the dust], sign [sajn] [I sign agreements], in the name of {I have a reservation in the name of Kowal], office clark, electrician [elektryszyn], in the most basic terms, agreement, manager {menadżer], general, I can iron (ajr.n) - so can I, I`M not FRANCH - neither am I , neither can I , neither would I[najder]
Penguin Readers 3\Titanic
icy, sit [she SAT in the water], bravery [brejwery], agree, describing [diskrajbing], Captain Rostron ordered , silent [sajlent], he was always interested in the story of the Titanic, crowd [kraud], hope was growing, he replied him [reply-replaj], seem, he pointed, reach [It never reached the bridge], ahead [Jack took message about icebergs ahead], he felt, iceberg, The ship sank (senk) [sink], join [its ropes were still joined to the ship], lookouts, to watch for [he must to watch for iceberg], immediately [amejdżetli], except, join, warnings , Sink, Through [Through newspapers and radio....], to worry, miss, Imagine [amadżin] [Imagine the terrible discussions], At first , steep [stiip]
edusat 8,9
thought [fot], composed [kompołst], violence [wajlenc], rude [rud], according to you {him, program}, further [feder] [far], certain [sertyn] [under...circumstances...], a couse [koołz], to couse [koołz], give up, several [sewryl], The way I see it, reliable [relajbol], agree [do you agree?], as far as I`m concerned [computer games are the couse of violence], I disagree [disegri], beacouse of ..., i guess so, necessarily [neseserliy] [not...], sensitive, run, to interrupt [sorry, to interrupt , but...], I agree, restless, thought [onest], a doubt [dałt] [no doubt about it], it is only party true..., exact, nursery [nerseri], to doubt [dałt], engine [endżin], than [den]
edusat 10
there can`t be [...turkey], wine is producED [prodjust], we ARE visitED, cabbage [kabydż], to mature [metcze], there couldn`t be [...him yesterday], to store, port wine IS KNOWN as porto [3 forma], split, boost, in order to, wrapped [rapd], you ARE invitED, spice, among [bread is shared ... guests], there couldn`t be [...christmas without turkey], thus [das], ground, ingredient [ingridient], wine is storED, herring, letters ARE WRITTEN [3 forma czasownika], including, beetroot, flour [flałe], allow [elał], hay [some hay is put under tablecloth], game, pastry [pejstri], ground, there can be [...turkey], pour [pooo]
extr@ 3
gorgeous, bet, rat, rat, to bet, cuddle [kadl], cheat, weird [łyird], to sweat, attached [etaczt], she was not pleased , then, then, then, yeah, sort of, to cheat, to stick, mousy, keep up, third time lucky, spray [sprej], let's get [...a drink], sweat, stick
edusat 11, 12, 13, 14
at the end [... I will tell you about], on a time [he is always...], at a party [i met her...], at least [they need to sleep...8 houres], take care, I don't mean that , therefore [derfor], at the bus stop, sheet, slippers, hardly, at once [do it at once], that's why {i like this that's why I'll buy this], various [wełries], QUILT [kłilt], on the plane, on the train, at the beginning [... I will tell you about...], cushion [kuszyn], most of all, at a concert, another time, roundabout [randabałt] [at the...turn right], depend [they depend on you], wash up, WHAT is the weather LIKE ?, aviator [ewijejter], at last, another day, next to the hotel is next to baker's
penquin readers 3/PSYCHO
proudly [prałdli], jealous, awake, learn, Without thinking ..., calm, wildly, [Norman's eyes darkened ] [darkend], to bring down [she brought the knife down straight into his heart], narrow, greedy, realise [relajz] [She didn't realise that someone was watching her], While [While he was writing, Bob called to him: bye ye], illnesses, whom , kidnap [I kidnapped her], politely [pelajtli], to narrow, She handed it him, belong, untidy [antajdi], to calm, steal, strangely, wrist, press, She hid it , sort [The sort of person who can never hurt anyone], notice, cellar [selee.r], tidy, rest [She rested her face in his hand ]
extr@ 4
willing, to creep, job vacancies [wejkensis], to ruin, lift, octopus, exquisite [exkłizit], beef, to ruin, privilege [privwilidż], confirmation [konfirmejszyn], stuntman, suit [suuut], he MIGHT offer me a promotion, ruin, launderette [ląndret], moped [mołped], divine [diwajn], wonder, to wonder [I wonder why], creep, privilege [priwilidż], to set the table[you must set the table ], broom, to suit [suuut], what about...[H as a waiter?]
edusat 15, 16
I USED TO run every morning, consists of, I want YOU TO be happy, make, average [awrydż], I want HIM TO be happy, advise [edwajz], even though [iwen doł], if only, insist, request, She wants ME TO be happy, request, remain [rimejn], however, set up [she set up her own company], I look forward [fołerd] [... TO seeING you], I want HER TO be happy (US, YOU,THEM), SHE MADE HIM apply for the job, besides [bisajds], as if [he treats them as if they were children], I AM USED TO beING on my own, don't have to [you...go to school], conscious [konszes] [People today are ...of ecology], I MADE it [make - made], treat [trit] [he treats them as if they were children], used to be [fur coats aren't fashionable as they...], I MADE HER go to school, I AM USED TO runNING, in case, I look forward [folerd] TO my trip, mustn't [you ... smoke in this office]
extra 5
audience [ołdiens], gravy, smooth, whisk, melt, your turn, to stain, vet, stain, adorable [edorybol], privacy [priwacy], what's going on ?, quid, tummy [tami], frying pan, advert , realise [relajz], ordinary [ordiniery], smooth, yolk, fridge, raid, stormy, exhausting [egzołsting]
edusat 17
to manage [I have manage to finish something on time], to pet, needn't [you ... do it], could (can) [I could read when I was 5.], pet, she was told [...not to play on the swing], swing [słing], need [walls need paintING], I was told, force [fors], to manage, pet, unless [this microphone won't work unless you connect the cables], to wonder
extra 6
ticket, prepare, to claim, rubbish [rabisz], resign [rezajn], ticket, I fed him [feed], to claim [now I can...my money], order, bit busy {I am...}, collect, trick, pick, solve [solw], bin, now get going !, prize, order, order, arrange [erendż], arrange [erendż], arrange [erendż], to pick, order, board, change [czeńcz], ticket, board, collect
angielski z mouscherem - plyta 8
tender [this meat is tender], tough [taf], I kept waking up, beginner, arrange [erendż] I like the way you arranged this room, frauds [don't give him any money, he's a fraud], lucky charm [czarm], bad luck, skis, arrange [erendż) my husband arranged the furniture in this room, have a bad luck, get stuck {I got stuck in the snow], what`s new ?, bright [brajt], mug[mag], traffic is light, tender, horseshoe, alarm clock, skid, rush hour, thief [fif], tender, skier [skijer], memorize lub learn by heart, rob [rab] [two men robbed a bank], scrambled [skrambold], forgetful, superstitions [superstyszyns], swallow [słoloł] [my dog swallowed the keys], construction [konstrakszyn], recent [we spent our recent vacation in california]
edusat 18
she BROUGHT some flowers [bring] {brot}, she TOLD journalists all the news [tell], baby SLEPT all night [sleep], they MET by a chance [meet], he CAUGHT the ball [catch] {kot], she SPENT a lot of money in a shoping centre [spend], he LIT a oil lamp [light], we LOST in 1999 [lose], she DREAMT about/of travelling last night {dremt}, she LEFT 10 min ego [leave], he SHOT all his amunition [shoot] [amuniszyn], heart, hy BROKE my heart [break], I didn't sleep AT ALL, last summer the shop SOLD a lot of produts [sell], he FELT l unwell yesterday [feel], he HURT me [hurt], the boy GOT his present, this car COST a lot of many [cost], by a chance [czans], upset [apset] [were you...], the girls LEARNT a lot yesterday [learn], john SENT a form yesterday [send], shy BOUGHT a lot of books last year [buy] {bot}, she TAUGHT children maths a few years ago [teach] {tot}, they BUILT a house last month [build], he SHUT the door [shut] {szat}, he KEPT a snake in the house [keep], he THOUGHT long and hard [think] {fot], she SMELT a flower [smell], he SAT naxt to me [sit] {set}
extr@ 7
resist [she can't resist me], bet, part, incredible [inkredibol], lie down [...please], to bet, rehearsing [rehasing] [I must continue...as Dr.], mood [mud] [she is in a strange mood today], to comfort, i am starving, emergency [emerdżenci], to tap, audience [ołdiens], wand [łond], at all [this won't hurt at all], biscuit [biskit], interrupt [interapt], drum [dram]
edusat 19
intend, who make this cake?, we made a delicious cake [make], she had her documents in her handbag [have], he intended to go south [sałf}, she didn't tell them anything about it., to sign [sajn], he became a welder [become], she HEARD it on the radio [hear], impatient [impejszent], she found documents in the street yesterday[fałnd] [find], he FORGOT to buy milk [forget], he paid for the tickets and left. [pay ; leave], he understood everything [understand], welder [łelde], good enough, he READ [red] his son a story [read - rid], was she late, she CAME to the office late [come], she GOT up eary [get], she said: thank you and good bay [say], she became impatient [become]
edusat 20
they BROKE the negotiations [break], she DROVE at night [drive], break down, I mustn`t go there, to oversleep, she SWAM [słem] so fast that nobody could overtake her, overtake, I BEGAN [begen] to thing about it [begin], sort out [I had to... a few things], she SPOKE with a quiet voice [speak], the price of petrol ROSE by 10% last year[rise], his car BROKE DOWW yesterday[break down], the boy DREW [dru] his family last night, you WROTE many letters last year [write], familiar [familia], they all RAN [ren] fast [run], I DRANK [drenk] lots of cups of stron tea yesterday [drink], IN a moment, mountains [małtyns], he RODE his bicycle in the mountains [ride] , draw [dro] [drew -dru ], he TOOk a dog for a walk [take], he FLEW [flu] 1000km last year [fly], he THREW [fru] a opponent on the floor [throw -froł], IN a while, she chose [czołs] red wine [choose-czuz], he WOKE UP at 5 am [wake up], she RANG [reng] me yesterday [ring], she SANG [seng] live well[sing], loan [lon], he GAVE her a ring [give], last year the earnings FELL [fall]
extra 8
toad [tołd], timber, casters, sparkling {water], midday [at ...], veneer [wenier], hedgehog [hedżhog], exhausted [egzołstyd], apply [eplaj], get rid of her, tighten, nightmare [najtmer], tenant [tenent], how dare you?, measure [merze], charge [czardż], messy, pet, I owe you {oł}, pity, slam, straighten [strejten]
edusat 21,22
they have STOLEN my credit card, just, she has read [red] many books, cover [kawe] [could you...for me, please?], so far, honest [onest], cover[kawe], have you ever WON anything ?, responsible [responsibol] [who is...for this], robert HAS LIVED here FOR 16 years, yet, WOULD you help me?, I have cut my finger, what has she done ?, I have never been to Egypy, octopus, she has never visited this place, recently [mary has lost weight...], favour [fejwer] [wolud you do me a...], already, have you ever BEEN in love ?, she has TAKEN a vamany days off recently, abroad [ebrod] [we couldn't go ...], have you ever SPOKEN to famous person?, days off, rude [rud], have you even EATEN an octobus, yet, lately [lejtli]
extr@ 9
remote [rimolt], madness, reveal [rewil], dash [must...], tight [tajt], might [he might get a part ], audition [o..łdiszyn], imagine [emadżin], depart [dipart], researcher [rizarczer], interfere, plum [plam], masterpiece, outfit [ałtfit], mysterious, research [risercz], tights [tajts], exhausted [egzołsted], cheeky [cziki], cheeky [cziki], tight
extr@ 10
owns [onns] [mr john owns channel 9], mention [menszyn] [did i ... it?], mascara, march, suffering , worth [łerf], cruelty [kruylti], horrid [hoooryd], proper , introduce [introdjuc], couple [kapo...l], get going [now get gong 1 ], split [have they split up ? ], march, spare [sper], wonder [łonder], wonder [łonder], sanctuary [sankczuri]
edusat 23 i 24
what were you doing at 9 pm?, the price of oil has risen since last month, she has GIVEN UP smoking, have you heard [herd] news ?, sha hasn`t CHOSEN a boy yet, tommorow at 3 pm , I will be writting a letter, she has worked for them since they bought the company, I haven`t swum {słam}since I was at school, I will be sunbathing on sunday at 5pm, she has been in love with him since she met him, What will you be doing tommorow at 5 pm, he hasn`t COME [kam] to the party, he has TOLD me a story, sightseeing [sajtsing], greasy, you have GROWN so much, she has never FELT so good., celebrate [selebrejt], improve [imprów], I have already drunk [drank] fives cups of tea, yesterday at 3 p.m., I was writting letter
extr@ 11
AT LEAST MINE is natural, they won`t be able to resist me, invite, skill, ironing [it`s your ...], suntan , I am fed up !, furious [filries], resist, chaperones [szaperołns], hang on, notice, able [ejbol], obvious [obwies], fit in, I can't wait
edusat 25
I want you to do something, I would like US to go on holiday, rarely [rełli], I want HER to cook dinner, ask HIM to slow down, I would like US to be hapy, ask HER to stay, I wolud like THEM to buy the house, can you tell HIM to slow down ?, I want Kate to write the letter, I own a house, I want HER to send the letter, I would like HER to cook dinner, tell HEr to pay me, how much do you weigh?, I want john to mop the floors, envy [onvi] [I envy you], weigh, I want Mery to cook dinner, I would like HIM to mop floors, I would like THEM to make a goog film, I wolud like YOU to be reach, I want HIM to teach me, I want HIM to clean floors
edusat 26 i 27
Novels are read [3 forma] [red], my wallet has been stolen, I will be invitED [-ed], fall off the chair, the houses are decoratED [-ed], the letter SHOULD BE sent [3 forma] next week, The houses were decoratED [-ed], this house was built [3 forma; - ed] by my father, In two hours, she is looking AT you, Kris MAY BE promoted [ed], the book has been written [3 forma], they are going to move out, she is going to fall off the chair in a moment, the prices will/going to rise in july, I was ivitED [-ed], books will be written [3 forma], Papers are delivered [-ed] every day, the book WAS BEING WRITTEN [3 forma], she is goin to have a baby, It CAN BE done [3 forma], the houses will be decoratED [-ed], books were written [3 forma], mow the lawn [moł the lołn], Books are written [3 forma], the novels will be read [3 forma] [red], I am invitED [-ed], the decision will be taken [3 forma] by prime minister
extra 19
vain [wejn], fit, pressure [preszer], audition [ołdyszyn], prepare [priper], bend , fit, blindfold, fancy, pressure [preszer]
extr@ 12
on the contrary [kontrery], nearly ready, refreshments, bear [beer], can you PASS the crisps ?, last [but it lasts for weeks], I am pleased [plizd], emergency [emerdżensi], supporter, pants [pents], childish [czajdisz] [you're so...], matter [mete] [footbal is a...of life and death, at least [...he's a real man], at what time is match ? , prepare [...to die], bear [beer] [I can't bear it], ribbon , finally [fajnely], crisps, midday, disaster, do i care ?
angielski z mouscherem 9
celebrate [everyone celebrates Carnivaol in Rio], wimpl [łimp]Jas is such a wimp, blabbermouth [blebermałf], Jacek is a TOP-NOTCH pilot [natcz], dense [dens] , colorful [kaleful], egghead, carnival [karniwol], he's very DOWN to EARTH, blab, throw [froł], dreamer, genius [dżynis], nincompoop, advice
edusat 28
the room is used in the summer, The TV was turned on, letters HAVE BEEN ANSWERED, I was shown..., letters WILL BE ANSWERED, this is made in china, the books were written [3 forma], were you intrested by this story ?, the books will be written [3 forma], he WAS GIVEN 2 days [on dostal../jemu dano], we WERE expexted to stay at home [bylismy oczekiwani w domu], The books have been written [3 forma], letters are answerED, portable [portebol], I was questioned about..., task, I am allowed... [alełd], nothing more will be said [nic wiecej nie bedzie powiedziane], letters WERE ANSWERED, She was showed the way [jej zostala pokazana droga], I was told that ..., I was offered, invisible [inwizibol], allow, I am pleased [... to see you], all kinds of things, this skirt can`t be washed, WHO WROTE THIS BOOK ?, the books are written [forma], It must be dry-cleaned, hand in, letters ARE BEING ANSWERED
extr@ 13
to sacrifice, face [we will face this together], I meant a dress , reflect , emergency service, sacrifice, interfere [interfie], courtesy [kortosi], feast, I won't let her , stag night , rubbish , hunk, bridesmaid [brajdsmejt], reception venues, rubbish , accurately [akiuretli], suppose, suit [suuut] [it wouldn't suit me], it will mean that ..., vain, decent, suppose, flame, bride, wonder [I wondered if...]
edusat 29
she has given a book TO ME, he will be told the news, the meeting was cancelled, the job was offered to john, she has given me a book, he was told..., he is going to be told the news, the money was paid to me, the house was shown to me, peter has been offered a job, john was offered the job, he is being shown the house, the story was told to me, greg IS GOING TO BE offered a job, he taught them english [tołd], lend [... some money TO ME], she has shown him a house, the men were paid to do the job, I was given a rise, the rise was given TO me, he has given a ticket TO ME, he is going to teach them French, he has been shown a house, somebody is going to tell him the news, john is being offered the job, they will be taught [tołd] French, he SHOWED me the house, the concert will be organized in W[orgenejzd], they ARE GOING TO BE taught French, he has given me a ticket, it has been done., john will be offered the job
extr@ 14
plenty, odd, obvious [obwiec], inner [... calm], dash, sour [sała], pretend [pritend], prawn [prołn], hunt, will you behave ?, realise [rilajz], unusual [anjużuol], filthy [filfi]
edusat 30
whenever, I can be asked some difficult questions, borrow, close, unless, it is said [...that they work 15 hours a day], I wolud do it but..., he will be shown the house, he may ask her , willing, john must be offered a job, she wouldn`t be willing..., melt, unpleasant, it is understood that [..this contract is ok], would you make me a cup of tea ?, wise [łajs], might, will, as long as, he might tell him, it is believed [...that women live longer than men], if you don't eat for a long time, you become hungry, it dosen't work if there is no petrol, would you do this for me?, it is expected [...that the crisis will end in 2012], it is supposed, if you heat ice, it melts, he wouldn`t earn so much, would you do me a favour, as soon as
edusat 31 - czasowniki modalne
ought to [ot tu], I must go and visit him, perform, I won`t be able to come, he OUGHT NOT drink so much, he shall become our next president, I should buy a new car, jane couldn`t be at the office. she was sick, you ought to stop smoking [ot tu], one day we shall all die, will you be able to help me, I will be able to do it, I could swim when I was 2 years old, perform, you can`t be serious, value [welju], musiec, likelihood [lajklihud], you should study more often, they must be in england now, might I help you ?, may I help you ?, Could you help me?, may I smoke here ?, gold ought to increase in value, I shall naver forget you, this might be the answer, shall we dance ?, shall we go ?, you shouldn`t eat so many sweets, we must get up early tomorrow, david may (ewent. might] invite mary to the party
extr@ 15
bouncer, splinter, duty, at least, cause [kołz], arrange [erejndż], chew [czu], mate [mejt], duty [djuty], confidential [konfidenszjal], remove, prick, wimp [łimp], entry, prick, needle, brick, impress
edusat 32
they are SAID to be the heads of state, ancient [enszynt], she is SAID to have manners, it is SAID to be a good source of income, precious [preszys], contemporary [kontenprery], ageless [ejdżles], approximately [aprokimetli], display, sculptor [skalpter], regarding, gem [dżem], stunning, plenty, tan [ten], drift away, circuit [serkit], raise, feature [ficze], source [sors], he IS SAID to be rich, almost [olmołst], narrow [naroł], entirely [intarli]
extr@ 16
skrzypce, co się dzieje ?, gdzie byles ?, fuj, przytulic, przed, zatrzymany [jest ...], slipki, kolega, zwiac, uciec, pędzić [musze pedzic]
edusat 33
once, inhabitants, maze [mejz], captur [kapter], notice [nołtis], I proud OF their, ...such as: .., sadness, wide [łajd], purpose [perpes], consider, defend, shape, industrial, nowadays, west OF Poland, as well as, carpet, according [...to the general opinion], target, adult [edalt], to enter, cause [kołz], fall apart , serve
extra17 i 18
nails [nejls], stuff, frighten [frajten], charge, involve, sort out, to suit [suut], sneeze, pollution [poluszon], slide , clever, stuff, whether [i dont know...I`ve passed or feiled], contest, at present, chimney [czimny], rare [ree], fairy [fery], paw [poł], tow [toł], pass, warden [łorden], stuff, recent, reptile [reptajl], surely [szerli], environment [inwaroment], fussy [fasi]
edusat 34 i 35
main, she has seen it, lately, what has she done ?, cover [kawer], I WAS married 5 years, below [biloł], already, robert has lived here since 1990, she had done business with me, spirit of freedom, have you been married for 15 years ?, shutter [szater], I have watched 3 films this week, she has read (red) many books, just, have you ever been to Warsaw ?, I have learnt a lot about the history of the country., how long have you been married?, she has lost weight recently, tomb [tumb], I have LOST a credit card, equal [ikul], how long have you lived here ?, bank, I have cut my finger, robert has lived here for 16 years, owner [olner[, next to it, acclaim [ekleim], advert, grant
edusat 36
they have gone out [gon alt], she has built a house, he has given her a gift, he hasn`t felt well recently, she has broken her arm, they have eaten dinner, she has GONE to the market, have you ever SPOKEN to a famous person?, she has SPENT a lot of money, The meeting has just started, I have just finished, she has caught a fish (kot), he has forgotten to call me, dhe has brougt up many children, he has bought a house recently, have you been to cairo yet?, she has BURNT all the wood, have you ever won (łan) e competition ?, has anybody ever STOLEn your money? yes they have, I have known him since 1990, I haven`t been to NY YET, she has got the message, have you finished YET ?, I have already cooked dinner, she has found the present [fałnd], bring up, she has naver visited this place [wizityd], have you ever eaten an octopus ?, the price of oil has risen since last month, I haven`t finished YET, he has drawn [drooon] the sun, I have already prepared my clothes for tomorrow
extr@ 20
flea [fli], roll over , kettle [ketl], scarf, ribbon, spiritual [spiryczul], lamppost, either [ajwer], to train, get rid , gets rid, slap , it gets rid of fleas, impress, allow [elał], vet, tied up [tajd ap], train, souvenir [suwenier], jewellery [dżulri]
edusat 37
nobody will have to be responsible for anything, you must do it / you have do it, he is going to develophis skills, develop [dywelop], he woludn`t earn so much..., would you make me a cup of tea ?, i didn`t have to do it, it isn`t going to work [łerk], skill, nobody will have to wait for anything, nobody will coma [kam], nobody will have to do anything, i`m not going anywhere, what is she going to do ?, you haven`t to do it, would you do this for me ?, willingly, would you do me favour ? [fejwe], who is going to do this ?, you must not do it, I would do it willingly but, she is going to apply for this job, apply for [eplaj], did you have to read this ?, are you going anywhere ?, you had to do it, somebody will have to do it, did I have to do it ?, did you have to stay at home ?, nothing will happen [hepen], host [hołst], did you ask anybody?
extra 21
certainly [sertenli], juggle [dżagel], affair [afer], obvious [obwes] [it`s so...], react, arrangement [erejdżment], mention [menszyn], whatever, mention [menszyn], fairies [feris], posh , apply [eplaj], dress up, apply [eplaj], entertainer [ententejner], booking
edusat 38-zdania warunkowe
it doesn`t work if there is no petrol, she will not pay the bills if she dosen`t have money, I will go with you if I have some spare time, i will stay at home if it rains, it works if you turn the key, he is jealous when you speak to his wife, I will clean the room if you do the washing up, if you don`t eat for a long time, you become hungry, similar [simila], i will go for a walk if the weather IS nice, we will go ob holiday if we have enough money, provided [prowajdyt], as long as, we will agree to worka long time if you pay us overtime, she will stay for the weekend if she is not to busy, whenever [łenewe], what will you say if she asks you about it ?, if she asks me about it i will have to tell her the truth, it dosen`t work if there is no light, what will you do if she asks for your the phone number, wise [łajs], unless [anles], we will have a more time if he works for us, I will hoover the carpets if you water the plants, he is envious when you are successful, i will help uou if you promise to be good, if I HAD a million $, i WOLUD buy a house, if you heat ice, it melts, if the sea is stormy, the waves are high, condition [kondyszyn] [on condition that], it dosen`t work if there are no student, envious [enwies]
extr@ 22
psychic [sajkik], rubbish [rabisz], fortune-teller , fortune [forczun], beware [biłe]
extr@ 30
apart, affair [efer], confirm, tickle [tikel], poached [połczd] [cooked, boiled], suspicious [suspyszes], fried [frajd], fork, pepper [can you pass me pepper ], apart from me, sort [what sort of egg is it]
edusat 39
If I were you, I would drive more carefully in the rain, If I won the lottery, I would give all the money to charity -czrity], if I WERE you I WOULD try to talk to him , if I weren`t on a diet, I would have some cheesecake for dessert, If they offered me the job, I would probably take it, what would you do if you found a wallet in the street?, common, if joe were here, we would have some fush for supper, If I were 10 years younger, I would learn many foreign languages, If i were 10 years younger, I would go on a trip around the world, can I speak to mary please ?, If we received credit, we could expand, If I were you..., what would you do if you didn`t work ?, If I SPOKE [speak] Japanese , I wolud try on find a job with one of he japanese banks, if dogs had wings, they could fly, If he WERE a young man, he would walk faster, If I had a money, I would develop my private business, what would you do if you had a lot of money?, chris would be a better student if he participated in the class more often, IF I were you I would quit smoking, what would you do now if you were 10 years younger?, if i found a wallet i would take it to the police station, kate would be sad if mark left her, If my computer was stolen, I would lose months of work, what would you do if you had a lot of time?
extr@ 23
I overslept, tin, at all, dare [de...r], upset [apset], he's been gone for ages, honestly, coincidence [koinsedens]
edusat 40
they have improved their english since last year, we haven`t learnt languages since the school day, she hasn`t spoken to him for a week, she hasn`t seen him since mary was born, he hasn`t run since 6 months, we have been in Poland for 6 months, improve, I will be sunbathing [sanbejwing], she hasn`t been to oxford for 20 years, yesterday at 3 pm I WAS WRITING a letter, I was watching TV, I was walking my dog, What were they doing when the accident happened?, are you afraid of spiders ?, what was he doing when Mary rang ?, Whan Mary rang he was sleeping, we have had it for 10 years, When the accident happened l, they were walking in the street, what are you afraid of ?, she hasn`t drunk since yesterday, what will you be doing on sunday at 11 pm?, what were you doing when she came in, who are you afraid of ?, we haven`y seen each other for 2 years, I was riding my bicycle, What were you doing at 10 am ?, she hasn`t seen her since Mary left school, he hasn`t painted for ages, I will be swimming
extr@ 24
yes, sort of, persuade [persłejd], remind [rimajnd], currently [karentli], forced [forsd], attend [itend[, rehearse [rihers], routine [rłutin], in the event, chest [czest], wig [łig], adopt [edopt] [...position]
edust 41
what is it made of ?, I have been sitting here since 8 o`clock, she has been writing the raport since 12, surgery [serdżery], lungs, thermometer [fermomite], could you book a taxi for me, please ?, she has been crying for 2 hours, I would like to book a table at your place for 4 people on the 20th March at 19, kidney [kidni], could i have any painkillers?, I have lost my filling, I would like to have a blood test done, I have been cooking since 12, can i get them without prescription?, smoking or non-smoking ?, I have been running that`s why I am tired, where can I change my baby`s nappy ?, when will it arrive ?, she has been cooking since 9 am, we have been waiting for an hour and we are starving, unfortunately it seems there is a mistake on my bill [anforczunetli], he has been working on his car all morning, do you serve vegetarian dishes ?, there will be a small child with us , he has been reading all evening, spine [spajn], I have been waiting for you for 3 hours, what does it contain?, bandage [bendidż], he has been watching tv for 3 hours, something for my sore throat ?
extr@ 25
veal [wil], prepare [priper], precious [preszys], tidy up [tajdi], won't you, boys ?, pretend, afterwards, nibbles [nibuls], rely [rilaj], sickly, raw [roł], resist, preview
edust 42
checkup, hire [hajer], provide, disabilities, valid [valid driving licence], boot, I broke my tooth while eating, boot, I wolud like to have a shave, I would like to enroll my child in you nursery, dental, do I need to bring any documents ?, tap, trim [I wolud like trim my hair a little bit], hairstyle, I would like to book a holiday, infant, enroll
extr@ 26
managed, charity czrity], to drill, suspect [saspekt], butcher, spot[, urgent [ardżent], drill, beautician [biutyszyn], investigate [inwestigejt] [I`m here to... a robbery], accuse [ekiuz], summarise [sammrajs], gentle [dżentyl]
edusat 43
lookk for [I was looking for the document for 2 hours, carry out [we carried out many experiments], answer back, carry on [can we carry on?], turn up [she turned up], look up [I looked the world up in the dictionary], bring up [I was brought up in the country;I`d like...one mportant point], chicken out, cheer up !, calm down, what`s on ?, break up [they broke up 2 days ago], call in [she called in last Saturday], burn down [the whole house burnt down], come up to [she came up to me and asked me a question], we are over, be down with [he is down with the flu], be off [I am off], bring back [can you bring the book back?], be over [the recession is over], pick up [I picked up the books], be out [peter is out; the fire is out], blow up [they blew up this hpuse with dynamite], ask out [he asked me out yesterday], be for [I am for the proposal], add up [does it add up], ask for [he asked me for some money yesterday] , be about to [I was just about to ring you], look into [they are looking into the case], break in/into [the thief broke in when I was in the shop], back up [please back me up at the meeting], ask about [he ask me about last night]
extr@ 27
flatmate [fletmejt], least [list], bite [bajt] [don`t bite !], whispering [łispering], brush off [we will just brush this fellow off], baboon [babun], temptation [temptejszyn], clever, realise, persuade [persłejd], what happened to marty?, appreciate [apriszejt], fellow, taste [tejst], mind, prize [prajz], persuasive [persłejsyw], mind you... ? [hector does sound like a dog`s name, doesn`t it?], I would hate to see you again, to dump [he dumped you], give up [it`s just 24 hours of giving up our favourite things], dump [damp]
extr@ 28
pity, grotto [groto...ł], naughty [noty, complaining, sleigh [slej], easter [ista], raisins
edusat 44
cross out [cross the dress out. I don`t have many], come up [your name came up in the conversation], face up to sth [you will need to...consequences], eat out [shall we eat out tonight?, get around [how are you getting around the town], hang up, get rid of [you need to get rid of this coat.It`s so old now., draw up [we should ... the agreement today], let down [don`t me let me down please], keep on [just keep on smiling], fall apart [the box fell apart when he opened it], hand in/hand out [I handed in my notes yesterday], draw out [I drew out money from the bank], make up [did they make up ?], look down on [he looks down on us beacouse we are not as rich as he is, cut back on [We should cut back on our expenses], draw up [the car drew up pn the side of the road], cut in [would you stop cutting in please!], cut off [if you don`t pay the bills, they will soon cut you off], I look forward to seeing you/to our meeting], lay off [they laid off many employees last month], give back, do with [i could do with something to eat], cut up [the boy cut up all the paper], give in [don`t give in], figure out [can you ... who did it?], find out [I found out about his dark side...], count on [you can always ... me], keep up [i like to keep up with the news], go with [this skirt will go with your shoes], do without [I can do without such problems], give away
extra 29
button, knot, lad, proper, tying, creepy, aid [first aid] [ejd], badge [badż], shape
pick on [they usually pick on those who can`t defend themselves], I am saying this because I care for you, can I ask you for help, please ?, run out of sth [my petrol is running out, can you tell me where the nearest petrol station is?], can you turn on the light, please ?, stand for [what does EU stand for], put up with [I can`t put up with him. he plays on my nerves too much], stand out [he clearly stands out from the rest], set back [it set me back $1000], pick up [can you pick up some foles from the office], show up [why didn`t you show up for the meeting?], pass out [she passed out when she heard the news], who did you ask out ?, my car broke down yesterday, odejsc/umrzeć [starsza pani Odeszła ostatniej nocy, run into [I ran into Miike the other day], put up [can you put me up for the night?], I must get rid of it immediately, set up [we set up the meeting for thursday], he came across as a professional (man), we must call off the meeting, what time do I need to check in and out of the hotel?, I look forward to our meeting, what`s going on ? [what`s up?], pass on [can you pass on the message Mike ?, put back [can you put it back, please?], take after [she really takes after her mother], if you want to catch him you must go to his office now beacouse he is about to leave in a second, what did she ask you about?
edusat 46
turn back [you need to ...and turn right], work out [she works out 5 times a week][you must... a solution to this], wait on , wrap up [It`s really cold, remember to wrap up], wait for [...me, please], throw up [he was throwing up for two hours], throw away/out [don`t throw it away, I will need it], write down [...all the details, please], turn up [guess who turned up at the party ], turn down [ she turned down his offer], admit [he won`t admit to it, will he?], take up [she has just taken up tennis], watch out for [when you are crossing the road watch out for the cars], it turn out..., tell off [he told me off in front of all the people], turn out [after all he turned out to be an honest man], wear out {i need a new dress. this one is totally worn out], certain [sertyn] [you are ..., aren`t you?]
edusat 47
female [fimel], everybody else, to start it off, One can...[... hear accents in L], if you don`t mind, what a shame, it may have been, it might have been, answers to questions, kindly, refer, yet, it would have been, it could have been, influx [inflaks] [...of people], assume, barmaid, weekly pass, recognize, associate [esojsjet], it should have been, parallel, it must have been, so that [...so that I could hear your English], parallelly, spot, what made you go to London?, mean of transport, since when?